Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Think I've Created A Monster ...

A big, white, furry, 80 lb one to be exact.  You see, when the Mister's out of town Koda gets to sleep in bed with me.  He KNOWS that when daddy's home, he sleeps in his own bed.  He won't even attempt trying with those brown puppy dog eyes to coerce us into letting him into bed.  And by us I mean the Mister.  Well yesterday, while I was being an awesome housewife cleaning, I returned to our bedroom to find the following ...

... I think someone's a little spoiled.  Hopefully I'm a little less of a pushover with Caleb.  We'll see how that works out ...


  1. Haha! He IS spoiled, but he deserves it!! You better not forget about K when Caleb arrives ... or I will hunt you down!

    Speaking of, Lucy has a little somethin', somethin' for the big bro to be! :)

  2. My pup has been a bed sleeper since day 2 of us having her and realizing this whining in the crate thing would not work. She is such a good bed sleeper, although only 10 lbs, she manages to move all over the bed. She especially loves to put her head on my pillow like a human! At night when she's tired she will sit at the edge of the bed and wait for someone to put her on the bed, she can't jump up...LOL.

  3. Aw thats so adorable I love your zebra shelves they are so cute.

  4. He is spoiled.......the only way for a dog to be!! :>)

  5. Ooooh you in trouble! :) We caught Drake sitting on the couch a few times! My bf is out of town lately and I keep thinking I should let him on the bed too but he snuggles like right on top of me and I can't move lol

  6. How freaking cute is he! Mine are the same way- those eyes- i just cant resist and then they officially get away with ANYTHING! He is too prescious!

  7. Our pup doesn't usually sleep in our bed (simply because she's too big and gets too hot) but I always find her laying on it when I'm puttering around the house during the day.

  8. Shoot, my cat sleeps on my PILLOW!

  9. soooo cute! Looks like my 75 lb yellow lab when my hubby is out of town. :)

  10. Awww so cute! I love the letters above the bed :)

  11. I think i have one too!! Abby just loves getting on the bed, when her Daddy is not around!!

    Love the letter above the bed!!

  12. ummm. . . meeeee toooo. . . when Nate is away, GUS RULES the bed!!!!! :-) But when Nate is home, Gus sleeps right next to mommy (but on the ground). . . Our furry friends make life so much more fun! :-)

  13. The first night we had Jexi we tried to have her sleep next to me in her bed on the floor but she kept walking around and eventually jumped on our bed and ever since then she has slept quietly in bed with us every night. She's tiny though and is usually by our feet :-)

  14. He is too cute to say no!! Lol
    LOVE your bedding!

  15. He's so cute though!! I let our dog on the bed all the time, as long as he's not on the sheets. It's hard not to spoil such a sweet face! Me=pushover.

  16. How funny! Jack and Marley have been doing the same thing since I have been staying home...they would NEVER do that with Daddy!

  17. I have the same soon-to-be 80lb problem. His eyes are pretty much impossible to resist

  18. Aww Koda!! What a beautiful bedroom!
    I must have missed your post with baby Caleb's name! I love that name <3

  19. Awwww.....how could you NOT let that cute little thing into bed!?!? It is going to get crowded with ALL 4 of you come Novemver :)

  20. So cute! I love your bedroom! At least you only have one dog in bed, I always have two. Granted they are only about 15 pounds each...

  21. Haha!! He better enjoy it while the mister isn't there!

  22. That is so cute! I really wish we could teach our dogs not to sleep on our bed, but when they were little baby puppies I was a sucker for their puppy dog eyes and let them climb in bed with us.........Now that they are full grown and each way 60+ pounds I am seriously regretting my decision!

  23. So cute! Love your bed!

  24. Oh my gosh, Koda and Dixon-monster must have been separated at birth... I have given up on keeping him off the bed! Hugs to you and Koda!!
