Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Sad Story With A Happy Ending (I PROMISE) ...

Hewwo fwiends.  How are y'all doing today?  It's H-friggin'-O-stinkin'-T here.  Seriously, I'm ready for summer to be over with.  I know all of you just gasp'ed so loud that I could hear it through my computer screen at the thought of me wishing away pool days, hamburger and hotdog cookouts and sweating like a pink curly tailed farm animal warm days but seriously, since I graduated from school i.e. an excuse to do notadarnthing during the summer, and have to put on work clothes (which = not tank tops, shorts and flip flops) Monday through Friday I absolutely ABHOR summer.  There are things I like, like the 4th of July, my mom, brother and the twins birfdays and Memorial Day, but all in all it's not my favorite.  I love all things holiday, cool weather, Christmas music, coats, layers and boots, craft fairs, getting together with family, fireplaces and holiday decorations.  So for now, I'm just trying to survive.  And I'm assuming my dislike for the summer days will become even STRONGER now that I'm pregnant and sweat just from LOOKING at the sunshine outside.  On top of all that (I'm just a BUNDLE of positivity today ain't I?) I really don't have much to chat about today, so I thought I'd tell y'all about something I've been meaning to blog about since it happened anyway.  If I haven't made it clear in the past, I'm an animal lover.  And by animal lover I mean I rescue doodle bugs out of my office, save earth worms from frying on the concrete, and will serve enough to put me driving on the sidewalk to avoid hitting a squirrel/bunny/bird/anything in the animal kingdom that decides it's a good idea to run out into the road.  I would own every dog/cat/horse/goat in any given animal shelter if my Mister would let me.  He loves animals too, just not as out of control passionately as I do.  As a result of this love for animals, I've somehow been added to this rescue list of emails that goes around involving animals in shelters or that have been rescued that need homes.  I wanted to tell you about two I got last week.  One about an 8 year old male Labrador and another about an 8 year old male Boxer.  Let's start with Brutus the Lab.

Brutus was part of an email I got for a shelter in Carrollton (which is a suburb close to Dallas) from a man who does AMAZING work at the Carrollton shelter.  He goes above and beyond what most shelter workers do, which is just think of the dogs and cats that come there as part of their "job" and nothing more.  Joe is the contact there that sends the email plea's out to save the animals on the "soon to be euthanized" list as well as puts pictures with each dog/cat and a bio to tell a little bit about them.  Joe also is the one that euthanizes them and a local news station did a special report on him where he stated that when he does have to euthanize an animal, he pets them, holds them, and makes sure they are comfortable and at least feels that they were cared about while he administers the injection.  Isn't this the type of person you would want at EVERY kill shelter that had to administer these procedures?  I don't know about y'all but it makes me feel better knowing Joe's the one doing it and not some jerk that thinks of them as disposible.  So, on to Brutus.  It's heartbreaking to see all animals in shelters, especially when you know they don't have much time until they're put down, but the ones that REALLY get me are the ones where their owners just decided they didn't have time/room/energy for them anymore or they have a child and don't pay any attention to them because of the new baby and dump them at a shelter, a kill shelter for that matter.  How scared and confused these poor animals must feel.  How abandoned, alone and terrified.  It absolutely breaks my heart.  And makes me sick at the same time.  People really should have to pass a test, a humane test, before they're allowed to own a pet.  Really.

Back to Brutus, this is what Brutus's bio read along with his picture.

This handsome boy was released to the shelter by his people who had a new in-ground pool installed which left little or no room for him in the yard. He is a sweet, gentle boy who is really hoping that there is another home out there for him. He is 8 years old and neutered already, he likes the other dogs and loves to meet new people. He will sit when you ask him and give you his paw in hopes of winning your heart. Brutus has all of his past medical paperwork with him to pass onto the new owner. According to his records, Brutus suffers from arthritis which can require medication.

ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME!?!?  You get a POOL and decide you have no room for your 8 YEAR OLD Lab and decide to dump him at a shelter?  If only I knew who these people were.  IF ONLY.  I hope you're enjoying your pool.  PLEASE note the severe amount of sarcasm DRIPPING from that statement.  So you can only imagine how distraught I was after seeing this.  I sent the email to the normal list I usually send to (whom I'm sure are getting sick of the forwards, but I JUST can't bring myself to hit delete it only takes a minute) and posted his picture and bio on my facebook page as well.  I went home thinking about sweet Brutus with his face burned in my mind and prayed for him all day.  His "put down" date was Wednesday and this was Monday.  Well (here's the happy part I promised you) the next day when I got to work I received an email saying Brutus had been ADOPTED that NIGHT!!!  I literally teared up and almost started crying at my desk.  I was on cloud 9 all day knowing sweet Brutus was in a home that would NEVER do that to him again.

Until ...

That night I got ANOTHER email.  This one was a plea from a woman who had found a dog on the side of the road that she couldn't keep but couldn't in her right mind leave him there.  Here is the story ...

I found a male boxer on hwy 287 yesterday while on the way to my vet. I had him checked out and he tested heart worm negative. He did not have any intestnal parasites. I had his rabies shot done. The vet thinks that he's about 8 yrs old. He appears to be housetrained and gets along with/ ignores other animals. I am unable to keep him. Please let me know if you would be willing to take him and try to find him a home. He has not been fixed, but the vet said that it would have to wait at least six months due to his weight. I have attached pictures so that you can see the condition that I found him in (be warned, they're disturbing).

But did you catch that?  He's HOUSETRAINED and has NO heartworm problems.  That means he was a pet people.  Now, I'm HOPING that he just got lost and some unfortunate people lost their beloved pet and the other horror that I imagine is not actually the case.  That someone dumped him.  Because they no longer had "time" or "room" or "had a baby and didn't want a pet any more".   That's just too sickening for me to stomach so I'm going to go with the latter.  Which I'm not quite sure what that word means, "the latter" ... does it mean the last thing I just said or the first?  I'm using it in the tense of referring to the first ... ?  Right.  Back to this poor Boxer.  So, as you can imagine, I was again, plagued with a sense of naseau (for once, not caused by my sweet baby) after sending it to my regular list of contacts because I couldn't dream of this little guy going to the pound.  But low and behold, a few hours later I got an update forwarded from the sender of this email.  The update was from a woman who said that Alexander (that is what she had named him) was now in her care and would be as long as he lived.  Here is the actual email she sent ...

Hello, I have adopted him and he is doing great. I was going to adopt Brutus the yellow lab and he had already been adopted. The same morning I received this email about the boxer. I already have him here and I am keeping him. He is way too attached to be moved again. He has been to the vet again for a checkup and he is doing well. Already gained a pound and a half! I named him Alexander for Alexander The Great. If he has withstood these conditions then he is indeed a great dog. I have attached a pic if you would like to circulate and let everyone know he is doing good with his new family. The nice young lady has offered to pay for his neuter so he is sponsered as well. Thanks Again.

I won't post the picture for the sake of this woman's privacy but I will tell you it was a precious picture of her on her couch, with Alexander laying across her chest looking happy as ever.  So just as quickly as I fell off, I jumped right back on cloud 9 knowing there ARE good people in this world.  Now let me say, I am in no way shape or form saying that you are a bad person if you've had to give up a pet for one reason or another.  I am talking about the people that decide they are inconvienences and instead of finding them a loving, caring home to live in, decide to dump them at the nearest shelter (or worse, dump them on the side of the road), confused, scared and alone.  I understand situations arise where you can't take your pet, circumstances change, etc. but most people that have ever truely loved and cared for a pet would NEVER consider leaving them in the above described conditions.

And now, I'll jump off my soap box.  {Jump} 

I hope these happy endings made you as happy as they did me!  See you tomorrow for some 17 Week Bumpdates!!!


