Friday, October 23, 2009

Fabulous New Blog, Change in Weekend Plans and Other Such Updates ...

I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new blog look.  Fabulous K really is what her name states.  FABULOUS!  I just told her I love teal, gave her some pictures and she came up with this fantastic representation of me!  Now I want to blog even more than I did before.  Calm down Kate ... 2 posts a day, every day is a little ... obsessive.  All that is to say, SHOUT OUT to Fabulous K for fabulousing up my blog!  We will do mexican food and margs very soon to show my appreciation ;0)

Well, last night my hubs came home from his week in Orlando not feeling well.  He's got a sore throat and sounds like death, but thankfully he doesn't have a fever.  We are, however, going to go ahead and cancel our Baylor Homecoming weekend.  Good news is, there will be one next year ... and the year after ... and so on and so forth.  I wish all you bears that ARE going a fun and safe green and gold weekend.  Sic 'em Bears!

Speaking of last night ... I went to play this game, Keno with my hilarious friend Amanda (if you want to laugh your hiney off - check out her blog out, it's listed in my stalks, they're the Ventura's - another SHOUT OUT).  I had no idea what Keno was.  It is basically Bingo (hence why I yelled Kengo when I won the first time) with pictures of different cards (like from a deck of cards) and one person flips over cards in an actual deck of cards and calls out the name of the card.  You then put a bean on your card, if you have the card they called out.  Everyone brings a gift so if you win Keno then you pick a gift and then second round is for the gift stealing.  It's like White Elephant Bingo.  So, I started out like a champ, winning TWO gifts the first round.  And then we had wonderful pumpkin cake and everything in the second round was downhill from there.  I ended up having BOTH my gifts stolen.  What kind of people steal gifts from the new girl?  I mean come on ... RUDE.  I'm AM only kidding ... kind of.  :0)  We did, however have some WONDERFUL appetizers.  I brought these chive and garlic crackers which were SO good but NOT so good for the breathage.  Seriously.  I can still taste them today.  And yes I brushed my teeth.  Twice.  Also the hostess made these fantastically dangerous Candy Corn Martinis.  Most people know my obsession with Candy Corns ... and there were pumpkin pie flavored Candy Corns IN the martinis.  They were oh so yummy and ... a LITTLE ... strong.  And by a little I mean A LOT.  All in all it was super fun, the house was all Halloween themed up (which you know I loved) and I got to see sweet little Harrison who at some point, I'm going to bring a purse big enough to put him in and, when his parents are playing some version of Rock Band or Guitar Hero, steal him.  Love me some babies.

I will leave you with a picture of the martinis we had, because I always think there should be SOME sort of picture in a post ...

A deeb a deeb a deeb th-th-th-that's all folks!

OH and P.S. - ABC Family's "13 Nights of Halloween" have started!  I LOVE this special, every night they play a different "scary" kids movie.  Movies like Beetlejuice, Casper (with Christina Ricci, LOVE it!) Haunted Mansion and Hocus Pocus!  So tune in at 7pm all the way up until Halloween. - Okay now that really IS all folks!

1 comment:

  1. You make me want to learn this game! Sounds like a the new blog
