Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up and TAG I'm It!

Well HEWWO loves!  Did you all have a fantastic weekend?  I sure did!  It was low-key and laid back, but full of fun at the same time.  Just my own personal combo of loverly-ness.  Friday night the Mister and I indulged in some of argueably the best pizza in Dallas, Mama's Pizza.  If any of you live in Dallas and have never tried this pizza, I would put it on your list of important things to do IMMEDIATELY.

Mmmm, pizza I heart you.

Then on Saturday my sweet Aunt Belinda took me to get a pedicure and for a little shopping at Francesca's.  We had us a good time, can't beat a little girly time doing girly things.  I then wore my new digs that I got whilst shopping with my Aunt Belinda to my brother's late birfday celebration (yes you remember me wishing him a happy birfday way back on March 16th, that's how we roll in this family, we stretch birdays out over MONTHS).  Here's a few pictures from Bulldozer's birfday evening.  Sidenote:  He earned the nickname "Bulldozer" when he was 2, because he had a really big head and ran full speed at everything, head first, knocking down everything in his path.  Hence the name, Bulldozer.  Oh and P dittle S, I tried to wave crimp my hair.  I know, my own fault for even attempting anything that had "crimp" in the title, but I was having bad hair day issues anyway and thought maybe this might do the trick?  Wave crimp = FAIL.  But apparently wave crimp pulled back in a pony tail = 70 year old lady's hair-do.  So please excuse.

{Me n' my Silly}

{My Silly, Bulldozer and me}

We ate at Grand Luxe, this fantastic restaurant that's owned by the Cheesecake Factory but is WAY better.  And also, meanwhile, it was prom.  Everywhere.  Dear Lord, please don't let my daughter (if I have one) grow up to want to wear (notice I say want, since momma will still have a say, that WANT won't turn into anything more than a want) hoochie dresses like some of the girls we saw sportin' on Saturday night.  And if I have a boy, please don't let him take said hoochies to prom.  Amen.

Oh and also, my mom has the cutest little Labs (next to Koda of course) Bentley and Rigley.  They got Bentley after Baylor, their oldest Lab, died last October.  Rigley went into total depression and they knew they had to do something about it quick, so 2 weeks later they brought home this little love, Bentley.  She's about 8 months now.  She's the one on the right.  My mom sent me this picture this weekend but since we had my brother's second half of his birfday at my mom's house, I thought I'd include it in with these pictures.  They are such cute best friends.

And lastly, I got TAGGED!  So I guess that means I'm it, huh?  Aly over at AnALYze This tagged me in this fun little Q & A originally hosted by The Preppy Mafia ... 

So here goes ...

1. Who is your style icon? Um, hello?

2. What is your favorite socialite lit book?  I'm not sure I know what a socialite book is?  I guess I'm not a socialite.  I'll just go with old faithful ...

3. Favorite party theme?  I love any themed party.  But I'd have to say my FAVORITE theme is ...

Anything involving margaritas is allrightbyme ...

4. Go to Halloween costume?  My Mister HATES to dress up.  So I usually create them.  These two were SUPER easy and I will probably use them again, I was both of these this year, one for my company Halloween party and one for my Silly and brother's Halloween Party ...

{That's right, a bundle of grapes!  And that's a wig.  From Walmart.}

{My Silly is Swine Flu.  And what a CUTE Swine Flu she is!}

5. Extravagance you cannot live without?  I could live without any of them, but I'm going to say my iPhone.  It might as well have a holster on my hip.

6. Living person you admire?  Our Pastor, Matt Chandler.  He is battling a brain tumor and his faith and perserverence is inspiring in my own walk with the Lord.

7. Greatest Fear? 

I'm kidding.  Kind of ...

Definately losing people I love.

8. Trait you deplore in yourself?  Do I have to pick just one?  Probably the fact that I BITE THE SHIZZ OUTTA MY NAILS/CUTICLES/ENTIRE HAND.

9. Which talent would you most like to have?  I would LOVE to be able to sing, speaking of singers, anyone love this girl as much as I do!?!?!

10. Greatest Achievement?  Graduating from here ...

AHHHHHHHHHHH sic 'em bears!!!

And that's it!  The rules are you're supposed to tag people.  I tag you all.  Because I love you all.  So play along if you like and HAPPY MONDAY (that's an oxymoron if I ever saw one) loverlies!!!


