Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughtless Thursday: Blog Awards!

It's that time again.  Time for ...


I recently received three blog awards and I thought I'd post about them today for Thoughtless Thursday!  So today will be a little more thought-FULL and a little less thought-less.  Plus, I have no pictures to share (ducks head again from rotten fruit being thrown) but I promise I'll remedy that this weekend.

So here we go (as soon as I pause for this message from our sponsors, i.e. - I need to run downstairs and grab a Coke)

Ahhhhhhh.  Refreshing.  Okay.  Back to the awards.  The first loverly lady to honor me with an award was Julie over at Brown Eyed Belle.  What's not to like about this girl?  She's darling AND a southern girl.  Fantastic combo.  Julie gave me this award ...

And the rules of this award are to write out 5 (well, she did 10, but I'm going to do 5) things about yourself and give the award to 5 bloggers.  Well, you all know me well enough to know I'm giving all 3 awards to ALL of you.  I can't choose just 5, I love ALL my sweet readers!  Not to mention I'm indecisive like that ... So here goes.  10 things about myself ...

1.  Saying I like Disney would be an understatement.  I cry at the sound of "When You Wish Upon A Star".  I tear up upon entering Disney World.  At any given time, if the chance between a beach vacation and Disney World were on the table, I'd choose Disney World.  Hands down.

{Look at this place, isn't it neat ...}

{You've never had a friend like me ...}

And yes, those captions were from songs in Disney movies ...

2.  I love the color teal (obviously from the fact that it's ALL over my blog) more than the normal person should love a color.  Even if JLO DOES say it's the color of gangrene.  What does she know, besides the fact that her love don't cost a thang?  Now don't worry, I'm not like one of those people from Tacky House (have you seen this show?) where my house looks like teal joined a fraternity, went out and partied, had too much to drink and vomitted all over it, BUT I do gravitate towards it in an unhealthy way.  And I think I've cursed my little sister with the same obsession because she TOO now loves all things teal.  It's my fault.  I guess it could be worse.  But I kinda couldn't be prouder ... The following pictures make my heart (and my eyes) happy ...

3.  I have a problem with finishing things I start.  Like a lot.  Who wants to start a new hip hop dance class?  ME!  Who wants to buy a new aerobics video and commit to doing it every day, twice a day?  ME!  Who wants to paint every room in their house, clean out all their closets and redecorate every single room while they're at it?  ME!  Who wants to help me finish all these projects?  Anyone ... ?  Anyone ... ?  I actually have really good intentions.  Really I do.  And I'm working on following through with things I start.  Actually I've been working on it for awhile and I'm getting better (at least I THINK I am, ask the Mister who's the best "finish what they start-er" EVER, kinda makes me sick ...)

