Monday, September 27, 2010

Wedding Outfit SUCCESS!

Happy Monday loverlies!  I hope your weekends were fantasmic.  Mine was eventful but relaxing.  Just the way I like 'em.  Friday night the Mister and I laid around the casa and watched some of our DVR'ed shows while I finished painting these for little man's room ...

 Nothing too spectacular, hopefully they'll look okay.  And let me just say regarding our DVR'ed shows, thank GOODNESS The Office is back on.  It's about dang time, I was getting SICK of reruns!  And um, let's just say the opening scene alone would've done it for me to serve as the whole episode.  H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.  Saturday I went to a luncheon to get to know my cousin Landon's fiance, Anna, a little better (they're getting married in December, more than likely my first night away from little man, eek!).  I think she's going to fit into our family just FINE.  She's got a great sense of humor, is really easy to talk to and just seems like an all around awesome girl.  But I wouldn't excpect any less from Landon.  He's quite possibly one of my funniest cousins I have.  They live in LA but will be having the wedding here so she's having to fly back and forth for appointments here and there.  Then on Saturday night we had the wedding.  And I will tell you I didn't find the shoes (frowny face) BUT I did find some other darling ones and decided to wear it with a dress I got for $10 at Kohl's.  And let me say not until AFTER I saw the pictures of myself did I realize that I actually DID look like Violet Beauregard from Charlie in the Chocolate Factory after she blueberry-afies.  Don't believe me?  Here's proof ...

Seriously, I might as well have watched the movie and then tried to look just like her.  But it's okay because I was comfortable and didn't feel TOO gigantic.  Which is all I can hope for these days.  On top of finding an outfit that worked we had a terrific time at the wedding!  There was a photo booth, which I can only imagine got more crazy and out of control as the night went on, however being pregnant and planning on leaving about an hour after we got to the reception, our pictures turned out pretty tame.  I took the first set with my momma.  Let me give a disclaimer, there are two pictures she is not "allowing" me to display.  So you only get two out of the four that we took together.

And here are the Mister & I's.  Our poor child.  He already has proof his parents are giant nerds ...

{Don't mind the fact that he looks totally disgusted to be kissing me in the last pic.  I promise he's not.  I don't need to explain to you how Caleb happened ...}

We got home around 10 pm (the earliest I've EVER been home from a wedding, I can't TELL YOU how excited I am to dance my feet off at my cousin's wedding in December) and got Sunday morning to do church and all the errands we had to run for the day.  We then went back to church last night to see our friend, Adam Curran, baptize his wife (and our other friend) Alli at the evening service.  And to top the evening off we ended it with a date of Mexican food and a blizzard from DQ on the way home.  I also decorated our house for fall/Halloween this weekend but that will be another post tomorrow.  Oh, did I mention I woke up this morning to weather in the 60's?  Because I did.  And it is HEAVENLY.  The high today was 77.  I just hope it stays.  This IS Texas you know, it can be 45 degrees one day and 95 the next.  We've seen crazier things.

All in all a VERY productive and evenful weekend.  I hope yours were wonderful and that you're enjoying some cooler temps as well!


  1. Katie!!! YOu look BEAUTIFUL in your pretty blue dress (my personal favorite color!) :-) AND I seem to ALWAYS LAUGH OUT LOUD at your posts. . . like "making Caleb!" DYING! :-) Loving this weather too, friend! Have a wonderful day! (Oh AND ps I ADORE the two signs! ;-)

  2. Katie you need to stop before I beat you up. You look beautiful! And in that last pic, hubs doesn't look disgusted, I honestly though you had just surprised him with the kiss right as the camera snapped the pic. It's cute!

    PS kudos to you for knowing violet's last name! i doubt i would've been able to remember it if my life depended on it.

  3. Haha first of all you crack me up! Im so excited about our weather! You are so cute and do not look like Violet at all! I should show you my pregnancy pictures of my 70lb weight gain... you would feel very skinny! Those signs yall made are adorable!!!

  4. Anonymous9/27/2010

    I LOVE that bright blue! You looked darling! :)

  5. Katie you look AMAZING! I love the blue. You look darling! The outfit turned out wonderful :) Cute pictures, too. I love photo booth's at wedding. They're so fun!

  6. If that's what a grown-up, modern day Violet looks like, sign me up!

  7. I love the paintings you made for Calebs room! They are so cute and so good! Do not under estimate yourself chicka you did a fab job with them!!

    And um you do not look like Violet, you are gorg and look amazing and I love that color on you so promise me you will quit saying you look like violet LOL

    Summer ;)

  8. Love the quotes you painted for his nursery! You looked great at the wedding!

  9. Anonymous9/27/2010

    The signs are so cute!!

    That dress is adorable and so are you! :)

    Love the photo booth pics!!

  10. Love the photo booth pics I have yet to attend a wedding with them!

  11. You do not look like a blueberry - you were gorgeous! Love the photo booth pics. :)

    PS - great job on the artwork!

  12. Those signs are so cute, I'm very impressed with your creativity.

    And I don't know what you are talking about because I personally love the blue on you.

  13. Girl, you look adorable and not like the blueberry girl. I can't wait to read your decorating post, I just finished putting all my fall decorations up today :)

  14. You look beautiful! Love the photobooth pics; so fun! Great job on the signs; they look great!

  15. You're too funny, you do not look like Violet lol. I think you look great! Love those photo strips!

  16. I love the photobooths at weddings!

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend!

  17. lets just say if you and violet were put next to each other for a "who wore it best" -- you'd kick her biscuits! you look darling!!!

  18. Gir you definitly don't look like Violet, you are too funny!! You look great!!!
