Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pregnancy and Weight Gain ...

Warning:  This is going to be a sewious post.  Except I just said "sewious".  Okay for real, from this point on, all seriousness ensues.  I wanted to "chat" about one part of pregnancy that has been hard for me thus far and I feel is only going to get worse.  The weight gain.  Now granted, I'm not doing as much of my part as I could be.  I'm not working out every day, eating only veggies and grilled chicken salads (mainly because both those things still make me want to vom JUST a wittle bit, shoot - we're being serious Kate don't say wittle) and truthfully drinking as much water as I should be.  However, I'm not chowing down on Chick Fil-A, McDonald's and Sonic on a daily basis EITHER.  And thus the pounds are a-packin'.  As they should be.  I'm PREGNANT.  And everyone says "Embrace looking pregnant" and "It's a beautiful time" and "Pregnancy is adorable" which are all true however, telling that to someone who has dealt with weight her whole life (I was heavy during late elementary school and into junior high getting teased to the point of making me consider horrible alternatives in the place of living life) and the mental and emotional toll that takes on a person and the lifetime of work it takes to deal with those issues, isn't something that's easily absorbed.  Don't get me wrong, the belly, I like.  The belly, I LOVE.  I DO think that's adorable.  The fat arms, face, cankles, thalves (calves that not only morph into ankles but morph into thighs as well) and all around balloon-like quality that the rest of my body is taking on I don'tsomuch love.  I love the REASON for it, but I don't love what I see in pictures.  Not to mention the fact that I'm constantly sweating (because it's 100+ degrees daily and I'm carrying around extra weight and puffiness) which always makes a lady feel sexy and dainty.  NOTSOMUCH.  And I'm really just being honest here.  I don't know if anyone else can relate, but it's not easy "watching yourself" gain weight and being okay with it.  It doesn't help when you have friends that weight less at 20 weeks than you did BEFORE you got pregnant.  Now don't worry, heaven knows there is no way I will DIET when I'm pregnant or deprive my baby of ANYTHING while he's growing inside of me, but I can't say that I'm not chomping at the bits to get on a treadmill and start training for another half marathon as soon as my little guy gets here and the doc gives me the go-ahead.  I was thinking about this the other day in the car when one of my favorite songs came on the radio.  If you haven't heard it (and you're a woman) you have to go at least listen to it on iTunes or look the video up on youtube.  It's called "The Real Me" by Natalie Grant.  Natalie Grant had an eating disorder much of her life, so she really sings from a place where I think most of us women can relate.  Feeling inadequate and self conscious of our bodies and uncomfortable in our own skin.  In fact, instead of suggesting you go watch it on youtube, I'll post the video that includes the lyrics here ...

How thankful I am that the Lord sees the real me.  And has entrusted me and my body enough to carry His beautiful creation that he has blessed me and my Mister with, our sweet little boy.  And hopefully this met some of you where you are today.  Remember, HE sees the real you.  LOVE to all of you, my sweet readers!!!


  1. You are beautiful! Are you kidding? I give you the cute pregnant girl award! :)

  2. I feel the same way! I am 25 weeks and the last two appointments I had I gained 5 pounds each. For someone who really never fluctuated its definitely a shock! I am dreading the weigh in I have at the beginning of August for my 7 month check up but I can't wait to have the ultrasound and see how much he's grown. I think its a normal thing for us to go through. You do look great!!!

  3. I have not yet been pregnant but I hear what you're saying. I don't think I will do well with the gaining weight thing either. BUT with that said I always think you look awesome in all your pics and just remember why you are gaining. And then when little man gets here I know you will kick that baby weight off in no time. Just stay positive, everyone is different and you really do look great! Enjoy.

  4. I have fallen off the blogging planet (and switched blogs in the meantime! ha) but I have been thinking of you and am so glad to hear your sweet boy is growing well. Honestly, gaining weight is probably my biggest fear when it comes to pregnancy. I think you have the right perspective, though! Hugs!

