Monday, May 17, 2010

They Say It's Your Birfday ...

Da nuh na nuh nuh.

Go shawty, it's your birfday, we gonna party like it's yo' birfday!

And all those other songs that talk about birfdays.  That's RIGHT folks (and I know you're all so VERY excited) it's my BIRFDAY!  Last one in the 20's folks.  The big 2-9.  And now that I'm thinking about it, who's idea was it to schedule my last birfday childless when I'm not able to have a cocktail!?!?  Oh well, I'll just have to double celebrate next year.  I think I can handle that.  It really hasn't bothered me at ALL thus far until we attended a friend's crawfish shindig on Saturday night and there was a LOVERLY pitcher of Sangria that just looking mouth wateringly appetizing.  But really since then (maybe it's the constant need to hurl/indegestion/non-stop oh so attractive belching that's helped take away the desire) I haven't really cared about endulging in adult beverages.  PLUS, how oh so very worth it is to miss out on cocktails here and there when in about about 6 months I'll be holding my little bundle of joy!  SO, instead of me having a birthday cocktail to celebrate the day o' my birth I think all of YOU should have one FOR me!  Think you can handle that?  Up to the challenge?  Thanks, I really 'preciate your sacrifice.

This weekend was a F-U-N birfday weekend.  Friday night the Mister and I went out for dinner, but he's informed me that that's not my ACTUAL birfday dinner and that we will be going to dinner at one of our FAVORITE steak restaurants BEFORE he takes me to see this ...

EEEEEEEEE, I'm SO excited!  This will be my 3RD time to see Wicked and I'm giddy about it!!!  If you live in the Dallas area I HIGHLY recommend you do whatever you can, sell a kidney if you need to to go see it!  I'm PUMPED!

Saturday night, after going to our friend's crawfish boil for a bit, we did my birfday dinner with my mom, Rich, the twinkies (my brother and sister that are 10 if you're a new reader), my brother and Silly (Sis-in-law if you're a new reader) and my Mama (pronounced Ma-MAW if you're a new reader, and if you are, bythaway, WELCOME!).  We ate at Houlihans and had a YUMSTERS dinner and then headed back to my momma's for presents.

I got some wonderful goodies, one being this purse from my momma ...

Which I LOVE!  I told her I needed a summer purse (insert the Mister's eye roll here) and this is what she came up with!  I'm so glad my momma's got good taste!

Tonight we're having my girl's birfday dinner with my cousins, Mama and mom at a YUMMY Italian restaurant in Dallas which I'm SUPER de DUPER excited about, but for now I'll leave you with a few pictures of my birfday dinner on Saturday night.

{Me n' my Silly.}

{Me n' my Mister.  Pardon my "Something About Mary Bangs" I had them pinned back and didn't realized they looked like this ... I'm in that akward "growing them out/they're driving me NUTS" stage ...}

 {Me and my Mama.  I look like a giant pregnant woman coming to attack her.  Oh the dreaded "seat in front" picture ...}

{Me n' my little sister, Ally-belle.}

And that's all for today loverlies.  I hope you all had FANTASTIC weekends, oh, and did I mention my SOULMATEY'S MAWWIED!  Cause she is!  It all went down without a hitch ... well there was a little "hitch" but I'll wait and let her tell you about it.  CONGRATS SOULMATEY!!!  I WUV YOU!!!

Also, last but not least, don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!  It ends tonight, read more about it here (or back there when I linked it up).  Good luck all!!!


  1. Happy Birthday! I really wanna see Wicked...I may have to take a trip up to Dallas to see it! Have a great day celebrating!

  2. Looks like you had a fab weekend. Chad and I are going to see Wicked in June! Happy Birthday!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Well I guess I had my cocktails for your birthday this weekend (I always wonder if I would miss alcohol if I was pregnant...hmm). Well I am glad you had a great birthday weekend. Looks like you had a lot of fun and had a lot of people to celebrate it with

    I Love WICKED! I also have seen it 3 times... I saw it when it was in LA at the Pantages.

    Oh and FYI you don't look like a giant pregnant are soo small

  4. Happy birthday, lovie! I hope you have the most fabulous birthday ever!

    I am growing my bangs out, too. I am not wearing them down anymore...only pinned up, braided, twisted, headbanded...whatever I can do to get them out of the way.

    Enjoy Wicked...I can't wait to see it next month!

    P.S. We need to get together soon!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!! May it be the best ever. I loved Wicked and I am in love with that purse. Your mom has great taste!!!

  6. I want to see that SO bad!! First I have to read the book though! You look so cute!! Glad you had a great birthday weekend and you are SO right, it will be well worth it when you hold the baby.

