Monday, July 18, 2011

On a Funnier Note.

After following along with Jamesie's story, so much of the way I look at motherhood, my son and my life has changed. I will no longer hurriedly put him in his excersaucer so I can check Facebook or skip reading him a book when putting him down so I have more "me time" at night. I will make sure he knows how very loved and precious in our sight as well as His sight he is. Among so many other things, thank you for that sweet Jamesie. I miss you little boy, and I never even met you nor knew your parents. I can't bear to think about how badly your parents must miss you. Thank you all that followed along and prayed for Jamesie. Continue to do so along with me for his parents as I know they will need them for a long time.

Because of what's happened with sweet James I was MIA all last week, so I wanted to share a bit of a funny (and possibly disturbing that my husband thinks this way) story.

I returned home about 3 minutes after leaving for our morning walk (that I've started with C since reading about James) yesterday morning. The Mister came out to the garage and asked what happened. I told him that as soon as I got to the shaded street that C and I walk on I was approached by a man in a car informing me that a pair of "lethal" (I admit that word was a bit dramatic) dogs were roaming the neighborhood and almost attacked his sister. Now granted, there are people in our neighborhood that, when I walk Koda, look at him like he's a rabid, foaming at the mouth beast that is just WAITING to devour them whole. Yes, you read that right, KODA. To the Mister's defense this guy could've been exaggerating. However I, as a mother of an 8 month old tiny baby, decided to err on the side of safety and come home. After my explanation the Mister looks at me like I'm an insanely neurotic and paranoid mother (which I am) and tells me that he was probably exaggerating. And furthermore, if I did cross such dogs paths to JAB THE STROLLER AT THEM. With my little 8 month old's legs hanging out. Right ... That would actually be a great idea if our little precious cargo wasn't riding inside. This stinkin' stroller is giant and could be used as a weapon in any given situation. See this is why God put the Mister and I together (among many other reasons). Because I am so far on the end of one spectrum (worrying, freaking out, searching on amazon for a "baby sized plastic bubble") and he's completely on the other end (laid back, relaxed, letting him play with rattlesnakes) ...

Needless to say, I did not continue our walk that day nor is daddy ever allowed to walk C by himself anymore. Kidding. Kind of. And I'm pretty sure daddy realized this probably wasn't the best idea at some point. Here's hoping the Mister isn't mad at me poking a little fun at him. Man would I EVER be in trouble if he started a blog! He could write for months on purely the ridiculous things I do on a daily basis ... don't get any ideas baby, okay?

I hope you all had good weekends. Take time to hug your families, count your blessings and give thanks to the Lord all while praying for the Sikes family.

Now, just because it's been a full week since I've posted any, here are some C pics.


  1. Anonymous7/18/2011

    Who is happy! C!

  2. I agree, he is such a happy baby. The t.v. remote picture it too cute!!
