Wednesday, October 6, 2010

TAG, I'm It!

Well, I've been tagged ladies, and what BETTER day for me to be tagged than on a day that my brain is emptier than a bag of candy corn when it comes anywhere near this pregnant woman ... SO that being the case let's get right to it!  I was tagged by Katie F @ The Life of an Army Wife and Jen @ A Girl in Pearls & A Boy With Toys for this fun 8 Question game.  Both girls had a different set of questions so it looks like I'm going to be answering 16 questions total!  After I answer the quesitons I am supposed to tag other blogs.  And you know what that means right?  I tag you ALL!  So, here goes ...

1.What is your favorite holiday tradition?  Either one you had as a child or one you started with your own family?  Definately spending the night at my Mama's house with all of my cousins.  Every Christmas Eve my parents, my brother and I would go to the candle light service at church and then go home and put our PJ's on and head up to my Mama's house.  My parents would then take us to a neighborhood close to Mama's house to look at Christmas lights where the majority of us would fall asleep and then come back and try to fall asleep on the palette we'd all piled on together while anticipating Santa's arrival later on that night.  The funniest part is we still all do this.  Even at this age ...

{The majority of the cousins minus some spouses and great grandkiddos}   

2. What is your favorite book and why?  I'm going to go with the obvious and say The Bible.  Do I really need to say why?

3. What is the best vacation you went on?  If the Mister takes me to Disney World (i.e. my happy place) any time soon then that will be my answer, but until then our honeymoon in Bora Bora.  Hands down.

{I mean this is where we stayed.  You can feed the fish through the floor.  Amazing.}

{Yes I know this barely looks like me.  I just got married people.  I was on the "wedding starvation diet" plus I wasn't pregnant and carrying a child.  Please don't comment and say "WOW that doesn't even LOOK like you!"  I'd appreciate it - not what a pregnant woman needs to hear, mmmmk?}

4. What is your favorite brand of clothes, or store to shop at?  Um, do I have Real Housewives of (insert city here) funds or are we talking Real Housewives of everywhere funds?  Unlimited funds?  Neimans.  Out of my own pocket?  Probably Forever 21 or Anthropologie, however Anthro would need to be out of someone else's pocket the majority of the time.  They're a wittle 'spensive!

5. What is your favorite quality about yourself?  Shoot I don't do well on these types of questions ... I think I'm a good friend.  But you might want to ask my friends, hopefully they'd say so!

6. How do you and your spouse/significant other continue to make your relationship special?  Mine leaves me little sticky notes around the house when he goes out of town for work and randomly brings me home a couple dozens of roses every now and again. 

7. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  When not preggers?  Go out to dinner with the Mister/couple friends and have a good dinner and maybe a margarita or two and then have a game night at one of our houses.  Preggers?  Order dinner in and watch a movie with the Mister.

8. Why do you blog?  It started out as a result of friends telling me I should because they liked my status updates on FB and I was running out of room to post things that would happen to me on a daily basis.  Then my friend, Kelly, designed me a DARLING blog layout and I got so excited about how cute it was that it motivated me to blog as much as I could!

{Kelly & I this past February at dinner.}

Now, onto Jen's questions ...

1.  What is one of your favorite books?  Well, since I already went with The Bible I'll go with my guilty pleasures of books.  The Twilight Series and Harry Potter.

2.  What are you passionate about?  My Lord, my family, my friends and my pup.

3.  What would you love to learn to do?  SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES!  I would love to be able to fluently spout off Spanish and French like nobody's business. 

4.  Who came first, the chicken or the egg?  Depends, am I eating breakfast or dinner?

5.  What is your favorite leisure activity?  Does getting pedicures count as a "leisure activity"?  Because I pick that.  In fact I'm thinking I need a little "leisure" today ...

6.  Describe a time when you got in really big trouble ... Okay seriously, I don't have one.  I'm not kidding I was a really, REALLY good kid.  I cared far too much about my parents and disappointing them than to do anything that I thought might make them disappointed in me.

7.  What about your personality do you wish you could change?  I'm a worrier.  Big time.  But I'm working on that one.

8.  What are you vain about?  Hopefully nothing.  Vanity's an ugly quality.

So there you have it, grab any or all of the questions you want, answer them in a post and tag others to play along!

If y'all think about it, say a little prayer for Koda.  He didn't eat his breakfast when he woke up yesterday morning (which = SOMETHING'S GOTTA be wrong) so I took him to the vet and they couldn't find anything wrong with him except a SMALL fever.  They think he's got a tummy problem and I KNOW he does due to the fact that he has the WORST. GAS. EVER. at the moment.  Seriously.  It's dee-scusting.  He hasn't eaten today so hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow and spare his momma from breathing hazardous gas get rid of this little tummy bug.

And that's all for today loverlies, Happy Wednesday!!!


  1. Saying a prayer for Koda!! Hope he is okay!! Hope he gets to eating soon!! btw - cute cute pics!!

  2. Oh, Bora, Bora-how I want to visit thee! And can I just say I think you look fabulous NOW, preggo and all!

  3. Fun! I did this 8 question thing too. I hope Koda feels better!! I know how easy it is to worry about our little loves.

  4. harry potter isn't a guilty pleasure! it's a lifestyle :)

    and feel better Koda!!!! Poor pup!

  5. Ugh Bora Bora....i'm sooo Jealous!


  6. Will def say a prayer for Koda Bear! Sweet little guy- hope he feels better. I am the same way with my two babies (dogs) when they get sick! What was the resort you went to in Bora Bora do you know? We are trying to plan a trip there actually and ur place looked awesome!!

  7. Loved the comments, except I find it hard to believe you NEVER got in trouble...I mean even if you didn't, you SHOULD have gotten in trouble for shaving the bottom part of your head...that fashion trend was a travesty in itself!

    See you tomorrow :)

  8. I love your Christmas tradition!! Is little baby Fulmer going to join in on the fun??

  9. I just love Christmas traditions too :) Bora Bora looks like a beautiful place! I sure hope Koda feels better soon!

  10. Such a fun Christmas tradition! Um I think you need to post some Bora Bora photos up on here.

    Hope Koda feels better! Drake is usually too hot to eat so he waits till it's cool out and eats.. Strange bugger he is..

  11. Love reading all 16 of your answers!! how fun!!
    and sending a prayer for sick littke Koda!! Hope that he is better soon.....

  12. Oh my goodness! I am totally jealous of your honeymoon trip to Bora Bora! I want to go there soooo bad!

  13. I miss you!!! And want to go to Bora Bora. Hope you and baby are a-ok. And that you fed him some frosting =0)

  14. Haha you answered the questions I had to answer (which I didn't really like lol) not the ones I told you to answer! I'll let it slide though :) Thanks for playing along!

  15. super cute blog!! Bora bora sounds heavenly :)

  16. Anonymous10/11/2010

    Oh no, I hope Koda feels better soon!
