Morning all! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We sure did. I love the weekends because Koda, C & I get his daddy ALL to ourselves. We've started a little tradition on Saturdays of taking a long walk together which is great because it gets C some Vitamin D and his mommy some COLOR on these flourescent, chubby arms!
I realized that I forgot to post pictures when my good friend
Ginny was in town visiting from Taiwan! She freaked us out a bit due to the fact that she landed here in Dallas the
DAY AFTER the earthquake hit Japan. In fact, she caught a connecting flight the day before
(I'm probably messing up the days a bit, it's always tomorrow there and it really messes me up figuring out what day she's in ...) in Japan to come to Texas. Talk about timing! Thank
GOODNESS that was the day her mom had off work to be able to pick her up from the airport ... sheesh. We met for dinner and had some Tex-Mex
(who WOULDN'T crave it when you've not had it in almost a year?) and basically enjoyed catching up. A few days later she came over to meet C but of
COURSE I forgot to take pictures. Mommy brain. Dangit. But I
DID take some pictures at dinner. Well, one picture.

Gin went back yesterday, C & I miss her already. But we're HOPEFUL she'll be back again sometime this year and maybe that time I'll remember to take pictures!
On Friday C & I went to the park with my friends Alysia and Lori and their darling kiddos. In keeping with tradition, I didn't take any pictures of the kiddos (fail) but I did snap one of C & I on our way TO the park (win!)
And last but not least, last night we celebrated my brother Clay's (member his birfday post last week?) 27th birfday last night at my parent's house. We had good food, lots of fun and C was one spoiled little man (until he went to bed an hour after we got there in the pack and play that his Mama has at her house) It was fun had all around ...
{Mama (my mom) lovin' on her grandbaby boy}
{My Silly, brother, C, the Mister & me in a flowy shirt that makes me look preggers.}
{My little sister had some silly glasses. I got a hold of them. Enough said.}
{My Silly got a hold of the other pair. Our nickname for each other is Silly. Enough said.}
{My brother has an unhealthy love of cookie cake. And we all went to Baylor. Sic 'em cookie cake.}
{Make a wish! "I wish for more cookie cake ..."}
{My cousin and his wife Joanna were in town visiting. We miss you two and your sweet baby girls!}
Looking at these pictures is making me realize my hair's too dark. We'll be remedy'ing that in a few weeks ...
Happy Monday y'all! I'm excited because THE MISTER TURNS 30 THIS WEEK!