Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy 80th Birfday Christine!

Christine has worked for my dad's family for 56 years.  She started working for them when my dad (my grandma's youngest) was 3 years old and has been with them ever since.  I remember Christine from the time I was little being at my Mamo's house.  She gives the best and BIGGEST hugs.  She turned 80 years old on Sunday and on Saturday my Mamo threw her a surprise party at Maggiano's for lunch.  She thought she and her daughter were just meeting Mamo and my aunt Leslie, but when she came up the stairs the whole family was there ...

{It's a little blurry but here is surprised Christine and her daughter coming up the stairs.}

{Her happy birthday dessert along with the other 20 desserts that were on the table.  I've never been so full in my life.}

{My Mamo and Christine.}

{My brother and I with sweet Christine.  Notice I wore my "lots of room to eat" dress ...}

{And again.  But closer.}

{Me and my Silly.  Love my SIL.}

My grandma and Christine are super cute together.  They giggled like school girls talking about old times at lunch.  Christine is getting older and Mamo keeps telling her to stop coming to work, but Christine refuses.  So Mamo has told her she can come but they are just going to watch TV and chit chat all day.  I will never forget the day my Papa (Mamo's husband) died, seeing Christine cry along with my grandma while hugging her so tight.  She sat right next to her at the funeral and held her hand the whole time.  What a blessing it is to have this wonderful woman in our lives.  Happy 80th Christine!


  1. OH..SO . SWEET. .. . wow, I love this post!

  2. Anonymous7/12/2011

    Aw...so sweet. :) Happy Birthday to her! And LOL @ the dress comment. Love those dresses.

  3. i love your hair cut!!

  4. This post brings back so many memories for me. We had a housekeeper growing up named Omi (My brother and I couldnt pronounce Naomi.) Christine looks so much like her. Unfortunately Omi passed away when I was still young. I wish she could have met my children and husband! Looks like a great celebration!

  5. Aw, how sweet that she's been working your family for so many years. Happy Birthday to her!

  6. sweet pictures!! i hope every gets to 80!! :D