  7. Happy Birthday!!! :) You look great! I'm loving the Michael Kors handbag...way to go Katie's Mamma!! :)

    And your sister has probably the best name ever....just sayin'!

  8. Happy Birthday!!!!
    Looks and sounds like you had a FABULOUS birthday!!! I LOVE Wicked SOSOSOSOSOSOOOO much!!!! And that bag! Yes, please!!!

  9. I LOVE Wicked, it's so good. I wish I could see it again but it left Chicago.

    I heart MK!!!

  10. Happy Birthday! Glad you had such a good weekend...enjoy Wicked!

  11. Awww Happy Birthday!!! I am JEALOUS you're going to see Wicked again. I saw it on Broadway and then again last year when the tour came to Nashville... my fav musical EVER!!!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You look great & ahh I love Wicked so so much!!

  13. Happy birthday! Glad you had a fun weekend :) We saw Wicked for the first time back in February and would love to see it again :)

  14. Anonymous5/17/2010

    Happy Birthday!!

  15. Happy Birthday Katie!!! So jealous that you're seeing Wicked!

    I would so have a birfday cocktail for you, but the birthday that allows me to (my loverly 2-1) is in July.. bummer. Maybe I'll have one for you then! Hehee.

  16. You looked gorgeous on your birfday weekend! And that purse... cue drooling nowwwwwww.

    Happiest of birthdays to you chickadee - I definitely had some drinkies for you this weekend =0)

  17. Happy B-Day! You look great!! Love the purse!

  18. Aw Happy Birthday! I'll have some sangria for you! I really want to see Wicked I think it plays in SF.

  19. Happy happy birthday, we're so glad you came...happy happy birthday, from O'Charley's Gang! I used to live for that when I was a kid. Hope your birthday is fantastic and consuming a cocktail in your honor? Consider it done, my friend. Can't wait to hear about the wedding from Miss Kriss!!! I'm on pins and needles. :)

  20. happy happy birthday sweet friend! wish i could hug you today... you look absolutely beautiful. hey, are you glowing?!!?

  21. And P.S. I have MAJOR purse envy. Can't go wrong with MK!

  22. Happy Birthday! I promise to have a glass of wine in your honor this evening. :)

  23. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Mrs./Momma Fulmer(!!) Happy birthday to you! :)

    p.s. I think you are GLOWING!

  24. Happy birthday katie! It looks like you had a great bday weekend - and i love your new purse!

  25. OHH I love wicked! I havnt seen it on broadway yet, but I LOVE all the songs. I even sang popular in a highschool play! Hope you have a great Birfday!

  26. Go shorty it's your birfday I wish I could party like it's your birfday! LOL....but on these meds no drinkin allowed so I will drink a Shirley Temple for ya LOL....

    Your hair looks cute and you are glowing the bag! Super cute



  28. Happy Birthday! I am glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  29. Happy Birthday!!!! Have a wonderful time at Wicked!

  30. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!

  31. Happy Happy Birthday!! Enjoy wicked again, it really is SUCH and amazing show!

    That purse os gorgeous!!

  32. Happy b-day to you! I hope you enjoy Wicked...for the third time! lol I have yet to see it!

  33. Aaaw happy birthday!!! you look so beautiful :-) i love how you called it the dreaded sit in front picture because i totally hate those. my sister always seems to finagle her way to the back of the picture too, sneaky girl! so i have been MIA for several weeks for work and cuz we have a new puppy but I am finally catching up on your 24 posts i missed. REALLY? 24! i mean, i know you're preggo and all but seriously! ;) i kid.. but i have enjoyed catching up and yes, just wanted to pop in to say hello beautiful bday girl!

  34. Happy Birthday girl!! Hope you have had a great day and been pampered!! I wish I could go see Wicked, I have heard it is great!

  35. Happy Birthday, Katie!! It looks like you had a fabulous weekend! :)

    Oooh, and I'm definitely going to have to make Hubs take me to go see Wicked in NYC soon. I'd love to see that show!

  36. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I have wanted to see Wicked so bad! Hope you had a fabulous day darlin'!

  37. Happy birthday! I LOVE pink puffy heart love it!

  38. HAPPPPYYY BIRTHDAYY.! I know I am 2 minutes late (EST) but I hope you had an awesome birthday. Birthdays are the best and honestly a bad birthday is unacceptable.!

  39. I just saw Wicked last tuesday and I LOVED it!!!!!

  40. Happy Birthday Lovelie!! What a great week to be born :) hehe and thank you for the birthday wishes too!! I am so excited you are having a boy, that's so so exciting and I can't wait to see pictures once your belly gets a tad bigger!! XO
