Saturday, December 26, 2009

Had Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas ...

Well.  Christmas has come and gone.  And it was beautiful.  And it SNOWED.  I almost went into complete and utter over excitement mode. Even though it was scary to drive and get around, and made things tricky.  And people acted like hot molten ash and lava was falling from the sky with the way they were RUNNING to thier cars and driving like idiots, it was SO beautiful.  When does Texas EVER get a White Christmas?  Thank you global warming.  If you want to bring us a White Christmas, you go right ahead.  And at the end of it all, last night, I was sad.  Every year I get sad.  I had a little more excitement with the sad this year, just because we had Cancun on the horizon (yay!) but I was still, sad.  I get post-Christmas depression every year.  It's inevitable.  I've tried to convince Matt I need to have a standing doctor's prescription just for the few days after Christmas.  I may even need to start taking them Christmas Eve because, along with the excitement and the peace I feel knowing most people are settled in their homes with their families gathered around, watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music, I still FEEL the twinge of the depression.  Because I know it's all going to be over soon.  And the non-stop Christmas music on the radio will stop.  And the Christmas-themed movies, no matter how "made for TV" they get, will no longer be playing.  And the stores won't be as cheerily decorated when you go in them.  And no one will wish you a Merry Christmas (because apparently if you do that after December 25th, it's weird, who knew?).  And I will have to wait a year for it all to happen again.  And, inevitably again, when it graces us with it's WONDERFUL and JOYOUS presence I will say "I can't BELIEVE it's Christmas already, it feels like it was JUST here!"  But I never tend to remember that feeling when the depression sets in.  All I can seem to think of is the fact that in about a week, it will no longer be acceptable to have my Christmas tree lights on and house decorations up.  Or to hum "Carol of the Bells" all day long (I'm not suere that's acceptable DURING Christmas ... ?)  And it makes me sad.  But thank GOODNESS for Cancun this year because it's pulling me out of my post Christmas funk sooner than usual!  AND I got my camera so the pictures should be exceptionally beautiful (not that the beachy gorgeousness of the scenery won't add to that result) and, did I mention, I. CAN'T. WAIT?  Cause I can't.  Not a bit. 

Here are a few pics to sum up (part of) our Christmas ... I usually start taking pictures at my Mamo's house because we all sleep over at my Mama's and look AWESOME at 7am.  SO awesome, in fact, it's too much awesomeness for the camera to capture.  So I don't try ... it's in your (and my) best interest, believe me ...

My Mamo and me ...

Brother and his wifey ...

Me and my mister (and a few of my pup's hairs all over my dress, nice) ...

Dad and his first 2 kiddos ...

Me and my silly.  She's pullin' an Edward, look how sparkly she is, I asked her if she knew any vampires, she said no.  Dangit ...

My dad's 3 rugrats.  Willito, Claytonious and me.  Will is almost 15, I seriously can't believe it, I remember rocking that baby to sleep when I was 14.  Man how time flies when ... you're getting old ...

And that's all I have.  My head starting POUNDING by the time we got to my in-law's house.  I literally almost fell asleep on thier couch while opening presents.  I know.  RUDE KATE, but I really couldn't help it.  Then we came home and I was going to go straight to bed, we backed out on dinner at my Mama's because I was feeling so bad, but around 8pm I started feeling better (and STARVING) and Matt and I ended the evening by playing Yahtzee and eating pizza by the light of the Christmas tree.  And that was our Christmas dinner.  And I kinda loved it.  I hope you all had a VERY Merry Christmas!


  1. Looks like you guys had fun! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  2. Anonymous12/27/2009

    Katie you should be Methodist or Roman Catholic or Lutheran or Episcopalian just for the week after Christmas ... you keep your decorations up until Jan 6!

    Wait ... but then you would still have your depression. Just a week later.

    So ... I haven't fixed anything.

    You should move to Christmas Island!

    Have fun on your trip! -Hil
