Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend PICTURE Re-cap!

YES.  You read that right.  I. took. PICTURES this weekend!!!  Can you beweave it!?!?  I'll give you a quick written update of our weekend o' fun, but mainly I'm going to SHOW you!  Except for yesterday because we went to church and both came home and proceeded to nap for 4 hours.  Neither I nor the Mister took pictures of ourselves napping.  We're still working on teaching Koda to take candid pictures when we're doing things that we can't capture like, sleeping.  He's having a little trouble with it, due to the fact that he's a miniature shadow of what we do so while we were sleeping (shout out, love that movie) he was curled up on the couch under my legs doing the same.  Which I don'tsomuch mind, so I guess I'll forgive him for not capturing the moment.

So, onto the weekend.  Friday night we had a few friends over for a cookout at casa de Fulmer and had a BLAST!  I laughed so much I was sure I was either going to cause myself to go into labor or wet my pants.  Thankfully, I did neither.  Here are a few picky pics of some of our guests.  Of course the boys were not included because they're buttheads about having their picture taken they were outside doing manly things like grilling.

{Ali, my MOH and me}

{My MOH, miss Kelly of Fabulous K (and my blog designer, have I mentioned that?) and me}

{We were trying to show everyone our "good side" for pictures.  If you haven't mastered this yet, email me and I will change your life.}

{And now we're POINTING to our good sides while Ali makes her best gangster face ...}

Let me also take a minute to say that I'm quite enjoying being the only person that doesn't drink on the weekends.  It's a whole OTHER form of entertainment in and of itself.

Saturday I went to a baby shower and then headed to my mom's house for her second birfday celebration.  We had a girl's day by the pool and soaked up some sun while giggling and acting silly.

{My sister and I.  And I promise I'm not naked, just in my strapless preggo suit.}

Speaking of my preggo bathing suit (and I can't believe I'm about to do this) since many of you asked, here is a little peek of my baby bump in a bathing suit ...

{I. look. giant.  And I think I'm getting preggo face.  But that's okay, that little 16 week bump is all I'm concerned about ...}

After the swimming birfday party (and PS there are no pics of the birfday girl posted because I was informed by my momma that if I posted any of the "sweaty-by-the-pool-with-no-makeup-on" pictures I would be killed, which is sewious), the Mister and I went to see Iron Man 2 Saturday night.  Which we both LOVED

Then, Sunday afternoon after church we proceeded to eat the biggest lunch ever and do this ...

{And that's about where Koda was in relation to me on the couch.}

Followed by eating Slurpees and Cheeto Puffs for dinner while watching ...

Which was good.  But I think it's time we put some chick flicks or comedies in our Netflix.  Cause I kinda wanted to jump off a ledge after watching this movie.  Sheesh.  Plus, can we please talk about how annoying this man's voice was?  At the beginning I literally said "Oh I don't know if I'll make it through 2 hours of this voice ..." but thankfully I got past it.

And that's all for the wrap up!  Aren't you SO proud of me that I took pictures!?!?!  Well, I am.  I will go ahead and say I'm not a huge fan of myself in pictures these days, I feel like everything is now going east to west including my hips, arse, arms and FACE.  I've heard of the pregnant face situation and I'm afraid I'm going to be struck with this loverly side effect.  But rest assured I've already vowed to run another 1/2 marathon 6 months after I have my little love and WILL (mark my words, you heard me say it here) look like this girl again one day soon ...

{Me with my MOH when SHE was preggers with P at the shower I threw her at my house.}

And speaking of, I'm thinking I need a little somethin' somethin' done to my hair to make me feel cuter with all the body changes goin' on.  Do y'all think I should cut it like I have it in this picture?  Or keep letting it grow out?  MOST pregnant people get this awesome, Pantene commercial type hair when they're pregnant but another select few get this awesome limp, dull hair that is NOTSOMUCH fun.  It does grow like a weed, but other than that notsomuch fun.  Thoughts?  Suggestions?  I value your opinions ladies!!!

I hope you all had equally good weekends as well, I'll be over to catch up on you soon!!!


  1. Awwww! Look at you and the little bumpy bump!! I loooove it! So freaking adorable! So sad I missed the partay at Casa de Fulmer :( But don't be surprised if I show up at the next one!

