Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Am SO Proud of Myself!

Well you may notice an updated look to my blog.  I decided while waiting for my ULTRA cuteness I would see what I could do on my own.  Miss Fabulous is a VERY busy girl you know and is giving me a great deal ;0) so I thought I'd go ahead and play around with it.  Nothing close to what Fabulous K could do, but I think it looks pretty darn cute for now!  There IS a lot of teal (well a version of it), anytime there is an excess of teal I am a happy girl.  I also added two nerdy countdowns on the left.  I love holidays people.  That just comes with the territory of me.  Poor Matt had to get used to this the first year we were dating, and we started dating at the beginning of holiday season ... it's a wonder he married me.  I love the holidays so much so that I start the Christmas music on October 1st and listen to it until New Year's when they take it off the air, by on air I mean on XM they have TWO Christmas channels, pretty much Heaven in my car, I literally make up excuses to go places.  "What sugar?  You need to go to the cleaners? (hate, by the way-only cause Matt takes his clothes to the cleaner in bulk, so picking it up is like carrying a 200 lb man to my car) SURE I'll go for you ... I may not be back for a few hours though ... I think there are detours that need to be taken ... several ... and road work ..."  And when they DO take it off the air (that dreaded day, oh the horror) Matt knows well enough to caudle me and tell me it's okay and there WILL, in fact, be another Christmas and more Christmas music in the coming years ... and then reminds me that I did get a full 3 months of it, which I promptly remind him was NOT enough and sink into my mini-depression for a day or two. 

Speaking of the holidays it's about that time for me to have another Holiday Girl's Night!  That's right, you guessed it, for Thanksgiving!  I'll be sending out the Evite here pretty soon, the Halloween one was a BLAST so if you'd like to come, just shoot me your email so I can make sure I put you on the Evite!  This one will be a "potluck themed" one where everyone will bring a dish.  You know.  The way our fore fathers did?  With the Indians?  And Charlie Brown?  Anyways, I will be making some sort of "adult cidery type beverage" and some sort of dish.  And then we always play a form of White Elephant.  The Halloween one was Black Cat and I used to call the Thanksgiving one Pink Turkey, but it was brought to my attention that it doesn't ... so much ... sound ... the best ... eek!  SO I'm going to change it to Yellow Turkey.  That's sort of a fall-y-ish color right?  I usually try and do it on a Thursday night so if it goes late (which last time it went til 11pm!) then everyone only has one day of work to endure before the weekend hits.  Can't wait!  Bring on the Thanksgiving Girl's Night!

Here is a pic of the loot for the Black Cat game loot ...

And here is a pic of one of my Halloween-themed dishes!  A 3-Layer Spider Web Dip!

The Thanksgiving one should be just as fun!  Last year's was a great turnout, we had a fantastic time!

Last I need help from you girls.  We are going to Homecoming this weekend.  I have no cute Baylor shirt to wear (most are unacceptable w/ holes in them, mainly for sleeping-never-to-be-seen-by-anyone-than-my-husband's-eyes types of Baylor shirts, I mean seriously, it's a wonder I don't finish them off when I'm sleeping they're so flimsy) I really don't want to buy one ... Am I going to look like a total freshman if I wear a green cute top, yellow scarf boots and possibly leggings/jeans?  I don't want to over do it, do want to look cute, and don't want to spend money on a new t-shirt.  I'd rather spend it on a yellow scarf ;0)  Okay, feedback por favor.  Thanks, 'preciate it. 

That's all for today - little less sarcastic, little more informative.  TTFN. 

1 comment:

  1. Katie - Ok, I will share my secret - I wish I lived in Dallas so we could hang out and be friends!!! Um, can I come to your Thanksgiving party?! I will be in town ALL OF NOVEMBER and will love to see you...and Andrea...and maybe some more long lost friends! My email is!
