Monday, May 16, 2011

Let the Birfday Shenanagins Beginagins ...

First off, let me apologize for being so MIA last week.  Truthfully I was just in a plain ole' boring state of mind last week, so I figured I might as well not bore you with my plain ole' boring state of blog posts.  You can thank me later.  Another reason I checked out of blog world last week was because I was getting myself mentally and packingally (it's a word now, take my word for it) ready for last weekend because we were taking our first "trip" (not sure if 2 days is worthy of the word trip, but we'll go with it) away from our little man and I started missing him, well, last Monday.  I will say though, my friends did a good job of distracting me and we had ourselves a GREAT time!  C had himself a great time as well, I got constant adorable picture texts (that ALMOST made me drive home in the middle of the weekend) as proof.  SO, where did we go you ask?  Well my first birfday celebration started out at Coon Creek with two of our favorite couple friends, the Milams and Cotas.  Man did we have fun.  Instead of giving you a play by play, I'll let the pictures do the talkin' ...


And I would caption them all but I have a little man that's refusing to nap and fussing up a storm upstairs.  So I'll let you guess what's going on.  I'll just say a lot of fun was had and leave it at that.  There are a few more shenanagins planned for this week that I'll update you on as they come but for now I hope eveyone had as fun of a weekend as we did!!!


  1. Looks like y'all had a GREAT time!! I love all the photos! And I can totally see you flipping out over not being with Caleb! I mean, he IS the cutest thing ever! :)

  2. Awww happy Birthday weekend darlin'! Looks like fun :)