{I want to be the pirate ... I think?}

4.  I love animals.  With my whole heart and soul.  I know that sounds corny, but there is nothing that will tug, tear and rip up my heart more than to see an animal suffering.  I literally scower the sides of roads as I'm driving to make sure I don't see an animal that is lost or hurt or needing help.  And if I do, I WILL park my car, more than likely somewhere dangerous, to get out and help the animal in need.  Two examples.  One Saturday at my parent's house when I was still in college I went to let their labs out in the back yard and noticed a bird sitting a LOT closer to the back door than a bird normally would.  I walked out the door and he didn't fly off, however something looked like it was wrong with his wing.  Of course, I start crying hysterically panic and start calling every place in the phone book that I can find that would possibly take injured wild animals.  I finally find one, (30 minutes away from my parents house) so I somehow shuffle the little guy into a box that I have filled with towels, bring this now freaking out spazzing pidgeon sweet little bird through the house to the garage and into my front seat and proceed to drive over 30 minutes with a bird in the front seat of my (who probably has rabies and every other gross disease wild animals can have, not that I ever care) car that, every time it jumps, flaps its good wing, or MOVES I come close to driving off the highway while silently screaming (I don't want to freak it out even MORE) praying it doesn't somehow regain the use of it's wing and start flying amuck in my car.  Thankfully I finally got the little guy there and they took him in, promising they'd repair his wing and set him free.  Phew.  Second story - I was driving from my parents house (I see a reoccuring theme with my parents house going on here ...) and as I come over a small hill on a busy 3-lane street there is a YORKIE standing in the MIDDLE of the street!  Thankfully I was the only one on the road at that point, however there were sure to be cars coming behind me soon.  I gasped so loud I'm sure the little guy heard me and proceed to pull my car over into a turn lane and jump out, whilst leaving it running ... I then see that cars are starting to come, and the yorkie (who thinks this is a game of chase apparently) is still standing in the middle of the road, looking at me like "Come on, try.  I BETCHA can't catch me ..." wagging his tail like he's not standing in the middle of a vehicular fire squad and I'm thinking "MAN I love animals, but I HATE this little dog right now!  Come HERE you crazy little mutt!"  As the cars start to come, I do the only thing I can think of.  Stand in the middle of three lanes of traffic, arms outstreched, palms out as if to "halt traffic" and mouth the word "STOP!"  Traffic stops, meanwhile I'm pretty sure people started calling 911 to have the authorities come pick up the nut that must've escaped from the closest mental institution and then I realize it.  The little booger has taken off.  He's running.  RUNNING.  Towards more main streets and intersections.  So what do I do?  Take off running after him ... and I don't know if you know, but yorkies are FAST!  I'm assuming it's because they're so little.  So now, traffic has resumed, the authorities are on their way (with straight jackets in tow) and I'm SPRINTING on the sidewalk after a little yorkie in a plaid collar.  Thank the Lord I had just finished running and was in my running attire.  Pulling this business in flip flops would NOT have been pretty.  He finally decides to turn and go down a neighborhood street and I try and corner him by backing him into a doorway of the entrance to a house.  As I come towards him (all the while talking baby-speak and telling him what a good boy he is, meanwhile cursing him in my head) he leans back on his front paws, puts his butt in the air, shakes his tail and takes off.  AGAIN.  So the running ensues.  All of the sudden a black Range Rover pulls down the street, the window rolls down to reveal this perfect, country-clubbing, blonde little mom. She leans out of her car and says "Is that your dog?" to which I answer "No (gasp) I (gasp) don't (gasp) know (gasp, wheeze, gasp) who's (gasp) dog (gasp, gasp, gasp) it is (gasp) I (gasp) just (gasp, wheeze, wheeze) saw him (gasp) in the (gasp) middle of (gasp) the street (gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp)" and she then tells me to get in her car and that she saw me running down the road like a crazed maniac and thought I needed help (clearly I did).  So we begin to follow him in her Rover.  We get to the end of the street and she corners him while I sit in the car (still gasping and wheezing) and he flippin' COMES to right to her!  I'm too tired (and wheezy) to be offended at this point, I'm just happy we she caught the little guy before he took his 400 meter dash the other direction into on-coming traffic.  She sets him in my lap where I have to resist the urge to strangle him check his collar for a phone number or address and low and behold, he lives TWO HOUSES AWAY from where we currently were.  AND, to add insult to injury just guess what his name was?  That's right.  It was KODA.  It had to be meant to be.  I know I would want someone to be there for MY Koda if he got out of the house and I was in the right place at the right time for their Koda.  We got him to his house and the owners were SO greatful that we had found him that they hugged us both.  The woman that actually caught him said to the owner "Well you really need to thank this girl (pointing at me) because she chased him down Parker (the street where my parents house was) and is the one that him out of harm's way" ... The Good Samaritan then took me back to my, still running, car parked in the turn lane of a 3 lane street and we both went on our ways.  I'm not sure I've ever slept so good as I did that night. 

5.  I have a slight love affair addiction to Diet Cokes/Dr. Peppers.  Before I got pregnant I probably drank close to 6 - 8 a day.  The hardest thing I had to deal with this pregnancy is cutting back my Diet Coke intake to one a day.  Not the morning sickness.  Not the headaches.  Not the (recently occuring) back aches.  The having to break up with Diet Cokes.  Oh how I miss thee.  And it doesn't help that water and I don'tsomuch get along.  And by don't get along I mean I hate it.  But I make myself drink it because I know it's good for the baby.  I've been drinking it in a plastic sports looking cup that has a straw beause anything that has a straw I seem to consume faster that being the reason my Mister takes them out of margaritas when I used to order them ...

