Friday, November 11, 2011

Little Scatter-brained.

Sorry for the blog absence, this weeks been a LITTLE full. Between C's 1 year appointment resulting in a crabby monkey from his shots (poor baby), his 1 year photo shoot (which may or may not have resulted in a full blown meltdown by the end) and his 1st birthday party tomorrow this momma's been a little frazzle dazzled. Not to mention, no one told me that when your child hits toddlerhood they develop this lovely thing called temper tantrums. Um, excuse me son? I did not teach you this. At least I don't THINK I go around throwing my head back, going into full blown plank-mode and screaming when I don't get what I want? Maybe we should ask the Mister ...

So? No bloggy bloggin' from me much this week. I have pictures from his family first birthday that I need to share but am lazy-blogging (i.e. from my phone) and don't feel like going to get them so I'll post a cute pupdate real quick ...

{That hair. Totally channeling his inner Beiber. I think it's about time for a cut.}

Just a couple of buddies playin' with blocks.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, I'll have pics from his party tomorrow hopefully on Monday! Happy weekend!


  1. I have to tell you- literally the week my daughter turned one the tantrums started too...complete with the throwing the head back and all. Umm, where did that come from?! I thought we had another year before the "terrible twos"!? Glad I'm not alone on this one!
