Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Monday ...

"Happy" Monday darlings!  I hope y'all had weekends full of INCREDIBLE weather like we did here in Dallas!  I woke up this morning to temps in the FIFTIES and I just. about. died.  I was able to wear my sweats and Uggs to get my morning bagel and Starbucks and it made that pleasant trip THAT much more pleasant.  I don't know about you but I LOVE this time of year and the fact that the holidays are heading our way and it makes it even better when it FEELS that way outside!  I could literally go all year and it not get above 70 degrees and I'd be a happy camper.  I know, I know, HOW am I a native Texan?

Our weekend was very low key, Friday night I went to dinner with my MOH at Chili's and waited for the Mister's flight to land from Chicago (where he was working all last week) and then the Mister and I spent catching up on our DVR'ed shows once he got home. 

Saturday we spent taking care of a lot of honey-do stuff around the house.  Getting fans for the baby's room and the office, buying new sheets and curtains for our room, stuff like that.  Raise your hand if you watched the TX/OU game Saturday ... if you could see through this computer screen you'd see that my hand is not raised.  That's because (and yes, I'm from Texas) me and the Mister aren't TX fans (please don't boo and hiss me, I'm a born and raised Texas girl but that doesn't mean I have to be a fan of UT) and a lot of my friends are big Sooner fans so I really don't care too much about the game.  He, of course, watched it on and off throughout the day because no matter what, he's a college football fan.  Me?  Notsomuch.  I only really care to watch teams that I care about.  If it's Baylor, the Cowboys or Notre Dame (the Mister's a huge fan, therefore, by default, I'm now a huge fan) sign me up.  Otherwise?  Take me shopping.  Saturday night we got a little crazy and ordered a pizza and watched a District 9 (AKA as in every other Friday night since I've become so pregnant it's hard to get comfortable) and can I just tell you this is why I don't watch violent and suspenseful movies.  Because I always end up throughly upet and angry at whoever is the bad guy in the movie.  For example, most people would think in a movie about aliens that people would be freaked out and against "team alien" however I, on the other hand, was crying and YELLING at the humans in the movie for being so mean to the poor little aliens.  To the point where I cried real tears, held my ears and closed my eyes for several scenes.  I'm assuming this is not a normal reaction?  Thankfully, it ends up the way it should, but it took a LONG time to get to that point in my opinion!

Sunday my Silly (Sister in law) did me the GREAT honor of being my photographer for my maternity photo shoot!  Can I just say I she did AMAZING!?!?  She had all these ideas, props, etc before we even left and each and every one turned out FANTASTIC!  5 hours and 373 pictures later we had ourselves a great time and a camera FULL of pictures that I can't wait to get developed and framed for our home and in Caleb's room.  Here are just a FEW of my favorites (I didn't think Blogger would appreciate me trying to load 373 pictures at once, even IF it does have the new "multiple loader functionality")

I hope y'all enjoyed the very SMALL sample of the magic she worked!  After the shoot I came home to have a dinner date with the Mister to Patrizio's (one of my most FAVORITEST salads ever is at this restaurant) and then we came home and I uploaded and played with 373 pictures relaxed around the house for the rest of the night.  I hope your weekends were equally as loverly!  Have marvelous Mondays loves!!!


  1. Gorgeous, Katie!! You are stunning!!

  2. Aw, those photos are fabulous!

  3. I love the ones with your cowboy boots! So cute!

  4. These are all just great! I love the ones when you're wearing the black shirt :) Glad you had so much fun!

  5. what a fun photo shoot! you look amazing! i love the pictures with the cowboy boots! too cute for words!

  6. So cute!! You look great, and can you believe it ... just a little over a month til your little guy arrives! YAY!! :)

  7. you look gorgeous!

  8. you look like a model lady!
    love them! Caleb wil be here before we know it!

  9. Beautiful pictures and such cute outfits!!

  10. Oh my goodness, Katie, they turned out WONDERFUL! You are such a stunning (soon to be) Momma :) I love love LOVE them all.

  11. You look so cute Katie!! He'll be here before you know it. :)

  12. Beautiful pictures!

  13. Oh my god I LOVE YOUR MATERNITY SHOOT!! Here's the great part about it, it's just like a regular shoot, it's not all gooey mushy maternity. If you were not pregnant, they would just be awesome modeling shots, (ok except maybe the c on the belly, that's totally maternity)Your silly did a kickass job.


  14. seriously you are the cutest thing ever!

  15. She did fantastic! I love all of the pictures. Seriously amazing! You look great!

  16. Love the belly pics! I especially love the one with the umbrella!

  17. The pic with the umbrella is FABULOUS! You could be a mommy model. Truly beautiful pictures. :)

  18. You look adorable!! Those pictures are gorgeous, I can't wait to take mine!

  19. Your pictures are great!! I love all the bright colored walls!!

  20. Love the pictures! Your silly did an awesome job :) It helps to have a good model too hehe!

    Can't believe Caleb will be here so soon!!!! Yay!

  21. LOVE LOVE LOVE your maternity pictures! She did a great job! :)

  22. Girl you are beautiful! I love the one with the umbrella - so creative.

  23. ummm she is super talented! I hope she does this for a living, because if not she should!

    You look so beautiful and Caleb as going to love them. I always love looking at pictures of my momma and all her pregnant glory!

  24. Sooooo cute! Love the ones with the C in it! All adorable! Can't wait to meet the little guy already!

  25. Wow these are great pictures!! I love maternity photo shoots! So gorgeous!

  26. i love your pics! they are so cute and i like all the props and poses, especially the one with the baby shoes on your belly, precious!

  27. I dont comment often but just had to say that those pictures are beautiful! Hope your feeling well :)

  28. They are all so beatiful! It is so fun to see how different everyone's maternity photo's turn out depending on the model and the photographer!

  29. Awesome pictures!! You look great...and love all of your outfits :)

  30. All of the photos look so great!!! I love the ones with the pumpkin!

  31. Your pics are gorgeous!!! I LOVE all your outfits!!

  32. Anonymous10/06/2010

    Wow, great pics! I really love that second outfit!
