Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can I Pull This Off?

I think not. So many girls can rock the cute "wearing the headband the wrong way" thing. I just don't think I'm one of them. Do I care? Not at all since I have a little one that has napped all of 30 minutes this morning and we have a playdate in about 30 minutes. All this = I needed to get ready quick! And yes, I'm aware my roots are HORRIBLE, it's being taken care of Friday. But apparently grown out roots are all the rage in Hollywood. We'll just go with I'm doing it for Hollywood's sake. Yeah. We'll go with that.


  1. Anonymous8/17/2011

    Roots are in. I think you can pull it off, maybe with a different color headband. Your too cute.

  2. Oh, don't worry, you look way better than I would if I would try that ;)

    Also, I'm not sure how that "grown out roots" style got started as I think it's a little weird, but as a new mom myself (with a 6month old) I have a feeling I will be often accidentally in fashion as well :)

  3. Your arms look amazing. I'm going to look at this pic every time I'm needing inspiration to work out (lose this remaining baby weight).

  4. Just so you know, I think you could totally rock that look!