{Oh DC, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways ...}

Now, onto the following two awards that I was given by miss Sam at Life Is Beautiful ...

Thank you SO much sweet Sam!!!  Okay, the rules for the second one are very similar to the blog award I listed above, so I'm going to let my 5 things count for the 7 things they ask you to list.  The rules for the first one are to tell 3 things you love about yourself (which will be hard, because I'm not one to go toot my own horn) and then post a picture you love.  So here goes.  Three things I love about myself.  I think I'm kinda funny sometimes.  But usually the times I think I'm funny, no one else does.  So I end up laughing at myself, by myself.  Second, I'm tender-hearted (or so my Mister says so) I have been told I have a lot of compassion for people and circumstances which I will agree, I'm easily moved and stirred towards things.  Which can sometimes be a bad thing.  Being upset for half a day because you weren't able to save an already dying Roly Poly isn't. normal.  Third, I have an ability to easily shrug things off.  Which can be a bad thing as well.  I'm working on not letting the things that really make a difference, and that should be addressed, go.

And a picture I really love?  Well that's easy ...

{Our sweet baby's profile pic.  Soon to be replaced by updated pics at our gender sono TOMORROW!}

And that's it for today ladies.  I'm sorry it took so long for me to post this today but my computer is acting prehystoric and I've literally been composing this since 10am.  It is now 12pm.  I feel like I just answered one of those questions on the myspace quizzes people used to post ... they would always start with "What time did you start this quiz?" and inevitably end with "What time did you finish this quiz?" ... So now that I FINALLY have McStinky up, come back and link up your Thoughtless Thursday posts, I can't wait to see what you posted!!!


  1. You're very welcome lady! Can't wait to see the new ultrasound photos! :)

  2. I just love animals too :) I hate when that one commercial comes on with all those sad animals :( I have to turn it quickly every time!

    Can't wait to see more ultrasound pictures!

  3. So my hubby and I had the chance to go to Disney World for our babymoon, yes we will be going back as soon as she is old enough to take part in the bibity bopity boutique (sooo awesome!) You should check it out on my blog from back in January, I have an amazing picture of the castle lit up at night like it was covered in ice (we went right after christmas!) AMAZING!!! We love Disney!!

    Can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!!

  4. Im a new follower, and what a doll you are. Loved all those facts about yourself, and the DC, we love each other too. ha Congratulations to you on that sweet baby. Hope tommorow goes well :)

  5. I love Disney too :)....and Diet Coke! I cant quit cold turkey when I also try to limit to one a you think one LARGE diet coke like 44 oz?) is too much??

  6. Hi! I have been a little absent in Bloggy-World! I have missed keeping up.
    You look precious, little mama!

  7. I left you a little award on my page!! Loving the BLOG!!

  8. I am the same way about animals! That's one reason why I love you so much!

  9. I sympathize with your missing diet cokes...I miss my coffee :( Surprisingly its not been as bad as I thought
    Can't wait to hear the gender reveal tomorrow!

  10. How exciting about tomorrow!!!!

  11. As you know, I am EXACTLY like you with the animals... I even work (well, volunteer) at one of those places where they repair the birds (ps they dont carry rabies... and actually raccoons very rarely carry rabies also.. they say you CAN TELL if a animal is rabid. my lil bro and i handle all sorts of wild animals.. owls, opossums, even mice up at sarvey and no health problems :-) but anywho... i sooooo love that we are kindred spirits in this sense :-) hope you have a fabulous 4th of july!!!! xoxoxo

  12. Anonymous7/03/2010

    Ah Disney World ... I have not been since our college trip.

  13. You may be the coolest girl ever.

    Just read about your excursion with the little yorkie. It must have been priceless seeing you and the little blonde mom in rescue mode.
