Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rice Cereal.

Well we've done it.  We've dived (doven, doved?  Gracious, what's my issue with grammar this week ...) head first into the world of solids.  A little late I might point out, actually not too bad, our pedi suggested we wait until 5 months and C is about 5 1/2 months now.  We started on Monday and after much research (ahem, facebook posts asking other mom's advice) we decided to start before his last bottle.  It went okay the first time.  The Mister took a video which I can only imagine was adorable to only us and his grandparents, but cute nonetheless (really not sure about that one either, sheez maybe I should stick to four letter words ...)  However last night did notsomuch have the same result.  I put little man in his seat, nakie except for his bib, and he was doing okay, a little unsure of what was going on, but okay.  So while I was preparing the cereal I gave him his spoon to play with which he seemed perfectly happy with.  Then, all of a sudden he jumped like his mom does any time she's startled and SCREAMED bloody murder like someone pinched him for not wearing green.  I mean FULL.ON.FIT.  He then started rubbing his eyes and sort of coughing and sneezed a few times, so what did this over-reacting momma do?  Immediately think he had an alergic reaction.  Really?  To what Katie?  The spoon?  His high chair?  The idea of eating rice cereal?  The ridiculously bright shirt his mom was wearing?  My only rational (and I'm not even convinced it is rational) thought was the bib - it was covered in vinyl.  I'm not sure if you can have a vinyl allergy but the fit was enough for me to throw out the idea of rice cereal, (and the actual rice cereal) take little man upstairs, put him in his jammies and give him his last bottle and put him to bed.  So needless to say day two was a no-go.  I thought about it a bit and thought maybe I was trying the wrong time of day and that maybe this needed to be a morning ritual at first.  So today we tried it about an hour and a half after his first bottle.

And ...

SUCCESS!  By the end he was actually OPENING his mouth for each spoonful!  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  If you don't believe me ask my son about the idiotic faces and babytalk that ensued after each bite.  Oh how your perspective changes when you have children.

And that's all.  Hey, remember yesterday I told you I was boring?  Well this proves it.  If this is what boring looks like then let all my days be boring.  I hope y'all are having a great week, happy Middle-of-the-Week Day!


  1. Cute picture! Hang in there, takes a while for them to get used to it. I always thought it was fun to try a new flavor...but, I am easily entertained.:)

  2. aww!! Sorry that the 1st try was a littke hectic....but so happy that he is catching on now!! :)

  3. Cute cute cute!

    He will get used to it and LOVE it more and more (at least my little man has!)
