Sunday, November 13, 2011

Caleb is One: Part 1

Yes, you read that right.  Part 1.  I know.  Ridiculous.  But really?  It's just because I have a big family a lot of them from East Texas, they breed like rabbits out there.  And our cozy home wasn't going to accomodate all 852 30 of them PLUS all of our closest friends and their kiddos.  So luckily?  C's Mamaw (my mom) offered to host the family affair.  And what a fun affair it was.

{DISCLAIMER:  Please ignore the sweaty/disheveled mess of a woman PRETENDING to be C's mommy.  I don't know who let her into the party but I did NOT appreciate this imposter ...}

{SECOND DISCLAIMER:  Apparently our camera has a "ghost mode" that I was unaware of.  It decided that "ghost mode" was the best for present capturing (it is NOT) and so this is what the majority of our present opening pictures look like.  The following are actually the BEST of the lot.  Just so you know what the options were ...}

What you CAN'T tell is that they are moving at light-speed.  Not really but let's play like they are, mmmkay?

And then?  The ghosts left the camera.

Well lookie there, it's nice to see you Mr. Focus!

{Totally unsure of this whole "let's crowd around the baby in the highchair and sing AT him" game ... "I already have table food issues people, DON'T SCARE ME OF IT ANYMORE THAN I ALREADY AM!"}

{Party people!}

{"Puffs, just give me puffs.  I don't need no stinkin' cake.  Just puffs and I'll be satisfied."}

{My Mamo looks horrified, the Mister and my dad are ready for Olan Mills, C wants his Elmo hat OFF and his Mamaw (who is behind the camera) must've had a mimosa too many with the way her centering skills are shaping up ...}

{That's better.  Someone else behind the camera and my mom in FRONT of it.  Her glasses are on her HEAD.  Enter picture-taking problem.}

{"This is not necessary, do you KNOW how many times the woman takes my picture?"}

{C is SURPRISED at the success of this Fulmer family photo!}

{Two great grandmas and a mid-clapping, non-focusing 1 year old.}

It was SUCH a fun party!  Highlights?  C got a CRAZY amount of loot, he doesn't care for opening presents (not my child), cake (NOT my child) or being the center of attention (well, kinda my child, it just depends on what day it is).  He DOES, however, LOVE balloons and crawling up long flights of stairs (that my parents happen to have at their house).  So there's that.

Thanks momma for a great memory for C's first birfday, and to all my family (East and non-east Texas) for attending!  Pictures from his 2ND soiree soon!


  1. I can't believe he is 1 already! I remember reading all your pregnancy updates and that seemed like just yesterday
    Glad he had a great bday

  2. He's such a big boy!!! I wanna eat his toesies in that last picture.

    Looks like a lovely family celebration!

  3. Sweet Caleb!!! He is such a big boy and I think he is looking more and more like you!!! Now the annoying million dollar question- when will you work on number 2?!? (nor trying to steal c's thunder here, but I gotta ask!!!)
