Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughtless Thursday!

Today's Thoughtless Thursday is sponsored by little C's nursery, finally!  I know, I know.  My son is over 2 months old and you haven't seen the nursery!?!  WHAT was I doing all that time on bedrest?  Well ... "bedresting".  You see, I got scolded if I tried to do anything besides go to and from the refrigerator (hence the need for a trainer and severe dieting) and the bathroom.  And that was it.  I felt like the laziest person alive.  And then the lovely week of bedrest at the hospital where I had to order the poor Mister around as to where I wanted things hung, spaced and set up.  He did a fantastic job.  It wasn't, however, completely finished to my satisfaction when I got home with little man from the hospital simply because I hadn't gotten to help do anything.  You can always tell people where things go and what to do but until you get your hands on it it's never quite exactly like you want it.  No matter how good of a "bosser arounder" you are.  And I'm a good one.  SO, without further further adieu here is little man's crib (oh I'm such a nerd) MTV style.

{View from the door as you walk in.}

{The mural my MOH did of his initials and my great grandmother's chest of drawers that I exchanged the fixtures on.  It worked perfect for his room!}

{The left side of his room.  Please excuse the giant tummy-time mat.  That is not part of the decor.}

{Notice the amazing horsey pillow on his glider.  My stepmom made that for him for Christmas.  Yes I said MADE.  She's an incredible needlepointer.  His initials are on the left side.}

{The armoire that I already had in college.  It ended up being perfect for a baby's room.  And the sweet rocking elephant the hostesses of my first baby shower gave me!}

{His "trophy wall".  This is his daddy's favorite part of the room.}

{His crib in his "crib".  I'm so funny.}

{A close-up of the bedding in his crib.}

{Speaking of his crib, look who I found!}

{"Mommy sewiously, I'm sweepy.  Leaf me awone."}

{"Otay now you're startin' to make me mawd.  I sawd BEAT IT!"}

{One last shot leaving the room.}

And there you have it.  My little man's domain.  Hope you enjoyed the tour of his "crib" - okay, okay thats enough Kate.  Now it's YOUR turn!  Go post your own random pictures about whatever you want, and come back here and link up!  I can't wait to see what you post!!!



  1. Love the blue & green combination!!

  2. He is so darn gorgeous! Love the nursery, darlin! :) Have a great Thursday!

  3. Ahhh I can't even take how cute it is! I love it all, especially all the personal touches with his name/initials. I LOVE that poster your MOH made; She should start selling them I'd buy one ;)

    What a perfect nursery for the little guy!

  4. It's precious, I love the colors that you used!

  5. His room is so darn cute! You did a great job!

  6. The room is adorable! I love the color combo and all the little details. Great job!

  7. I ADORE that room!!!

  8. I love Caleb's room. The colors are beautiful!

  9. His nursery is SO cute! I love his bedding.

  10. So precious! And i love that bedding!!

  11. Absolutely adorable - and I think the trophy wall may be my favorite too! What a fun idea. :)

  12. I love the colors in that room! I have to ask, where did you get that sleeper, I cannot find any football only sleepers and my hubbs is all football.

  13. So cute! I love the colors. Good work Katie.

  14. Too cute I love the colors and how cozy it looks.

  15. Super cute Katie! You (and Matt) did a great job!!

  16. love the trophy wall? where did you get those animal heads? my good friend wanted a "cute/hunting" theme for her baby boy's room, and yours is perfect!

  17. I love it! it looks so homey

  18. I love his nursery! So cute! Where did you find the curtain? I'm trying to put together our little guy's nursery and I'm stuck on curtains.

  19. Your are adorable! I love his room looks great! Mister was hard at work while you were on bed rest! I love the trophy wall I'm totally copying that when I have a baby mmmkay!

  20. The room looks great! And so does C....soooo cute :)

  21. Anonymous1/13/2011

    His room is great - I especially love that trophy wall. Too funny. I'm surprised my hubby didn't mention something like that. ;)

  22. Anonymous1/13/2011

    Your baby talk reminds me of reading Mark Twain. You sound it out and then realize what they are saying! Spot on.

  23. LOVE his nursery and all the colors!! it's so bright and fun!!
    C looks adorable and so tiny in his crib!! :)

  24. It turned out great! I love it!

  25. how awesome! what a cutiepie!

  26. It's so adorable! I love the bright color combo. Your window treatements look awesome too! The trophy wall may still be my favorite part though :-)

  27. Does the MOH sell murals like that? I desperately need one for Bodie and Copeland!!
