Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Daydreaming ...

I find myself doing this a lot lately.  About everything we've got coming up in our future.  About what the nursery will look like, what my showers will be like, how horrific the labor labor will be.  Lots of different things.  But mostly I daydream about what my sweet baby boy will look like.  Will he have my eyes?  Will he have the Mister's eyelashes (please dear LORD let him have his dreamy eyelashes) and full head of hair?  Will he be athletic like his daddy (I hope so, for my son's sake.  Momma's notsomuch coordinated)?  As for me, I hope he looks just. like. this.

{My Mister.  In the dishwasher.  Of course.  Where else would he be?}

{And blankets in the toliet.  Of course.  Where else would they go?}

I am NOT daydreaming, however, about the appliances I'm going to find him disassembling or the items I'm going to find in the toliet.  I have this feeling he'll be his father's son and even though I'll probably end up completely losing my mind, I'm super excited about that.


  1. Aw! What cute photos! :)

  2. What cute pictures!!

  3. cute pictures :)

    Why is it that guys always get the gorgeous eyelashes?!

  4. What perfect things to daydream about!

  5. Daydreaming is the best, isn't it?! I always tell my husband that I hope our little boy (someday) is a spitting image of him. Wouldn't that be precious?! And when are we going to find out what you're naming the little stud muffin? :) Have a great day, sweetie!

  6. Aw those are such cute photos! You can see his long eyelashes as a baby! Ugh lucky girl he'll totally be adorable!

  7. I love the dishwasher photo! So cute

  8. Cute post. He will be adorable!

  9. Your hubby was such a cute baby! I know your little boy will be just as cute :)

  10. Hahah your mister was a little nugget! I love all the day dreaming :) I cannot wait to see pictures of your handsome little man!!

  11. Hilarious pictures!!!

  12. You two are going to make one adorable little guy!

  13. Cute photos. I daydream about my baby every single day. I can't wait to see her/his face!

  14. Aww you are going to be such a sweet momma! That is just tooo cute!

  15. How cute with the towels in the toilet!! I wonder about those things too and I'm not even pregnant yet!

  16. Aw, I love seeing old school photos like that!

  17. Mister is a cutie! I hope Baby Fulmer has both y'alls looks....you two are so cute!

  18. Adorable pictures! You guys are going to have a beautiful baby!

  19. How cute!

    I did the same thing when I was little...I put clothes and blankets in the toilet. I was washing them lol