  2. i think you are positively adorable as a preggo!
    sunday afternoon naps are the BEST!

  3. Adorable pictures of you and your friends! You look great! And yes, left side if YOUR side! Love it!

    I'm really sad that there are no photos of Koda...

    What are you thinking for your hair? A cut? Color? Does your color hold well? I like the way it is now! Frames your face well and you always have it pulled back or up into something cute!

  4. I say go for cut! Or as I like to say "the mom cut" and do a fun bob! You will look cute no matter what!

  5. I think you should cut your hair.! You said it grows fast, so in no time it'll be grown out again.!
    You look great pregnant girl.!
    Have fun.

  6. Cute photos! I LOVE your hair now :)

  7. Anonymous6/14/2010

    i love how all girls have "a side." I think my bf wants to punch me every time we take a pic because I have to be on the left side...oh well. As long as I look cute in the pic, what does he care?!

    Your hair looks super cute in that last pic...but if it's growing fast might as well try it long for a while! It's easier to cut it than to grow it!

  8. Okay girl you look so AMAZING in your bathing suit. It looks great. You don't have preggo face at all!!!

  9. love all the pictures and seriously you are too cute! it kills me!

  10. That bathing suit is really cute! You look adorable! I think you should let your hair grow long, but I totally understand when it's all hard to deal with.. who knows, you may want a "mom" cut anyway right after you give birth, lol.. I made my hubby PROMISE me that I cannot under any circumstances cut my hair! I always end up hating it and it's not worth it! BTW, you totally do NOT have preggo face, omg, seriously I have seen people be barely recognizable in their right after birth pictures and you look gorgeous!

  11. I LOOOOOVE that teal/blue necklace you have on in the beginning pics! So pretty!

  12. What cute pictures!! Yayyy for taking them & I'm not so sure if I have a good side? I wouldn't cut your hair because you've been waiting so long for it to grow out!! Although the shorter style would look cute too!! & Hubs and I saw Iron Man 2 and loved it!!

  13. Such cute photos I love your baby belly cute little suit too. I totally have a right side only demand.. Hmmm.. Hair cut. I like you hair maybe do a more A line? Have you tried that before? I like your hair though!

  14. Super cute pics and fun preggo suite, too :). I say dont cut your hair. I havejust been going in for highlights and teeny 1/4 inch trims throughout pregnancy. My hairstylist actually said she often refuses to give preggos new 'dos b/c sometimes mamas-to-be are looking for a way to feel "cuter" and end up just feeling like they look even less like themselves/recognizable (if that's even possible when you're growing in places you didnt know possible, ha!). I like your hair the length it is! Oh, and I SO hear you on NOT getting the pantene preggo hair, either, we must have been standing in the wrong line when they passed that out.

  15. A cute haircut always makes me feel better! Go for it. Cute cute pics :)

  16. ohhh change my life! ;) you look SO cute in your prego suit!

  17. I'm so sure I have a "side"

    I can't get over your belly, Katie! Seriously! So stinkin cute!

    And you really don't look bad at all. You are still gorgeous so don't worry if your face gets little puffy! It will go away! I have a feeling I will get that it's easy for me to say this to you, but I bet if it happens to me I will freak out, lol. You will just have to remind me that it's okay!

  18. Well I happen to think that you look quite LOVERLY! :) Work it, own it...

  19. You look adorable in those pictures! :) Please teach me how to show my good side! haha

  20. Look at your baby bump!! You look precious! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  21. Oh my goodness I think you look so stinkin cute! I officially laughed out loud about the good side in pics! I am crazy about being on my good side in pics! It makes a world of difference but the MR always gets onto me for it! SOOO glad im not the only one

  22. I love that picture of you in your preggo suit! You look adorable!! And let the hair grow all long and sexy and shtuff. I loves long hair!

  23. Love your pictures :) And you look great girl!

  24. You are seriously so cute pregnant!! You are NOT a giant!! Love the pics from the weekend, the pool looks so relaxing!! Fun times!

  25. I love that necklace!! Where did you get it?

  26. Anonymous6/15/2010

    You look great! I do love your necklace..I absolutely love necklaces like that...Where did you get it? Your dress is really cute in your pre-baby picture :<)