  5. You are beautiful and I think you look great! You are totally rockin' the pregnancy! You are always gorg girlie :0)

    Thanks for this post....I needed this today! I am struggling alot with the extra weight gain from the steroid pulses and chemo meds and I really needed to hear this song today....thank you so much for it....

    loves ya

  6. ummm. . . I love you. . . Love you so much. . . seriously love you. . . I know that you KNOW this but you are God's child and HE DON'T MAKE MISTAKES girl! He made every single inch of you and HE LOVES EVERY SINGLE INCH! :-) I think you look awesome and cute and PREGNANT! BUT we all have the friends that wear 00 and can't find jeans in their size. . . SO i hear you BUT JUST know that I THINK YOU LOOK SOOO CUTE!!! You are amazing, katie! Love you!

  7. I am going send you an e-mail about this - I don't mind sharing my own feelings/emotions/situations over the WWW, but it's about someone I love, so... sending an e-mail. :)

  8. I think you are so cute with your belly! I know it is hard when you have to get on the scale at the doctors office..and the nurse says how much you weigh? I guess they still do that. I hated that part! But your body will bounce back and you will be thin again....you will! I know maybe you can't see that now but it will happen.

  9. I know you feel huge, but let me tell you, you're the prettiest blimp I've ever seen.

    No seriously though, we're all our own worst critics and I think your inner critic is just getting extra loud these days. Because looking at your flicks all up and down your blog you just look like a BEAUTIFUL, GLOWING, HAPPY, UPBEAT, FULL OF LIFE pregnant woman.

    PS your mom is beautiful too, you've got great genes, you're gunna pop that kiddo out and snap back instantly.

  10. Girl I am 17 weeks pregnant and I hear all the time. Wow you are really showing!! Thanks alot people! Ha! I think you look great and I lost my weight from my first baby so quick! It won't take you long to lose it. Just enjoy it and eat whatever, that's what I do!!

  11. You are so beautiful! Seriously! I can only imagine how hard it is to watch the pounds add up, but you truly do not have anything to worry about!

  12. Pregnancy is hard. and though it is a time to embrace and gain a few extra pounds that doesn't make it easy or fun. Stay strong you look stunning and pretty soon you will have this little baby in your arms that will make you forget about every single little pound you gained.

  13. Girlie, you look fantastic! I know how hard it is to see yourself "growing" and to remember that it will be gone soon enough. I lost all of my "baby weight" in about 2 weeks. Granted I only gained 16 lbs (my son was born 4 weeks early and I was at least 20 lbs heavier than I should have been when I got pregnant), but your weight will fall off and you'll be back to your "old" body before you know it. Hang in there... "you are fearfully and wonderfully made."

  14. What a great post! Especially those last few sentences! that should be your mantra, and will be mine after being wrongly accused of being pregnant today! from an outsider's perspective, I Promise you do not look balloon-ish at all. Hang in there..focus on the amazing things your body is doing for you and baby and appreciate how incredible that is! And your body can be beautiful at varying weights:)

  15. Katie I know exactly where you are coming from. Earlier in life I struggled with an eating disorder and depression as well, mostly self image related so I know where pregnancy can take you. I got pregnant by "surprise" so dealing with the weight and body change was definitely hard. I am not sure it gets easier as you go along, but the thought of having your baby and being able to lose the weight gets closer.

    Just know you do look great and you can lose the weight and be a good happy healthy mommy!

    Thanks for the honest post and I hope you had a good day!

  16. I know exactly how you feel. I got up to 200 lbs with Addison! Can you say OINK!!! I felt miserable and ugly through out my pregnancy. You will bounce back after your little man arrives. I think you are absolutely adorable. Keep your head up!!!!

  17. awww...I'm reaching out and giving you a big cyber hug because I feel the same way..I truly thought the thing I'd miss the most during pregnancy would be red wine and coffee...(side note thanks to throwing up a latte in my lap in the car notsomuch missing coffee) but its running. I know you're supposed to gain weight during pregnancy and all of the stuff you said earlier, but ITS HARD..I had an aha moment the other day when I was driving and happened to glance down at my thighs..YIKES!! I'm really growing! Everyone keeps telling me the weight will "fall off" once the baby gets here but in the meantime I'm a sweaty, back-pain-y, soon to be cankle-y mess!
    I also agree with everyone else- you are the cutest pregnant person..even if you're not feeling great you do look awfully good!

  18. great post! i was so self conscious during my pregnancy... i love my belly... hated my swollen face... fat feet.. and chubby fingers... and the seating all the time thing... not so sexy either lol ... but then that beautiful baby comes and its all worth it ... and even though we say a million time ugh i will never do this again .. we find ourselves with empty womb syndrome lol i cant wait to have another one

    congrats!!! Have a wonderful week!