  1. OMG. This is heartbreaking! Wonderful that they both got adopted, but heartbreaking to think about all the poor little guys that don't get adopted! I can't believe that someone would want to get rid of their dog for a pool. SO SAD!!! :(

  2. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one in the world wishing away summer. I love winter more than anything else, and I can't wait until it snows and I can pull out my winter coat and scarves!

  3. oh my goodness those broke my heart! I am SO SO glad they both have happy homes. I am an animal lover too and it absolutely breaks my heart when sad stuff like this happens. esp. when people give up their dogs for pools. i don't know how you could ever part with a dog after that long-and for a pool. so sad. but so happy they are safe and being loved now!!

  4. Oh my goodness! I cried reading your puppy stories! I am so glad both dogs were adopted quickly!

  5. I right there with you in my love for animals. I wish there was more I could do...I would adopt them all if I could!! Good for you for sending out those emails!

  6. I am absolutely heart broken and happy at the same time. Happy that each of these precious animals were given another chance at happiness. But so heart broken to hear that because of a POOL someone would get rid of their dog? That's the most horrid thing I think I've ever heard and selfish. LABS love water heck I bet Mr. Brutus would have lived in the pool if they gave him a floaty! So happy that each of them were adopted.

  7. oh my gosh. Our love of animals is quite the same. Along with my sister's love for them...I think once she gets out of college she is going to live on a farm and adopt all the animals that need tender, loving care. She wanted to be a vet until she found out that she may have to put some down. All of my family's dogs have been rescue dogs; living out in a small town basically in the country there were dogs constantly dumped. We always took them in.
    Thank you for sharing these great stories. They put a smile on my face knowing there ARE good people in the world who love animals just as much as us! :)

  8. Oh my goodness break my heart. I am like you, I would own a farm to care for all these poor animals if I could. Urg some people - A POOL! I almost fell off my chair, gross. Thanks for sharing these stories.

  9. Anonymous6/15/2010

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  10. I wish I could help every animal too!! Thanks for sharing... :(

  11. I wasn't going to read cause I hate sad stories about dogs but then you said HAPPY ENDING! I am glad it was!

  12. Not going to lie, when I saw the dog's picture and the words "sad story" I was almost scared to read it. Good thinking putting the 'happy ending' part, hehe. That is SO sweet! I'm so so glad they both were able to find loving homes! That pool thing is awful. What a ridiculous reason to toss out a family dog of 8 YEARS! Grr.

    Thanks for posting. It's awesome to know there are still good people in the world :)

  13. When I read this title "sad story" and saw the puppy pics I was scared to read it! But when you said happy ending I trusted there would be! I cried when I read the stories....so sad and that poor boxer OMG I cried when I saw those pics....and then I cried some more (happy tears) when I found out they were adopted and I want to thank you for helping them get adopted by forwarding, facebooking, etc....that is so awesome Katie!! One more reason I heart you....

    OK um I do have to say this....worms girl you rescue worms LOL....:)

    love you

  14. Oh my goodness what a sad but wonderful story!I am a HUGE animal advocate helping with the ASPCA and Humane Society. Any animal stories juts tear me apart. I often times say I'd much rather be around animals then around people! HAHA~! I am going to link to your post today and incorporate it into mine! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  15. That was absolutely heartbreaking but such a good ending. I have always grown up with two greyhounds at all time. (all dogs need a friend) and then my parents got divorced. My dad was moving in to his mothers and my mom was moving into an apartment. It was SO heartbreaking we could'nt keep them. We actually talked to the place where we got them from (yeah were friends) a few months before we moved so we would know before we moved that they would find a good home. About 3 weeks before we moved someone agreed to both of them. It was the happiest thing ever. It's so sad that people can just move on without their dog. They are a part of the family. Okay done with long comment. (:

  16. OMG! How could anyone dump their beloved pet? They are apart of a family. They complete families. My miniature schnauzer went to doggy heaven after we had him for 15 years. I cried at the thought of these poor babies being left behind. I am so thankful that there are people in this world like you and me that love animals. God Bless You!

  17. ohmy goodness, that's so sad! The pictures are heartbreaking. Your such an inspiration!

