Monday, August 16, 2010

Who Does That?

Me, that's who.  Of what do I speak of?  First of all, HELLO loverlies I hope you all had wonderful WONDERFUL weekends!  I did, 'specially cause this guy finally came home from his 7 DAY business trip to Orlando ...

{No this wasn't recent.  This was before sweet little Caleb made his momma all pudgey.  In a cute sort of way of course!  This was about 3 years ago on our trip to Mexico for my cousin's wedding.}

Which is good, because while he was gone I felt like this ...

{Same trip.  Apparently there was a silly face theme going on on this trip ...}

So I snuggled with this guy all week long and he kept me company ...

{Last Thanksgiving.  With my Koda bear.}

I also had some WONDERFUL surprise visitors but that will be a different post.  We didn't take pictures, however we're going to make up for it.  I'll give you a hint, it's a fellow blogger.  However I know her in real life and read her blog as a result.  We met at good ol' BU.  And I miss her.  Tons.  And her darling (brand new) baby girl.  Okay, that's a lot of hints.  Like I said, more on that tomorrow.

So, back to the "Who Does That?" portion of this post.  SINCE I am preggers and trying to make my hair as completely non-difficult and be as lazy cute as possible, I've been wearing a lot of pigtails.  With hats.  And possibly pushing my hair to it's washing limits.  Don't judge me, it takes a long time to dry and straighten this mess on my head.  Don't worry, I bathe.  I just may skip-a-roo a day (or two) with the hair washing and straightening.  And I can't believe I just admitted that to the blogosphere.  I hope you'll all still be my friend.  But HEY my stylist says it's GOOD for your hair!  I promise I always smell good (unless I've spent the day running through an airport preggers in the summer, in that case no one would smell good ...)  Okay, I'm done defending myself.  So, whilst trying to "touch up" the straightness of the pigtails that I was sporting on Saturday, I went in with the straightener to clamp down one of the piggies ... except I clamped a little too far.  And by little I mean ...

ALL the way in, to my neck.  Whereafter I SHOUTED mumbled a few too many four letter words, but don't worry I said "earmuffs" to Caleb first.  I'm sticking with my idea that he knew what that meant.  The burn quickly stopped hurting so I thought I was fine.  When I initially looked in the mirror it looked like the picture above but less red so I thought I was in the clear.  However when I went out to get my morning bagel and Starbucks the thing felt like someone was putting a cigarette out on my neck.  Non stop.  For about an hour.  And by the time I joined my family for dinner Saturday night it looked like this ...

Like I've been branded.  By Hurley.  You know, the California surfing line?  Needless to say, I officially have the coolest hickey ever.  Too bad the Mister was out of town so I definately didn't have any fun getting it. (TMI?  Sorry mom ...) Thankfully it doesn't hurt, however if you've ever wondered what happens if you try and flat iron your neck, well there you have it.  Wonder no more.  This is as close to a tattoo as I'll ever get folks.  And apparently my tattoo of choice is the Hurley logo?  Funny, I would've thought it'd be a cross or our wedding date.  You know, something more meaningful?  And somewhere besides my neck.  Good thing this one will disappear soon ...

And that's pretty much the extent of my excitement this weekend loves.  Today, the Mister and I had a breakfast, lunch and dinner date to catch up for the week/weekend of dates we missed over the last 7 days.  Besides that and watching the worst movie ever, To Paris With Love (does that or does that not sound like a romantic comedy and NOT a movie about John Travolta and the worst actor ever shooting everything they come in contact with for about an hour and 25 minutes?  I'm just sayin' ...) we had a low key, golf watching, (which equates to me napping and sleeping the best sleep ever, golf is to me what Ambien is to most people) lazy-being kind of Sunday.  Which are the best in my opinion!  I hope your weekends were fantasmic as well and that you refrained from causing yourself any bodily harm as I did!


  1. Crazy that it totally looks like the Hurley symbol! Don't worry about the non-hair washing an ex-stylist it really is better for your hair! Sometimes I can mine stretch 3-4 days and still look super fab!

  2. OMG! That is like a friggin' battle wound! Geez!

  3. Poor Katie! I saw the pic on facebook, Ive done that but never as badly!! Hope it gets better soon. Glad you and the Mr got some quality time together :)

  4. Anonymous8/16/2010

    your hair looks totally cute in that photo with your dog, i'm contemplating chopping mine short again...

    oh my goodness, i've never 'branded' myself that badly before, although i've had a few close calls with my curling iron. i hope it heals quickly!

  5. Oh my goodness! That looks so painful!

  6. Haha the Hurley logo...too funny! I hope it doesn't hurt too bad...those are never fun!

  7. Yikes! Glad it looks worse than it feels!

  8. Ouch, I burned my neck really bad in college and have always been edgy around my straightener since.

  9. Ouch! That looks painful. I've accidently stepped on a flat iron in college, left a nice blister on my foot lol.

  10. That burn looks like it would hurt! :( Hope it's getting better quickly.

  11. OUCH! that looks so painful!!

  12. So glad your man is back - first of all! :)

    But dang girl - you really hurt yourself didn't you! That just looks painful! Here's hoping it heals quickly!

  13. I just did that this morning to myself and I thought of you (b/c I read it on your fb). I guess our friendship is now branded :)

  14. That does look like Hurley branded you.. So sorry burns hurt bad lots of Neo!

  15. Ive done that. it hurts sooo bad.

  16. Ouch!! Burns hurt so bad because they keep hurting for hours even after it happens. So sorry!

  17. Oh no! I've done that before and it hurt so bad and left an ugly mark for a few days...not fun!

  18. OMGosh....that looks like it hurts SOOOO bad!! Hope that it heals soon for you, poor thing!! :(

  19. That looks bad! I hope you've got some cream on it so it won't scar!

  20. "golf is to me what Ambien is to most people"......absolutely hilarious! Hope your neck gets better soon.

  21. OUCH!! I've clamped one of those puppies down on my poor unsuspecting ear before - not fun! Burns are the worst!

    hehee, earmuffs!

  22. Anonymous8/20/2010

    Oh no! That burns is crazy-hopefully it goes away soon!
