Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday Vlog Style!

Hello loves! TGIT (that's right, Thank Goodness it's THURSDAY) and we all know what Thursday means don't we? Time for ...


Usually I post tons of random photos, of whatever event or occasion I want, and tell y'all about 'em.  Well, today's a little different.  I decided I wanted to show y'all what I come home to every day.  My big love of a Koda bear.  And what's the FIRST thing he wants to do?  Even after not having pee'ed for over 11 hours?  Eat.  That's right.  He bucks like a bronco when I ask him if he wants dinner.  It's pretty cute.  So here you go, here's a little glimpse of my evenings with Koda bear (and yes his name is JUST Koda, but I add the bear as a term of endearment, amongst many others including Bubbers (I know, jigga what?  I have no idea), Punkies (again, no idea, not to mention most of these are said in baby-speak) and Stinker (and he actually smells pretty good, well, most of the time ...).  So, without further adieu, here you go.  Please ignore my ridiculous baby speak.  I don't know how to talk any different with him.  And sometimes my Mister, but that's neither here nor there.  Shhhhhhhhh let's just pretend I didn't say that.  Shhhhhhhhh ...

And that's IT for today!  I felt y'all needed a break from my long-winded post-a-thons.  So PWEASE feel free to link up and play along.  Grab my button, post random pictures from ANYTHING you want, explain or don't and then come back and tell us about it.  TGIT!!!


  1. That is soooooo stinkin cute! loved the video! You are gonna be an awesome mommy!! You already are to your little Kota and he loves cute.....
    loved this post and your cute....

    loves ya
    Summer :0)

  2. LOL you are funny with the baby speak...I cant wait till you have baby fulmer and you can take tons of videos!

  3. Ooops I meant Koda....sorry I spelled all wrong hahahah

  4. That was a graet video! It made my morning! I wish we lived closer so we could get our 2 labs out for a play!

  5. Aww! So cute! I swear, Koda and Lucy would be BFF...She does the same thing, but my little (who am I kidding, she's huge) girl HAS to take care of business before she eats!!

  6. He's such a cutie!!!

  7. Sorry about posting my link twice.. it gave me an error message the first time. :(

    I love your names for your puppy.. Roxy goes by just about everything BUT Roxy!

  8. Aww so cute! My Ali has tons of names too!

  9. So cute!! Dixon-monster does something similar. Got to love our babies!!

  10. Cute!! He loves you so much :)

  11. Love the baby talk.. I should post my crazy dog(s).. Drake our lab is quite possibly the most energetic lab I've ever met.. They should be friends I love yellow labs we're studding Drake out here soon to a mommy lab who had an albino pup last time she littered.

  12. Anonymous6/10/2010

    Is his name just Koda or is it short for Dakota? I have a yellow lab and his name is Dakota and we call him Koda Bear too!! It's so funny. Love your post! I'll try and do it next week.

  13. OH my gosh I LOVE this. I totally posted a random picture on my blog today that is so appropriate with your linky party! Yay! :) Happy thursday!!!

  14. I baby talk to my dog too. Never thought I would but I do! Love the video! :-)

  15. Can Koda be my roomie when I come visit?

  16. I definitely baby talk with West Wing haha! You & Koda are too cute!!

  17. First of all I must say that I like your voice.. HAHA ... its true though and its so weird to finally hear someone's voice after reading their blog and emailchatting with them for so long. Second - your dog is awesome. Third - I wish I had to pet to film. Maybe I'll try to catch Mr. Bear on tape tonight... hopefully doing his "I wear no pants" dance. =0)

  18. aw soooo stinkin cute! this makes me want to post a video of my puppies :)

  19. Aww, your puppy is just darlin'! Cute video!

  20. So cute...I love it

  21. TOO cute!! Love it

  22. soooo freakin CUTE!! i want him!!! like, BAD! and your voice is super cute! haha thats how i talk to my dog (my baby) too! :)

  23. Aww...I want one!! Maybe when we get a house :-)