  19. You are amazing to be providing your baby boy with a loving environment. I'm sure you'll lose all the pregnancy weight running after the little tyke! Don't even sweat it. You are a sweetie!

  20. You are amazing, gorgeous, funny, loving, giving, talented, creative, giving, and blessed for what you have. You rock Katie!!!

  21. I felt the same way both times (even though I said I wouldn't worry as much the 2nd time!), but the weight will come off fast (I say hopefully, 5 days postpartum:), and you will look at that baby and nothing else matters! You look cute in all your pictures, so you are probably being too hard on yourself!

  22. seriously don't worry about it! just remember you are pregnant and that when you're not, you'll return to your normal size. just choose healthy foods (no i dont mean salads, i hate them!) and do lots of walking if possible!

  23. Girl, I know all too well how you feel! I won't even get into the discussion about my weight issues between 2 pregnancies! It won't make you feel better. But, just know I definitely can relate and am now working on the other side trying to lose it! You'll get there after it's all over with. Try to embrace this time (but don't do what I did, which is eat whatever you feel like ALL the time. You'll regret it.)

  24. i just woke up and for somme reason got on the scale...thus a bad start to my day. and im not even pregnant! i love you Katie and have always looked up to you for lots of things....u are beautiful no matter what!!!

  25. I've never been pregnant - so I can't speak from experience - but this is something I worry about when I think about becoming pregnant. I've always struggled with my weight as well and I'm just fearful of how out of control I might become when I'm pregnant.

    If it means anything - I THINK YOU ARE GORGEOUS! I don't see an ounce of weight gain other than the belly - which is FABULOUS! :) You are beautiful and you are carrying one of life's most precious gifts. :)

  26. Katie you are so beautiful! Seriously. You are GLOWING. I have not been pregnant (yet) but you are absolutely correct, you're PREGNANT. And you're stunning. And it is OK to gain weight, because when you have your little boy, you're going to go back to your normal size and nothing else in this world is going to matter. Have a good day, love :)

  27. I have struggled my entire life with the same "body issues" you are describing. So, I DEFINITELY know exactly what you are going through with the weight gain. I can't say I've eaten particularly "healthy" as I should this entire pregnancy, lol (heck, we pregos have SERIOUS cravings!) however, I HAVE worked SUPER hard on the excercise, and it honestly makes you feel soo much better. I get that hopping on a treadmill is the last thing you want to do when you are prego, but I swear, it is the best motivation. Even just a 30 minute walk really helps. Excercise can even ease labor! If that's not motivation, I don't know what is! Just throwing it out there. I don't think there is any answer for making those feelings completely go away, because even if you weren't pregnant, you would be feeling them... but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the weight gain WON'T be forever and like you said, you get the most amazing gift out of it. So, try to relax and just block those negative thoughts for the time being. Easier said than done.. I know. You are such a beautiful lady and 10, 20, even 30 pounds isn't going to change that, plus, you are going to jump RIGHT back to normal routines once you have the baby, I can tell with your determination. So enjoy being a little lazy right now, we have an excuse!

  28. Girl you are one of the cutest pregnant girls ever ... but I do know that it's hard to see your body change and even though we know it's natural, normal, and best for the babies, it's not always easy to accept. Praying for you my friend.

  29. You are gorgeous and a beautiful pregnant girl! Embrace it, it took me a while to accept that I couldn't fit into clothes or find any that looked right but I'm slowly getting there. Thanks for posting this, and remember that last part you said. It will get you through this! :)

  30. I haven't been pregnant but I can see how it would be frustrating to be gaining weight. Of course you are growing a human, so you will gain some weight, but us girls are always worried about that!

    Just know that it will ALL be worth it in the end, becuase you will have such a beautiful little bundle of joy in your arms. You are so motivated, so the weight will come right off once the baby is born, I know it!

    But for the record, I think you are an adorable pregnant lady :)

  31. I have to say that I can totally feel you on this one. I do NOT love the pregnancy weight gain. I had a hard time the first time and it isnt better this time. I dont feel "cute or "pretty" or anything like that. I just feel like a chub. I feel like I gain weight everywhere too. I look at pics from my first pregnacy and I dont notice the bump...justthe double chin :(

    All I can say is....it DOES come off, so that is something to look forward to...and it IS TOTALLY worth it!!

