Sunday, September 25, 2011


First of all, HI!  It seems as though I decided to take an unintended blog-cation last week.  Who knew?  Not me, that's for sure.  I just looked up one day and it was Saturday!  So, I've gone ahead and broken my unspoken rule of not blogging on the weekend and am blogging on Sunday.  GASP!  It's really not all that dramatic.  I just like using the word "gasp".

So, tonight at home group (for those of you that don't know what home groups are, it's our church's version of Bible study they're just done in homes and are usually grouped according to demographics, i.e. young marrieds, singles, etc.) one of our home group leaders referenced a video that I put on my blog, however I realized that I actually hadn't put it on my blog (though I intended to) and had only shared it on facebook.  So, that's a long sentence to say I wanted to share this video with you.  Like three weeks ago.  But apparently I dislocated my head from my body (this happens frequently) and forgot to.  So, here it is.  I hope it swells your heart with just how much our God loves us.  It did mine.  And I don't know about you, but my heart needs that reminder.  A lot.

1 comment:

  1. You dislocated your head from your body. Heehee :D
    Happens to the best of us. Sometimes I thinks things that I never do :D
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful song!
