Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby's First Christmas Pics ...

Yeah.  That would be a lovely title.  If I had TAKEN any.  I'm seriously so mad at myself.  I think I was so freaked out by the idea of anyone possibly being sick at either of my family pit stops that I #1 - forgot to even BRING my camera so that was the first problem and #2 - forgot to ask anyone to take pictures because I was so consumed by asking them to sanitize and resanitize and make sure they weren't sick in the first place before they came within 15 ft of our boy.  Why?  Well because he hasn't had his 2 month shots.  Not that I'm okay with him getting sick AFTER his 2 month shots, but if he does before hand it can be scary.  Our pediatrician has informed us that if he gets a fever before his 2 month shots we have to go straight to the ER for a full septic work-up.  I don't know what that entails but it doesn't sound like anything I'd want a tiny newborn to go through.  SO we're being psychotically careful.  On top of all that, the Mister came home on Wednesday with a cold.  He started feeling bad Tuesday and went to the doctor Wednesday just to make sure (like I said, we're being crazy careful).  He had a small fever that went away quickly along with a sore throat, cough and runny nose.  So how did we spend our first Christmas?  With the Mister quarantined upstairs in our room and little man and I downstairs with every baby item we own (i.e. pack n' play, swing, bouncer, etc.)  And for the record, the Mister didn't kick me out of our bed, it just worked better because the bottles, swing, etc. were all downstairs and the goal was to keep him away from C for at least 2 to 3 days.  So on Christmas Eve he shouted from upstairs "Merry first Christmas mommy and Caleb, daddy loves and misses you!"  It was sad.  But also something we'll probably laugh at next year.  Plus C won't remember anyways, he was too preoccupied with staring at the Christmas lights on the TV and watching White Christmas for the 10th time with mommy.  I did get ONE picture.  With my iPhone.  And that was on Christmas Eve in his pack n' play by the light of the Christmas tree.

Besides forgetting to take pictures we had a great first Christmas with our little man.  I just can't show you it.  Dangit.

But, I've taken a few pictures since with my iPhone just because I can't get enough of his cuteness.  So here you go.

In other news, I started with my personal trainer yesterday.  More on that and my weight loss goals for post baby later.

Lastly, everyone PLEASE pray for little Brayden Helvey.  I know a lot of you read Heather's blog but he had to go back to the hospital on Christmas Eve because he came down with Meningitis again and his having to go through things that no sweet little baby should ever have to go through.  Pray for healing and comfort for him, peace and comfort for his parents and wisdom for all the doctors and nurses that he comes in contact with.  My heart just breaks for him and his sweet family.  If you want to know more click the "Praying for Brayden" button I have on my page.


  1. What a sweet little man!

  2. Sweet little pics! Poor Brayden, praying!!! I just started weight watchers, hoping to lose weight. YIPPY!!

  3. LOVE the christmas cards your "silly" made! Your little man is just too cute!!

  4. How presh are those pics....awwww did you totally get him baby legs? Love them girl....Sorry your mister was sick :( but with a newborn you can't be to careful....when kelcee was born she was a premiee and we were the same way so much so that Greg's twin called her baby Suri and said we had her quarantined LOL we totally didn't go that far hee hee

    OK so Im sure your family captured some pics for ya.....

    Caleb is soooo cute Katie and I will pray for your friend and her sweet baby

  5. OMGGGGG those itty bitty reindeer feet!!!! ahhh i want to put them in my mouth REAL bad.. heheh

  6. Aw! Well the pictures you did take are just too cute!!!

  7. oh my goodness, those are ADORABLE pictures and yes, I've been praying hard ever since hearing about little Brayden.

  8. I kinda feel the same way...hardly too any pictures at all :( AND totally freaking about everyone touching my brand new baby!!

    Loving that little Christmas outfit :)

  9. The guitar onesie is sooo precious! I am in love with it. Where did you ever find it?