  18. **crying**
    I read this aloud to my Husband...as he's playing with Nate our 6 year old Boxer! Great post, Katie.

  19. I honestly don't know how you just get rid of your pet, an 8 year old at that! That makes me sick too...poor little pups! Nice to see people are willing to take on these animals!

  20. Wow I'm soo glad those had happy endings! i'm hoping my foster dog will have a great ending as well!!! But with my gang I'm all about not standing out in 15 degree weather for a couple of hours!!! :DD

  21. I'm so glad that they both have found homes!

  22. What a great story!! and might I add boo to the people who neglected these poor guys..

    Side note..I am ready for summer to end also..pregnancy and 100 degrees is just a miserable combination..

  23. OMG, I started reading this at work and got super sad, so I had to read it at home. These dog stories are so sad, how do you stand it?

  24. Great story, Katie! I love your advocacy for animals...it makes you a million times cooler in my book!

    Give Koda a big ole' hug from me...afterall, at the end of the day, you have to think of the amazing life you and Mister have given him :) He is grateful...I just know it :)

  25. My daughter went to a pet adoption on the weekend. Dina from the Housewives was there. Dina adopted a little dog, Jack, who is in a wheelchair. Ashley took all kinds of pictures with her phone - I won't look!! I didn't want to hear about it at all. My heart breaks for these animals that have no home.

  26. I am such an animal lover too! Those stories brought tears to my eyes! As the momma of a rescue boxer I was about to come to Dallas to get the boxer if he wasn't adopted!

  27. wow. those poor dogs!!!! i have no heart when it comes to people like the pool people, or couples that have a baby and "dont have time for their dogs anymore" i dont have a kid or anything, but my dog was in my life before my kid. he gets to stay! now if the dog is attacking the kid or something, thats a diff story. Good for Brutus and Alex!!! Pooor alex before he was adopted. Ugh.

  28. First of all wow with the pool people! I'm glad good homes were found for them though!

  29. OMG I am an animal lover too and I just cried reading this.. I CANNOT believe some people! We have FOUGHT to keep our puppy alive (cancer, etc) and they just dump them off! Makes me sick! I wish I could take them all! I am glad you are helping find them homes :)

  30. That bit about the euthanization guy comforting the animals totally made be bawl my eyes out right here at my work desk!

    Someday all those people will be held accountable before God to how they treated His creatures.

  31. Anonymous6/16/2010

    One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is someone who has owned a dog and then had a child and then become too busy to take care of the dog...puhlease! People like that make me sick. My mother has rescued numberous dogs, she's currently has 8 in her house right now (she's a saint). The last dog she rescued was so overweight that she panted every time she ate. Her owners did the bare minimum and basically ignored the dog after they had their two kids. The old owners had a lot of money and the wife was a stay at home mom. Please...no time? I'm not saying that being a stay at home mom isn't hard, but neither is taking care of a dog. My mom said the dog is so sweet and is actually very well trained and thank goodness has lost a significant amount of weight so the poor thing can eat without having a heart attack. I'll get off my soap box now as well. Btw, if you need someone to add to your rescue list email please let me know. I live far away from you, but I'd like to do what I can.

  32. Anonymous6/17/2010

    This just made me cry! I can't believe how thin that poor dog is. I'm so glad that there are good people out there :)

  33. OMG i know you already shared this picture with me but that boxer pic makes me soooo sad, it reminds me of my poor mister bondi when he was sick. i dunno if i ever todl you the story and i only shared it at the very beginning of my blog.. (first blog post ever) but here it is: http://so-say-i.blogspot.com/2009/10/introductions.html

    BTW you will be happy to know i found a similar email list that i have joined here in seattle!

  34. These stories are incredible. I have such a heart for animals and to think of people getting rid of a living breathing feeling loving loyal companion is hard to comprehend. I'm sure you probably love petfinder.com as much as I do then. I can't stand the thought of lonely dogs and these stories make me so happy to hear.
