Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wishful Wednesday and Bumpdates!

Time for ...

And miss darling Kelsey has a WONDERFUL wish for us ...

 'I Wish' .... I could come home to THIS bedroom each and every night!!

{Now we ALL know I can't choose just ONE.  And also, I have the most random taste ever.  I mean like I like everything.  SO, forgive the "all-over-the-placeness"}

{First, HELLO teal!  Second, I know that's shag but it looks like it would feel DEWISHOUS under my feet ... the bed could be a LITTLE more exciting, but still ...}

{I'm relaxed just LOOKING at this.}

{Getting even more relaxed ...}

{I can hear the new agey spa music playing now ...}

{LOVE all the grey.}

{I know this room's not realistic, but look at all the distressed wood on the walls.  LOVE.}

{With that view, I wouldn't care if there was a pull-out couch in this room ...} 

But lets come back to reality here people.  Have you MET my Mister?  No?  Well, think "all American, sports-playin', all boy" type of guy.  He's easily annoyed by my design antics a LITTLE leery of anything that's too "out of the ordinary" so I have to reel it in a bit.  If it were up to him our bedroom would look something like this ...

With a few of these on the wall ...

So I'm lucky to get him to agree to the POSSIBILITY of painting our walls.  He was on the fence about that for awhile.  Plus, people, I'm about (in 6 months, eek!) to have a baby.  Babies are NOT clean people.  They are messy.  So I'm not sure it's time to go out and spend thousands on a remake of one of the afore mentioned bedrooms.  OH but a girl can dream ...


How far along?  13 weeks today!

{Again, please pardon the need to use the "V" word ...}

Total weight gain/loss:  I think I might be close to 4 1/2 lbs.  I haven't weighed in a while.  But I FEEL like ...

Maternity clothes?  YUP!  Got a few more cute things for my bday!  Some aren't even maternity but should work throughout my pregnancy.

Sleep:  Much, MUCH better.  But HOLY crazy dreams Batman!  I mean I seriously start dreaming the MINUTE I shut my eyes and don't stop til I wake up.  It's like starring in a movie ALL. NIGHT. LONG.  It's a wonder I don't wake up exhausted.

Best moment this week:  My BIRFDAY (I know, nothing to do with the pregnancy.)

Have you told family and friends:  Family, friends, waiters, cashiers, people on the street, the television, cats, dogs ...

Movement:  Only when I have to potty ...

Food cravings:  Liking any food is good enough for me these days ...

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Meat, veggies, having to eat at all.  You know, pretty much everything ...

Have you started to show yet:  Definately getting a LITTLE bump.  "My bump, my bump, my bump, my lovely lady bump."  You know you're all singing.

Leakage:  Just from my eyes and nose as the month of May has decided to bring along psychotic sneezing with the day of my birth ...

Gender prediction:  Well, remember last week when we went to our genetics testing sono?  What I DIDN'T tell you is that he was able to tell that baby Fulmer is 95% BOY!!!  And this guy has a 95% track record of getting the gender prediction correct, so I'm THRILLED to announce that baby Fulmer is 95% likely to be a little BOY!!!  We're SOOOO excited!!!  We weren't going to tell anyone but since my Mister is going around telling everyone "Well it's 95% positive we're having a son" I figured I could share it with all of you.  And I was totally RIGHT by the way, I thought I was carrying a boy the whole week before we found out!!!

Labor Signs:  Um, no.

Belly Button in or out?  Onwards and inwards.

Wedding rings on or off?  On.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  This week I've been pretty happy most of the time.  That COULD have something to do with the showering of birfday presents and wishes ... ?

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't order chinese food from a place that is close JUST because it delivers and you're too lazy to go to Pei Wei and DON'T think that Sweet & Sour Chicken is "safe" ... because you'll get a box of fried chicken parts and a bucket of sweet and sour sauce and end up dry heaving at the sight of such chicken parts and eating fried rice and eggrolls for dinner ...

Milestones:  Someone at work saying "Aww, you've got a pooch!"  Hey, when you're pregnant you're EXCITED when someone notices.  You're not, however, excited when a stranger or aquaintance decides they want to touch your belly ... seriously, it's still pretty close to my stomach.  That's a bit violating.  You might as well go ahead and touch my boob.

That's ALL for the BUMPDATES!  Have a LOVERLY Wednesday loverlies!!!


  1. That made me laugh, because I did hear the 95% positive it was a boy from JM last week!! Wonder where he heard that??? ;)

  2. cute rooms!
    my favorite was the unrealistic-looking one :P

    aww, i can't wait til i'm pregnant!
    i look forward to doing posts like these!
    congratulations :)

  3. Ok, I am overly OCD....and that rug in the second picture is killing that in? Having those bumps in the rugs that I will trip over and crack my head open on?!?! What the heck?

    And the "v" they really need to even put that in there. We allllll know about the vajayjay thanks to the lovely, Oprah!