    Hang in there....and I do think that you look great...and we are all looking at your cute bump :)

  32. I haven't been pregnant yet (obviously) but I can see how you would feel like that. It's got to be hard to see yourself gain weight, even if it's for the baby, when you have struggled with it your whole life. I hope you eventually feel more comfortable and at peace with it. You will be able to lose that weight, it's just temporary.

  33. I've never been preggo but I can only imagine how your feeling because I think I would stress over those exact same things. You look great and you'll see the benefits after your little one is here in your arms. The rest is history and I'm sure he'll keep you busy and burn that weight off. Those skinny skinny girls that are tiny when preggo are ridiculous, that's not normal.

  34. Girl, I'm sorry you're feeling uncomfortable with your appearance. I've not been with child but I can only relate to it in this way, don't laugh:

    When you have your monthly period and the scale weighs an ungodly number to you. There's the slight panic "Will this be temporary? Will my happier weight return after a week?" This ensues for me every month like a village idiot.

    I think you look very pretty, I'm sure your hubs does too. I bet it will be a relief to return to your ol' self post baby. I guess it's good to know that you will get back to that point, and then you can say "I did this AFTER a baby"

  35. I loved reading this post! I am struggling with the weight issue too for my pregnancy. I was already heavier than I need to be when I got pregnant so now I stress about how much or how little I am gaining. I always want to go work out but that whole lack of energy thing has me down still!

    No matter what, you look amazing Katie! You're already great a momma! Thanks for the post and sharing the lyrics to that song. It really puts things in to prespective!

  36. First I just want to say that you look great so keep that in mind! Second, I'm 26 weeks pregnant and I know exactly what you're going through. When everyone around me was losing weight or gaining it really slowly in the first trimester, I gained everything I was told to gain AND more. It was kind of depressing to see comments like, "I'm 15 weeks and back to my pre-pregnancy weight after losing 5 pounds in the first trimester"...umm...I was way ahead of them in the weight gain department!

    As someone who is a certified personal trainer, people expect me to have the best body in the world and it was SO hard to work out and eat right once I got pregnant. I was so exhausted and I was nauseous all the time. The only thing that helped was to eat something and it was never anything super healthy. I just needed to get food in my system. Yes, I'm in the recommended weight range I should be for being 26 weeks along (actually at the VERY top of the recommended weight gain range), but its still hard to think about the fact that I've gained just over 20 pounds. When I look at pictures I see chubby arms. I am constantly criticizing myself. Then I measure the inches and truthfully the most gain is in my abdominal region anyway. Ya, I gained a little weight in my arms, but not near as much as I thought I had. I've been trying to work out more now any day that I feel "good" and I think it makes me feel better overall...but mind you it doesn't feel like that great of a work out compared to what I used to be capable of.

    Sorry this was sooooo long! I just want you to know that I'm right there with you and many pregnant women feel the same way (as you've seen from all the comments above). People don't realize that weight gain hits you in more than just your stomach until they actually get pregnant! You're going to have a very healthy baby and you should proud of how damn good you look!!! You're gorgeous!

  37. I freak out and feel awful about myself once a month when aunt flow stops by and brings her friends, cankles and thalves...and that only lasts about a week! I can only imagine that feeling sausage-like all the live long day would begin to wear on my emotions during pregnancy.

    People can tell you over and over again how pretty you look, but it won't do any good unless you believe what the Lord says--that you are even more beautiful than lilies!

    Buuuut, it couldn't hurt to have people tell you how pretty you are in addition to that! You are gorgeous, and I'm totally envious of your style.

    There, I said it! :-)

  38. Oh I hear you honey. I will tell you that you look amazing and that you have a miracle growing inside you but I know that I would feel the same way as you. Try to embrace this special time <3

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. I think you are sooo beautiful. Thanks for being honest and real!

    I love you even though I don't really know you, but I do!

  41. Anonymous7/21/2010

    I went to the Dr. today and she said "Huh. You have put on a chunk of weight this month."

    Why did she use that adjective? It's a sensitive time, Dr!

  42. I just started reading, and loving it so far. I can't wait to read your posts! I just noticed Natalie Grant's song on this post and I had to comment...I used to looooove this song, and seriously, just TODAY, I rediscovered it and fell in love all over again. What a powerful message!

