Monday, October 26, 2009

Raindrops on ... Well Everything.

Can I just say how much I LOVE rainy days and at the same time HATE them when they're on a Monday morning and I have to get out of bed and go to work?  It is literally torturous.  If that's not a word it is now.  And it's used to describe rainy Monday mornings.  With every crack of thunder and burst of lightening a little bit more of me actually WISHES that I was sick.  That's how bad it is, I want to be physically ill so I can stay in bed (and/or couch) all day and listen to the thunder roll and watch the lightening strike (shout out Garth).  Ever notice how this NEVER happens on a Saturday morning?  Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for gorgeous weekends, but I swear every Saturday morning it's like the bright shining lights of Heaven are coming through my windows and sheer curtains (that was my mistake) and shining ON my face ... at 7 am ... no matter which way I roll over.  I've tried putting a pillow over my head, but WHO can sleep with a pillow over their head?  I'd rather not add the suffocation factor to the brightness that is my bedroom on Saturday and sometimes Sunday mornings.  The moral of this story?  I wish I was sick.  So I could go home.  And sleep to the rain.  Ridiculous I know, especially when my poor husband has been sick all weekend.  So hopefully I didn't just jinx myself. 

Speaking of sick.  That was the theme of our weekend.  Poor Mr. Fulmer was sick with some version of sore throat/cough/achyness.  No fun.  We were planning on going to BU Homecoming but didn't think risking our friends getting sick made sense, nor risking Matt getting sicker.  So Friday and Saturday night pretty much consisted of the same thing.  Take out and Lost.  Can I TELL you how much I love me some Lost.  At at the same time WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND!?!?!  They are NUTS!  Now mind you, we are only into the first 2 episodes of Season 3.  For all you Lost fans, Jack, Kate & Sawyer have all been captured by "The Others" (i.e. psycho creepsters who live in this "Stepford Wives" type of town).  It's pretty ridiculous how caught up I get in this show.  I gasp and put my hands over my mouth and get really mad at "The Others" ... I'm sure Matt thinks I'm a nut.  I can't help it!!!  This show has so much drama and suspense.  I now understand why all my friends were so nuts about it.  And we still have 4 full seasons to go!!!  I hope we get caught up before next season starts (which I THINK is in January?)  That's a lot of couch potato'ing between now and then.  I think I'm up for the challange ;0)

Speaking of couch potato'ing.  That is something I did NOT do yesterday.  Actually for about an hour I fell asleep while watching the Cowboy game with Matt.  I know, I know, it's against the Texan rule to sleep during your home team's football game, but I do that with all football games.  There's something about the background noise of the fans in the stadium and the announcer talking that is like a lullaby ... it lulls me right to sleep.  Football game naps are some of the best naps I take.  After I woke up from my nap I was supposed to run my 10 miles.  I had literally almost talked myself out of it, decided to put it off until today but then decided I would HATE myself if I had to do it today (which I was right, it's rainy and cold and all I want to do tonight is go home and put on PJs and hang on the couch w/ my pup)  After I finally got my rear off the couch and to the gym I turned on the TV (I was the only one there, TV all to myself) to figure out what I was going to watch for the 2 HOURS I was running, I remembered The 13 Nights of Halloween was on.  Thank the Lord for ABC Family.  Edward Sissorhands it was.  This is generally how my runs go. I start the treadmill and at about 1.7 miles I think "Oh my gosh I can't do this, I have 8.3 miles to go!  I'm stopping" ... "Yes you can Katie, keep going stop being ridiculous" ... then about mile 3 "ARE YOU JOKING you have 7 miles to go!  GET OFF THE TREADMILL" ... "What's 7 miles?  You've run that before already!" ... and then about mile 6 "You ARE going to die.  You cannot do this, if you keep going your legs will break and you will never walk again" ... "SHUT UP keep going, watch the TV" ... and then mile 8 "Okay.  This is good enough.  You didn't die.  Who really needs to hit the 10 mile mark, you should be proud to have made it this far.  Quit" ... "Seriously?  You've come this far and you're going to QUIT?  Katie, 2 miles is NOTHING" ... and then ... I'm done ... and feel great.  And that is my internal struggle.  Everytime.  It's a complete comparison to what the enemy does in your life (segway into seriousness a sec) "Katie you can't do this, and the Lord can't help you.  Don't even try and stop putting your faith there."  But if you lift your eyes to The Maker He will tell you "Child you CAN do this, you can do ALL things through Christ who strenghthens you" and then your stride gets a little bit longer, your burden gets lighter and you see, that you can do whatever it is you are trying to master, you can overcome whatever it is you are trying conquer and you have the Lord to guide and carry you the whole way through.  And on that note, I'll say goodbye on this rainy Monday and hopefully will be typing on a sunny Tuesday tomorrow!

PS - My picture is a result of my hair appt.  It may not look much different, but I THINK I'm going to go get my bangs cut a little more (who knew it was free at Toni & Guy, all you have to do is walk in!) and it's a LOT blonder :0)  And my nose looks huge for some reason ...

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