Friday, November 4, 2011

Flashback Friday ...

I'm thinking of having my fabulous blog designer (and friend) redo my TT button into a Flashback Friday button. Where you would basically post old photos each week. What do y'all think? Here's a little idea to get us started.

I was packing up some clutter and ran across these beauties.

Um, seriously? Why didn't someone tell me my foundation made me look like Casper? RUDE. I think I'm 15/16 here.

This is the after summer that I lost 30 lbs. I was starting 9th grade and SO excited to go back to school as the new me and not chunky me. I was pudgy people. I'll have to find pictures as proof, maybe for the next Flashback Friday.

So what do you think? Would y'all like to play along? Let me know your thoughts!

And on a side note, my baby boy is turning 1 tomorrow. I can't believe it. We have a weekend of fun planned for our little guy. I'm so excited to celebrate this blessing the Lord has given us!

Happy Friday friends!!!


  1. Well how cute are you!!! Lol at the casper comment, but you look exactly the same, just with way better foundation :) Thank your parents for those genes!

  2. FANTASTIC IDEA, Soulmatey!

  3. OMG he's turning one tomorrow! Holy cow! Time flies! I like flashback Friday.. I wish I had more photos at my house they are all at my moms.. But I'd participate!

  4. Great idea! I would love to participate!!
