Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Diamonds ... Er, Uh Plastic is a Girl's Best Friend?

Obviously I have no self control.  It looks as if I will be posting daily, minus the weekends, I usually try to stay as far away from the computer as possible on the weekends, unless it's via my iPhone.

So, just got back from a dentist appt.  We joined a new dentist.  I say joined because I feel like when you go to a new doc or dentist, it's like joining a gym.  They take all the information they possibly can from you when you come in, you usually have to pay more the first time because they take extra time with the first cleaning (i.e. joining fee) and you feel really uncomfortable and akward because someone is looking in your mouth which to me is just strange, much like the way you feel when you join the gym because they ask you all sorts of personal questions "What are your fitness goals?" (Answer: To actually get to the gym) "How much do you weigh?" (Answer:  Nunya.)  "What is your goal weight?" (Answer:  See that girl over there in only a sports bra and stretchy shorts flaunting herself at every man that passes her?  Go ask her how much she weighs.  SHE is my goal weight.)  Anyways, back to our new dentist membership.  Why is it that every time I go to the dentist they discover some unknown problem that I didn't have when I was there 6 months ago?  I mean, I didn't have FIVE cavities 6 months ago, and I KNOW (do I EVER know) that I don't eat sweets much at ALL, so where did said FIVE cavities come from?  I feel like I should have at least gotten to enjoy the reason you get cavities on the front end, but again, I know I haven't.  But man if I had, it would have been with candy corns.  I love me some candy corns ... and, I digress.  So anyways, what's the deal?  Thankfully as the hygenist is scraping the ever-loving life out of my gums, teeth and skull (at least it feels like it) I got to watch a movie with headphones (blocking out the fingernails-down-the-chalkboard-like noise those cleaning tools make along with the machine that detects cavaties that sounds like a cow in labor) on the TV that was on the ceiling.  Praise the Lord for technology.  So, 2 1/2 hours later I'm told I have FIVE (sorry, but I just must keep captializing that) cavities and need to come back in 6 weeks for ANOTHER torturing ... ahem, sorry I mean cleaning ... and to have 2 of the FIVE cavities filled.  I'm sorry, did you say 6 weeks?  Did you know that's the first week of December?  Yes?  Did you also know that I have 5,000 relatives and that December is the month that has that big holiday known as Christmas?  And did you know that December is the most expensive month EVER?  Yes?  Still 6 weeks?  Great.  Just making sure.  Looks like I will be getting cavities for Christmas.  Awesome.

But, in other, more fun news, please take a look at this FUN ring I got for $1.49.  Yes, you read that right, $1.49.  Maybe buying rings for $1.49 instead of $20 will help with the FIVE cavities we have to pay for ... sorry just had to jump back on that box of soap one more time ... So, SINCE the ring was SO cute and SO cheap I, of course, got 3.  One in teal, one in green and one in black.  So, I leave you with a picture of the teal one.  I mean after all, plastic IS a girl's best friend right?  A budgeting girl with FIVE cavities best friend for SURE!


  1. Eww, sorry about your cavities!! There's nothing much worse in my book than going to the dentist! Glad you got cute rings though!

  2. deciding to blog was the best decision you ever made. thank you.

  3. precious ring...

    Thank you for blogging girl! This is going to be a good one! I'll have to add you to my blogroll in my links area!! *hugs*

    kelsey @ kelseytoney.com

  4. You girls just made my day! I love comments!!!