  1. I LOVEEEEE MAMAS Pizza! Its addictive just FYI. I will dot he preppy mafia right now. Ive been meaning to for 2 weeks! Looks like you had a fabulous weekend lovely girl :)

  2. We are kind of obsessed with pizza. I may have to fly to Dallas to dine with you. Ha! :)

  3. Bahahahahaha you were grapes....I have to say as I am typing and laughing at the same time that you even look cute as a bundle of grapes...but as I see you dressed as a bundle of grapes I am thinking you would look pretty darn good in a Hanes commercial....ya know the one with the apple and stuff....hahahahah...we should campaign you to do it :0)

    I am laughing so hard I can hardly type! Ooooh heart shaped pizza....I get that on Valentine's Day....Yummo....

    Love your new still looks cute crimped or not....

    Funny about your brother's nickname....

    Happy Monday
    Summer :0)

  4. You look beautiful with your crimped hair....I don't know what in the world you are talking about!

    And I have to admit that SJP is also my style icon! I think that my favorite line SATC is: "And there, in the same city where they met as girls, four New York women entered the next phase of their lives dressed head to toe in love. And that's the one label that never goes out of style." (right after she got married in a labelless suit...)


  5. Cute post! My favorite party theme would probably be anything involving rita's too! Love your grape costume....too cute!!

  6. Anonymous4/12/2010

    love the grape idea!!!! I might have to must that one year!

  7. LOVE the grape costume girlll! Smart choices with the SJP & the margaritas. && I hope you never let your son or daughter be anywhere near/anything like said hoochie mamas!! ICK ICK ICK
    I do like Crystal Bowersox, but Siobhan is from my homestate sooo default like her the best.

    ...yay TEXAS!!

  8. I love your answers! Your grape costume was too cute!

  9. I promise not to tell the hubby you at Mama's! We use to LOVE that place!!!!!!!! And that pizza just looks divine!! AND, I am jealous you get to shop at Francesca's! I want to go to the one in Mockingbird Station when I come home this summer for my sister in law's shower!! Yippieskips!

  10. This post totally made me giggle with happiness. I think you look HAWT with the crimpy wavy hair girlfriend! Seriously! And you as the grapes made me literally laugh out loud! You are so cute you could pull off any costume and look fab!

  11. Anonymous4/12/2010

    LOVE this post pretty girl!!! You look cute as a bundle of grapes!!!haha........Love the pics! Have a great day!I hope you can do a motivational monday sometime!

  12. What a great post. Makes me feel like I know ya a bit better now :) cute pics too as always!! xo

  13. YOU ARE THE CUTEST!!! pedi, always the best way to relax, esp if with good company.

    TWILIGHT / CRYSTAL BOWERSOX/ CARRIE... all yes's! i giggled at Rosie though :) ha

    YOU ARE TOO PRETTY!!! i love the chunky white necklace.

    and that grape outfit is BRILLIANT!!! ha. i am already thinking of couple outfits to do this year with max... i'm sold on yoko & lennon but my old boss said her daughter did angelina jolie (big sunglasses, fake tattoo, and different colored cabbage patch babies LOL) that i thought was funny.


  14. I love that you crimped your hair!!!

    The pups are aaadorable!!

    And, Rosie scares me too haha!

  15. Hey cutie pie, come on over, I have an award for you!!

  16. I'm a nail biter too ... it's my worst habit. I keep quitting, but then it only lasts a few months and I find myself chewing again. I should take up something to replace it like smoking. Ha ha ha ha!

  17. I think the 'crimped' hair pulled back is adorable! And your Halloween costumes are amazing. :)

  18. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Those puppy dogs are too cute, too! Your answers cracked me up!

  19. That pizza looks delicious right about now!!! I actually really like the hair, haha, maybe that makes me an old lady, lol. I used to live in WACO and I LOVE BAYLOR!!! Lastly, umm... Rosie O'donnel... HUGE fear of mine as well.. I just mean that I am afraid of her, she is creepy, lol.

  20. Yumnmm pizza. And yum margaritas!!

    I have seen so many people do this, and I am not sure what the eff a socialite book is? Hmm. Clearly I have not read one, ha!

    I went to get my bridesmaids dress altered today for my SIL's wedding...omg the prom dresses. Seriously? People let their TEENAGE daughters wear those?? They look like cheap lingerie!
