Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Little BIG Man Updates & Pics ...

So one benefit of the high blood pressure bidness is that I get to have weekly sonograms to make sure little man is doing okay.  And when I say little, I don't MEAN little.  I mean huge.  He was measuring 6 lbs 5 oz today!  Um, my best friend's baby, little sweet P, was born at 6 lbs 3 oz, only ONE week early.

{That's me holding little P about 18 months ago, the day she was born.  As in, I have a baby.  In my stomach.  As in, the one I'm holding in this picture.  HOLY. SCHNYKIES.} 

And C still has a good 4 weeks of growin' to go.  The Mister actually said "Are we sure this is our kid?" today.  I mean seriously.  We are not big people friends.  I'm no more than 5' 3" and he's about 5' 9".  Seriously, where did this kid come from?  But I'm so happy he's big and SO happy he's looking so great!  They did a test today that he had 10 points total he could score.  And my boy scored ALL. 10.  2 points were for seeing evidence that he was using his lungs (breathing in and out), 2 points for a certain amount of movement in a certain amount of time, 2 points for a good amount of amniotic fluid, 2 points for showing that he was growing and 2 points for doing well on his NST (fetal non stress test)!  And 10 it was!  And here's the most fun part of the day, the pictures!  The first picture is evidence that the little man has HAIR!  I know the whole "if you have heartburn the baby has hair" thing is a myth, but in my case it was true!  NEVER in my life have I had heartburn, but with this baby?  Tons.  So, without further adieu, here's our little guy as of late ...

{Little spikes of hair!}

{Sweet little face with his hand next to it, laying on his side.}

{Touching his toes.  Must get that from his daddy.  Momma is NOT flexible, as in yoga is not my friend}

{Another picture of his sweet face, from last week, same position, laying on his side}

And I'll have MORE next week!  CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!  In mommy news, I'm doing great, my BP was good when I went in and she's restricted my bed rest a LITTLE bit (as in let me go to an event that I was REALLY sad about missing this weekend) so this is one ECSTATIC momma!  And last but not least, we HAVE a date (if little man doesn't decide to come on his own first), November 17th we'll be inducing to bring little C into the world.  He would be 39 weeks at that point and my doctor doesn't think it makes any sense, given that I've had the high BP, to try and wait it out until he comes.  SO we will have a baby in this house in exactly 4 weeks from this Wednesday!  EEK!!!  SO freaked out excited!!!

In other DWTS news, I wanted to kick Len in the huevos last night.  Seriously, a 5 for Kyle & Lacey!?!?  Please.  Straight ridiculous.  Pffftttttt on you Len!  And that's all I have to say about that.  Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. I thought that was a picture of you and your baby! LOL I thought he was early!
    geez......you scared me this morning.

  2. Anonymous10/19/2010

    10 out of 10! That's an A+. And I'd say your restricted bed rest counts for extra credit so ... Caleb is a smartie.

    November 17! Crazy.

  3. ahhhh that's so soon :) I'm glad your BP is doing much better lady!! I haven't been commenting much sweet friend, but I've been reading and keeping up with everything :)

  4. Yay for being able to do more and that little Caleb is doing great - he's so cute, btw! And don't freak out about his weight just yet - they could still be wrong. My SIL was told that our neice was already almost 8 lbs 2 weeks before she was born and when she arrived she was only 6 lbs 10 oz.

  5. Anonymous10/19/2010

    Yay! That's awesome! My son was 9lbs 15oz & my daughter was 8lbs 7oz...Glad your BP was down too!

  6. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 17 sounds like an AMAZING bithday!!! Y'all will have LOTS to be THANKFUL for! :-)

  7. Wow sooo soon! Thats so awesome and exciting! Enjoy the relaxing now, as much as you can of course. I know it gets hard to towards the end.

  8. Gosh Caleb will be here so soon...how exciting! :)

  9. So glad things are going well and your BP is down. I went in for an ultrasound each week the 2 weeks before Lydia was born and they said 2 weeks before that she was already over 8lbs. she was born on her due date at a nice 7lbs. 12 oz so you can't always take them at their word! Best wishes for you on your last few weeks and for a comfortable easy labor!!!!

  10. Yayyy baby C for being a perfect 10! I also had high Bp the end of my pregnancy, and was induced at 37 w 3 days. Delivered a perfectly healthy 6 lb. 6 ozer! THey all seem to have their own agenda---ALREADY!!! Eeek! So excited for you to meet your precious boy! Motherhood becomes you! :)

  11. So glad you are feeling better-baby boy will be hear before you know it--get your rest now !! ;)

    Just want to say Carsyn weighed 6 1/2 lbs at my 36 week ultrasound and weighed 6 lbs 11 oz when she was born so you might be surprised!!

  12. I hope he is late so he arrives on the 19th which is my birthday haha.


  13. Your getting so close to baby C!! I am so with you in regards to DWTS, Len was on my nerves last night!!! (but that's really not unusual this season for him)

  14. So whenever I was going through my blogs, I seen a picture of you holding a baby and serious thought this was baby C! LOL. I got really excited then realized that I had in fact seen this picture before! He will be here before long!

  15. Wowzers little Caleb is one big boy!

  16. Wow! He's gonna be a big boy!!!

  17. Hi Sweet Caleb!! You're getting soooo big!!! Can't wait to "meet you"

  18. What a cute little face! Ack!! Only 4 weeks?!? I'd have a panic attack...
