Friday, September 9, 2011

Ten Months!

Ten months.  TEN MONTHS?!?!  Two, yes TWO, months from being ONE!??!  I can't believe it.  I won't blabber on on how fast it's going by, I'll just get straight to the pictures.

{"Oh man.  Here she goes again.  Wait, I think I remember this chair does something fun ..."}

{"Maybe the pillow makes noises ... or has a toy in it ... ?"}

{"Or maybe it was that spinny thing on the ceiling ..."}


{"Tee hee hee hee hee.  That was fun.  And I think I freaked my mom out."}

{"Right mom?  You freaked out a little huh?"}

{"Sooooo ... now what?"}

{"Pffffffllllllttttttt.  This is BORRRR-IIIIIING."}

{"So I'm jumping ship."}

{"Ugh.  Woman.  You're such a buzz kill.  Can't you tell I'm done with this business?"}

{"Alright here.  I'll humor you.  I'll give you my bashful face.  Let's get this over with, I've got places to crawl and electrical outlets to try and stick my finger in."}

{"And now?  My version of Blue Steel.  Live it, love it, do it."}

{"For my final pose, I shall appear aloof.  Or how 'bout bored.  Cause I AM!"}

This was the best of the lot.  Happy ten months lovebug.  I'm officially starting my denial of the fact that you'll be one soon.

"No one else will ever understand the strength of my LOVE for you.  After all, YOU'RE the ONLY one that knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."


  1. Love the quote and pics! Isn't it crazy to think how fast time is flying? Troy will be 8 months on the 24th and its like "uhhhh? Wait. Where did the time go?"

  2. Happy 10 months cutie patootie!! :) xoxo

  3. so cute!!

  4. I always love your captions! They go exactly with his expressions!

  5. New Follower! He is so cute! Happy 10 months little buddy!

  6. I was wondering if this post was coming soon... I got excited when I saw it! He's as cute as ever... and says/thinks the funniest things ;)
