Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birfday Claytonious!

Today is my little brother, Clay's (Clayton, Claytonious, Bulldozer and so on and so forth), 27th birfday!  Happy birfday old man, I sure hope you know your big sis loves you VERY much!  Even if you did chase me with a butter (butter people, I said BUTTER not butcher) knife for stealing your water balloons when you were 11 years old (don't ask).

{Here he is with me holding him as a wittle baby.  Awwwww.}

{Here we are at his rehearsal dinner 3 years ago.  Well HELLO weight-loss goal Katie.  There you are.}

{Here we are with his precious wifey (my Silly) at my stepdad's birfday party LAST year.}

{Here we are (with our momma) last summer at Lake Michigan while I was 7 months preggers.}

{And here he is holding his nephew for the first time.}

I hope you have a wonderful day bud.  Love you little brother and C loves his Unkie Clay!

(PS - Don't forget to enter my Giveaway to win a darling onesie or toddler tee!  It closes at 10pm on Thursday night.  Because let's be real, I'm not staying up until midnight to pick the winner.  Momma needs her beauty sleep!)


  1. Happy birthday Clay! :-) Cute pictures! :-)

  2. Happppy Birthday!!!! So cute! Your outfit in that first picture ... WOW!
