Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wishful Wednesday: Easter

I'm back on the Wishful Wednesday bandwagon this week.  And this week's topic IS ...

'I Wish' .... I could re-live one Easter memory from my childhood, and it would be EVERY Easter!

I know this is incredibly boring and notsomuch creative, but let me explain my Easter's to you.  I've already divulged that I have a HUGEMONGOUS family (you've seen pictures of several of the members already, but those don't even scratch the surface) and every year, since I can literally remember, we do the same. thing.  WHICH, bytheway, I LOVE.  Our Easter's are very much like our Thanksgivings.  It's basically a day long rat race, which again, I LOVE.  My mister, on the other hand, isn't used to the "rat race" type of holidays, but he has adjusted well, I will say that.  Basically we start by going to my Mamo's house (my dad's side of the family) and eating far too much there.  And every year I KNOW that I need to pace myself because I have other binge-stops in the future and every year I COMPLETELY disregard this knowledge, making me feel like a stuffed turkey by the end of the day ... SOOO, after leaving my Mamo's and eating far too much, we head to my Mama's (mom's side of the family) house and eat far too much there.  And even if I WAS to listen to my knowledge of the fact that I need to pace myself, don't worry, it wouldn't DARE happen.  Because most assuredly one or both of my grandma's (and possibly my great aunts/aunts/cousins/everyone in my family) would invariably say "Why didn't you try my such and such?  Don't you like my cooking?  WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?" and I will end up feeling guilty and eating their casserole (with all 852 others) and feeling sicker than I thought I possibly could.  I DO, however, miss the Easter Egg hunting.  An excuse to eat a BASKET full of candy?  Yes please.  A prize egg that has (GASP) $5 in it (riches I know)?  Yes please.  But apparently 29 is too old to participate in this activity.  Pshhhhhhhh.  WHATEVER

But let's get a little sewious here.  The part about Easter that I would like to live EVERYday of my life thinking on and exemplifying is the REASON for Easter.  Not bunnies and eggs and baskets, but the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  The fact that on Sunday (and everyday) the grave is EMPTY and He is RISEN!  The fact that on Good Friday, He hung on a cross and bore our every sin, shame, disobedience, evil and every part of being a fallen world, so that WE wouldn't have to.  He BECAME sin for us and was seperated from the Father.   He exchanged perfection for wickedness and holy union for separation.  And He did this so we could be transformed into righteous men and women with an eternal future.  No wonder all of heaven exalts Him.  As we should, I say everyday, but let's especially do so on Easter.  The day of our RISEN Lord.  Sorry to get all preachy, but nothing stirs my heart more than the gospel, which is in short, that Christ died for all and rose again so that we might have eternal life with Him in Heaven after we die.  That NOTHING I can do is good enough or righteous enough and that ALL He asks is that I come to Him and lay my heart down at His feet.  Even when I suck and mess up.  Even when I have things in my past that I am ashamed of.  Even when I stumble in my sin.  He just wants my heart, that's all.  And in return I get eternal life.  I think that's pretty dadgum cool.  Also, if you haven't watched The Passion of the Christ (yes, by Mel Gibson, I know he's gone a bit nuts, but this movie is fantastic) I urge you to this Easter.  Word to the wise, remove all makeup and get ready to cry for about 120 minutes.  Because that's what I did.  And so did everyone else in the theater with me.  We all looked like someone punched us, called our momma fat and took our childhood dog when we left that theater.  If THAT doesn't convince you to rent it I don't know what will.  I'm a good convincer eh?  But all kidding aside (as much as I can put kidding aside) rent it. You won't regret it.

Alright, I'm done preachin'.  On that note, Happy Wishful Wednesday loverlies!!!  If you'd like to play, head on over to Kelsey's blog, grab a button and link up!!!

And P dittle S - Don't forget to enter my Giveaway for this little beaute ...

{In your own last name of course!}

... it's ends tomorrow night at 10pm!!!


  1. I want to Easter egg hunt too! And I love the "real" reason for Easter!

  2. Katie,
    This post was amazing! Love it!! We all should focus on the True meaning of Easter!! This made me get all teary eyed! Such a great post girly!

    Oh and on a lighter note you made me laugh out loud AGAIN...quit doing that LOL....when you said you still wanted to hunt easter eggs...I still want to too....LOL

    Summer ;0)

  3. That's awesome, I wish I could come celebrate with you, we never do much besides stuff our faces.

  4. Great message! ( : And as far as the egg hunting goes... maybe your hubby can hide some for ya at your house! You are never too old!!

  5. Sharing the GOOD NEWS isn't too preachy at all! I like to eat LOTS of chocolate BEFORE I go to Good Friday service :)

  6. What a beautiful post Katie! I adored it & I agree with Kelsey, definitely not preachy..honest is a better word (: LOVE it.

    PS I totally don't think we're too old for the egg hunts, ughh.

  7. Anonymous3/31/2010

    love it and we should all focus on the true meaning of easter!!!!! not preachy at all!!!! Just honest!!! I left you something over at my blog! Hope you enjoy!:)

  8. Great post! :)

    I think we all need to do Easter egg hunts again!

  9. Egg hunts are soooo fun!!!

  10. I miss Easter egg hunts! We always just get together and eat an obscene amount of food lol.

  11. Thats so funny about the Prize Egg with $5.! My family ad the same thing. I miss it. I wish I got the five dollars now. Thats a yummy coffee.(:

  12. Whoa...that was a lot of religion talk for me. No offense. Lol.

    I'm not that big on easter. We never had any big traditions as a family but the idea of getting together always makes me happy.

    Happy easter to you and the fam!

  13. My husband and I just watched The Passion last night with our youth group kids. It was incredible! I can't wait to look back and see all the work that God has done in their lives.

    Happy Easter!

  14. Amen Sister! I got excited just reading your post! HE is ALIVE!!! So excited for Easter, too! And so excited to see if I won your awesome giveaway tomorrow! Have a great evening!

  15. what a wonderful post!

  16. I LOVE how you have chosen to share your love for our Lord with others and your obedience for doing so. You will be richly blessed for it! So proud of you precious Daughter! xo
