Thursday, September 8, 2011

Little Fall Project and a Question.

First off, I have a confession to make. My fall decor is up. And it's technically not fall yet. But I don't care because my house feels SO cozy. I did a little fireplace banner project last night and am pretty pleased with the way it turned out ...

It was SO SO easy. And cost about $5.00. I just bought scrapbook paper and cut it to size, used stencils and markers for the letters and strung it together with twine. Easy, cheap, quick. All my favorite things in an art project.

Now, for the question. C is 10 months now (10 month post to come) and our docs have stressed the use of the sippy cup and eating table foods. Well, this kiddo hates both. He'll eat Puffs til the cows come home but anything else? Full on gag face. Same with the sippy cup, when I try and give it to him he makes a face like I've just made him suck on a lemon. I'm a little nervous about the fact that in a little under two months I'm supposed to yank the bottle from my bottle-crazed boy and replace it with a sippy cup. Any suggestions mommas? Thank you in advance!


  1. Id like to know the responses to the sippy cup deal. Troy is 7.5 months and will not hold nor drink out of a sippy cup. But he'll hold the heck outta his bottle

  2. The table food is just trial and error I feel... That's the way it was for us anyway...

    The sippy cup was a challenge for us also - have you tried the Nuk sippy cups (you find them with the bottles @ Target)?? They have the soft feel of a bottle with more of a sippy cup shape. Now Wil is used to his he will use others.
    This is the one we started with:$p-115/trendline-dotslearner-cup.aspx

    Hope this helps!

  3. I have an 11 month old and we are finally on one bottle a day and 3 sippies. I've tried Avent, Dr. Brown, Born Free, Playtex, and Nuk sippy cups. Yes, I have a small fortune invested in these silly cups! I like the Gerber Nuk (at least that seems to be her favorite cup to date!) and also the Playtex cup with the straw. I was amazed she knew how to use the straw cup! I started with giving her one sippy cup a day, then another, and we just graduated to the morning sippy cup, but still do the nightly bottle. Good look!

  4. Callaway is 9 months and refuses the sippy as well. We also are not a juice kind of family, so if we were maybe she would like it lol. We have only tried water in it.

    Love the banner!

  5. I wish I remember when my son started really getting a hang on the sippy. I think it was around 13-14 months old. We just took cues from him. If he wasn't ready, he just wasn't. We figured he wouldn't go to kindergarten still with a bottle. We ended up phasing one in during the day and then keeping the night bottle for a little longer. He is two and a half now and every major transition has been pretty easy because we take his cues. Every kiddo is different and has their own timeline. Good luck!

  6. That's so cute! Your so crafty! If I tried to make that mine would look like poo.

  7. Love your decorations! Mine are already out too, I think I dug them out the day after it dropped below 100 for the first time! :)
