Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Full of Celebration!

Morning loverlies!  I hope y'all had a great Easter weekend celebrating our Savior and the sacrifice He made for us.  We had a great weekend that also included celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary on Saturday!  I woke up to the sound of our garage door closing and immediately panicked with the thought of "Um, honey?  Where is the baby?" only to realize he had taken the mini-mister with him!  So, I got up, ate my breakfast and had a cup of coffee.  A little while later the Mister and mini-mister got back and the first thing I saw when he walked in the door were these ...

{My favorite flower mix, roses and stargazer lillies.}

And then I saw the Mister's eyes go immediately to my empty breakfast plate followed by a "SHOOT!  I KNEW I should've called you ..." and then I see the grocery bags full of breakfast foods.  So what do you do when your husband wakes up early, feeds the baby, lets you sleep and takes the baby to the grocery store with him AND buys you flowers and stuff to make you breakfast?  Eat two breakfasts of course!  Needless to say I skipped lunch to prepare for our anny dinner later that night.  He then followed it all with this card ...

{Seriously?  Could this card be more me and really the captions couldn't be more us.}

  We took C to church with us for the first time on Saturday night before we went to dinner and the little guy did GREAT.  We started out sitting in the nursing mothers room just to see how he'd do but I think we may be able to graduate to the main sanctuary soon.  My mom kept mini-mister (this may become my new name for him, I'm kinda liking it) and we went to one of our favorite places, Houstons. 

{My mom snapped a picture of us before we headed out.}

We had a great time celebrating our past 6 years together and talking about what our next 60 might hold!

On Easter Sunday we headed over to my aunt Kathy's house to celebrate Easter with my dad's side of the family.  We enjoyed some YUMMY food and fun with my family.  And we actually took some pictures with my iPhone ...

{"I'm so excited about these bunnies on my jumper that I can't stop moving for pictures!"}

{Seriously, this little smirk?  Melt. my. heart.}

{And this is what you get from iPhone quality pictures.  Oh well, beyond cute of little man.}

{Easter family photo!}

Mini-mister did great however he hit a sleepy wall and we knew it was time to head home for a nap for all of us.  After a little shut-eye we went to my Mama's house to celebrate Easter with my mom's side of the family.  It was a lot of fun and C's first time to meet a lot of people on that side of the family!  He did great for the majority of the time and then hit another sleepy wall AND at about that time it looked like the sky was about to open up something fierce so we decided to book it home.  It's a good thing we did too because we had some pretty good storms blow through last night.  Word to the wise momma's, train your kiddos to fall asleep to a nature track that sounds like rain and thunder.  Then it can thunder all night long and your kiddos won't even make a peep.  After putting mini-mister down the Mister and I relaxed watching the first disc of The Pacific while listening to the thunderstorms.  It was a relaxing end to a busy weekend.

I hope everyone had equally relaxing and fun weekends!


  1. I can't get over how cute your little family is :) And you look great girlfriend! Looks like a fab weekend; happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! Beautiful family pictures!!

  3. Aw what a sweet hubby you have! I meant to tell you that I love how I got engaged on your wedding day! :) weeeeee

  4. That card is so cute!! I absolutely got a kick out of it. As always, your baby is adorable!!

  5. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend :)

  6. I love the family Easter pic! Your dress is so cute!

  7. You look great, Kate! I love the card. Happy Anniversary and Easter! Mini Mister is adorable!!

  8. You look beautiful lady!!! Adorable pictures of the mini-mister per usual & glad you had such a great anniversary!

  9. Your child is SO AMAZINGLY CUTE!!