    Hahaha, congrats (well, 95%) on having a boy!! Ha! Too funny!

    Oh, and while I'm rambling on...I love the decor/layout/design for the Mister's room....tell him he has WONDERFUL taste! He could go far with a home decor business.

  4. I BOY!!! That is awesome :) So happy for you.

    And yes please, I would like to crawl into any one of those beds right now!!

  5. Anonymous5/19/2010

    yea!! a BOY!! Im going to be looking to your page for all cute things boy! I have had a little bit of a hard time finding super cute things!

  6. Love these rooms, esp the first one, that rug!!!!

    yeah for boy!!!

  7. hahait is a bit awkward when they grope your belly and its a barely there one!!

    Congrats on a baby boy!! So exciting and I am positive my hubs would be bragging as well!

  8. congratulations on a BOY!!! how exciting!!

  9. You are so random with those choices lol, I love it. The update too was hilarious because I've totally done that with Chinese food and it was a disaster. P.S. you should get a shirt that says Yes I'm pregnant, No You Can't Touch My Belly. My gf had it and it was hilarious because total randoms went to touch her belly.

  10. Love the first bedroom :)

    How exciting that you're having a boy!

  11. Great rooms and congrats on your little baby joy!

  12. I used the picture with the beach view also.! Love it.! It is just lovely and seriously, how could you ever be in a bad mood when you go home to a room like that.?! Impossible.

  13. OMG we picked one of the same rooms! I love it :) Yay for maybe a little boy!!! Please dress him in cute little plaid shorts and polos :)

  14. Anonymous5/19/2010

    Beautiful rooms!

  15. Congratulations! A little Fulmer baby boy :) How sweet! How does that sono go? Crazy how they can detect that at 12 weeks. Technology these days :)

    Love all the room choices. I could sleep peacefully in any of those. (Except the last one. Ick!) Haha.

  16. Oh I love that first picture! I'm really into light blue right now. YAY for a BOY! I bet y'all are excited!

  17. Hi there sweet Katie! What a fun post! Bedroom #3 is my fave, I'm not usually a lavender person but for some reason that one is so tranquil!

    O...MMM...GGGGG!! 95% BOYYYYY!!! How exciting!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for y'all!!!!! Not much longer and you should be feeling better and able to eat.

    Thinking of you my friend!! xoxoxox

  18. HAHA!! The husband photo was just hysterical. No hubby, that will not work, hehe! The grey wall is fabulous and the first carpet would be oh so fun to walk on everyday!

    AND I cannot wait for 100% BOY!! yayayayay yippieskips!

  19. I just love your bedroom pics! Yay for boys! Congrats to you both!

  20. congrats on the 95% boy!!!! hahahaha... that is so neat you can know that early--and oh cute nursery stuff will be invading your time on the internet now i am sure--cant wait to see the bump soon!

  21. Love those bedrooms!

    How exciting that you are 95% sure its boy! I can't wait to be pregnant and share bump updates!

  22. Beautiful rooms!! I can't wait to see the bump an I love what you said about touching a boob. Hilarious!

  23. I love any and all of those bedrooms too!!

    I jsut found your blog and am now following!

    Congrats on 95% sure having a boy, they are so sweet !!!!!

  24. I love the bumpdates!! It's fun to finally be showing, huh?! Sorry you are still so sick.. I think mine started slowing down at 17 or so weeks.. it still happens a little, but soo much better! Maybe yours will slow soon. SO excited you are having a boy too!!! OMG. I feel more and more huge EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. not fun!

  25. a boy!! yay!!! a good friend of mine is preggers too...just about as far along as you, she is due in November too - anywho she finds out in a few weeks and we are all dying to know!! she thinks hers is a boy too! :) Congrats! Congrats!!

    and ps, i looooooove that first room, i think the shag would be deeeee-lightful! :)

  26. love the rooms you picked!! i'll take the last one!!

    how exciting you think you are having a boy!!!

    hope you are having a great week pretty girl! :)

  27. You totally are all over the place with those rooms! The last one is my fave, unrealistic and all. I couldn't pick just one either.

    I'm pretty sure I would punch a stranger in the face if they touched my belly. I don't know WHY people think that's somehow appropriate...

  28. OMG, the chaise in that first room...heavenly! Did you enter our Moody Mamas giveaway? Cutie cute maternity gear!

  29. LOVE those bedroom pictures you posted; wow!

    So exciting for (95%) baby boy fulmer!

  30. Big sigh...oh how i wish i had any of those bedrooms above. Except the man cave one. Yuck! I'll take that shagadelic rug under my feetsies any day!

  31. That picture of you in the green nighty sure is sexy.

  32. Anonymous5/20/2010

    i LOVE that first teal bedroom!!!

  33. Yay for being 95% sure it's a exciting! Baby Boy cute! :)

  34. Congrats on having a BOY!! They are so much easier when they are babies than girls! They don't cry and whine as much! :-)

  35. I love your dream bedrooms!! Great taste!
