Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Temptation Tuesday!

Time for my eversodarling Soulmatey's alliteration blog day ...

And today this little guy is calling my name ...

{mummm, i's dun't no WHY you's takin' mah picktuh, i is NOT sweepy!}

{i is NOT sweepy, i is NOT sweepy ...}

{is is NOT sw ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz}

And really it's not my big love-of-a-labrador that's tempting me (okay, I'm lying, he's always a temptation, who wouldn't want to rub those big floppy ears!??!) but it's his lazy demeanor and the fact that he gets to sleep. all. day. that's tempting me.  Which now leads my temptation to ...

That's right.  Beds.  And bedding.  Luxious beds that I'd give my first born child right arm to be snoozing in RIGHT now on this dreary Tuesday in Dallas.  So let's torture myself some more, shall we?

{this one is my FAV}

And now let's move on to the creme de la creme.  How about a little Neiman's bedding?  We might as well, as long as I'm already toturing myself. 

{FAVORITE Neiman's bedding ...}

Now granted, most of these would only work in a house that was a borderline chateau, but still one must always acknowledge the beauty that is Neiman's.  Even if I wouldn't pay for it unless someone was holding a gun to my head my life depended on it.  Sigh.  Now doesn't that make you all just want to go home and jump in bed?  I know it does me.  Even more so that I already wanted to.  What's tempting YOU on this Temptation Tuesday?  Head on over to my Soulmatey's blog, grab her button and tell us about it.  Mmmmmk?

Happy Temptation Tuesday friends!  I'm going to go dream some more about, well dreaming.

OH and P dittle S, HEWWO to my new readers!  I am SO happy to have you!  If I haven't dropped by your blog to say hello yet, rest assured I will!


  1. why did you torture me?!!? Maybe I'll crawl under my desk and use my mouse pad as a pillow and pretend I'm in one of those beds!

  2. Haha you're adorable. I would LOVE to be in any one of those beds instead of at my desk working (cough cough blogging cough) right now

  3. My dear, you have GORGEOUS taste. Obviously (: Sleeepyyy time sounds great right now.

  4. Girl - you are crazy if you ever purchase and all white bedding set! But I agree, it is beautiful. I love the black and white pieces you picked. Elegant and stylish. Now I want to take a nap - thanks lady! :)

  5. Im a new reader! I LOVE that bed you said was your fave - before the NM beds. Ohhhh how I have a weakness for sleeping.

  6. That ruffle bed with the crystal chandelier is POSITIVELY DREAMY!!!!!!! SWOOON!!!!!!!!!!

  7. ahhhhhh....I would DIE to be in bed right now (and not at work, shhhhh)...those beds look like HEAVEN!! ANY of them...All of them....

  8. Now I want to go curl up and have a nice long nap!

  9. this makes me want a nap!!

  10. aaaw i'm sooo shweeepy!!!

  11. I would love to jump in one of those beds and be unbothered for the rest of the day!!

  12. Okay you seriously were reading my mind when you made this post!!

  13. I would so love to be snuggled up in any of those beds right now!

  14. I'm your newest follower :) And I must say. I'm quite obsessed with the white beds. Hubby and I have one and it's divine. I never want to get out of it. There is something to peaceful about a big white bed.


  15. The stripes...the stripes...I'm in love with the stripes. I'm definitely tempted!

  16. Ohhh....you tempter, you! I wish I could have a purdy room like that! It would be so nice! The black and white room (black panels on the wall) is my absolute favorite!!

    And your lab....I want him...right now! I'll meet you halfway for the exchange! He is sooooo cute!

  17. OMG yes! more pillows, the better! and shoot, add that lovable lab too!!!

  18. Your lab looks SOOOOO much like my dog Takoda and I love all the bedding, it is making me sleepy!

  19. Mmmm bedding!! There is nothing more luxurious than fluffy soft bedding!!

  20. OOoooh!
    Sweet sweet sweet handsome Koda Bear!
    I'm lovin YOU!
    yes...you are right...who wouldn't want to snuggle and kiss and love on that handsome boy!
    Doogan would LOVE to have him come and play!
    We now ADORE Koda BEAR! ;o)
