Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday: Video Style!

Happy ...

... to everyone! I decided to do a video today instead of pictures because, well, I don't have any pictures and short of me taking self portraits of my ever-expanding face (i.e. nose and mouth) or my fingers that are no longer capable of fitting my wedding rings on, or my indistinguishable ankles, calves and the beginning of the tops of my feet, I thought a video of Koda bear would be more exciting to everyone! So here goes, a little video of the ball of energy we like to call "Koda" ...

Pardon my heinuous baby talk. It will only get worse when Caleb gets here. I can assure you of that. Now it's y'all's turn! Grab my button, post whatever pictures (or videos if you like!) and come back here and link up so we can all look at each other's posts! Happy TT everyone!!!


  1. It says the video is private?

  2. I couldn't get the video to work either. Hope you're having a great day!

  3. This was so cute! Koda is presh and um when he started barking Kelcee said is that Marmaduke mommy!?! LOL she loves that movie BTW anywho I told her it is mommy's friends doggy Koda and she really liked him to say the least so I have been replaying this video for about 6 times hahahhaha

    I guess Kelcee really likes Thoughtless Thursday bahahha


  4. aww Koda is so cute!

  5. Aw puppy! Drake would love Koda Bear! :)

  6. Your voice was different than I expected!! Koda is so cute! He reminds me of my parents dog.

  7. LOL I love it "can you sit...or fall down on the ground!" hahahahaha

  8. Anonymous10/01/2010

    oh how i wuv your baby talk! hearing your voice makes me miss you... love you and your TT:)

  9. Koda boy is a handsome devil :-)
