Wednesday, August 18, 2010


That's right sunshines.  It's back.  I know you've been waiting in utter anticipation.  And I also hope y'all can detect sarcasm when a sentence is dripping with it.  Because the previous one needs a napkin it's so drippy.  However, I DO do (hee hee) these for my own memory's sake since I'm losing more of it every day I've heard that with each pregnancy a part of your brain disappears when the baby is born.  Let's just hope y'all enjoy them as much as I'll enjoy reading them a few months after Caleb's born.  So here goes ...

When are you due:  I think y'all know this but November 24th.

How many weeks?:  26 TODAY!  Time for the "V" diagram, you know you missed it ...

{He's starting to look pretty smooshed up in there ... and thank goodness the jelly fish that was floating around in the other pictures turned out to be a umbilical cord.  Phew.}

Was this planned or unplanned:  Planned.  Only 2 months of planning, but planned.

How much weight gained:  Um, last time I checked I was at 20 lbs.  But it's been about 3 weeks since then so who knows ...

Is this your first pregnancy?:  Sure is!  Can't you tell from the baby and pregnancy info explosion all over my blog?

Latest food craving:  Blue Coconut slushies at Sonic.  I'm not sure if they're a craving or something I just really want every day, but either way I'm using it as an excuse to get one.

{Mmmmm.  Is it too early to get one now?  Maybe so.  And no those aren't my fries, I found this on google.  I'm a good girl and ONLY get the slush, even IF my head is screaming "get some tots, GET SOME TOTS!!!"  I try not to yell back.  It frightens the kids on skates ...}

Your top two name choices or baby's name:  Well they were Noah and Caleb, but as you've read, Caleb it is!

Worst Thing about being pregnant:  The akwardness of getting used to the weight gain thing ... and not being able to wear normal pants.  Don't get me wrong, the full panel is glorious and OH so comfy, but oh how I miss Nike running shorts, espeically in this heat ...

Best Thing about being pregnant:  Feeling my sweet boy move and wiggle around in my belly.  It's the coolest feeling in the world.  And being treated like you're a princess.  I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to do things for myself and complete strangers don't treat me like I'm a queen after baby boy gets here?

The first person you told was:  The Mister of course!

Are you more scared or excited:  A mixture of both, but the excited out weighs the scared.  Most of the time.  Until I start thinking of pushing something the size of a watermelon out of my youknowwhat and then the scared SHOVES the excited to the back burner.

Happy or mostly moody:  Happy.  The moody-ness is few and far between and usually (lucky for everyone else) happens when I'm by myself.

Last time you cried over something ridiculous was:  Oh goodness.  Every day.  Usually having to do with either a) animals or b) watching some baby show on The Discovery Channel.

You pee an estimated __ times a day?:  Not an astounding amount.  Now ask me this question when it comes to the night.  That's when the tinkle train REALLY pulls out of the station.

Weirdest dream you've had since pregnant?:  I really can't nail one down.  Last night I dreamt that I was some sort of Harry Potter-ish type of person, and so were all of my friends and we were fighthing whoever the bad guy was and when he showed up our house filled with water and we had to rescue all the animals we had saved (because they weren't magic like us) by letting them swim out the windows and letting them go, however Koda was there and I was crying that I couldn't leave him all alone and we had to keep him somehow.  Yeah, I don't know.  But the newborn baby, with the teeth, that talked to me, that I had to breastfeed probably takes the cake.

{Yep.  That's about right ...}

Will you breast feed:  I'm going to try my darndest!  I hear it's really hard, but I'm determined NOT to give up!

Words of wisdom:  As I've pretty much lost my mind at this point, I'm not sure I should be giving out and "pearls" of wisdom, see below for an explanation ...

So that's it for the Bumpdates, but there is ONE more story that I forgot to tell you about our vacay the week before last.  Since the Mister was going out of town straight from Michigan we had to take some creative measures in getting everyone to the airport.  Koda had to be dropped off at his Memaw & Pepaw's house, we had to have a car at the airport for the Mister to drive home once he got back from Orlando and my brother and Silly needed a ride as well.  SO, what we came up with, was my driving the Mister's truck to the airport, stopping on the way to pick up my brother and Silly and the Mister dropping Koda off at his parent's house and them taking him to the airport where we'd all meet up.  So the Mister had several instructions for me (as I usually travel with him and don't really pay attention to much of anything) and one of them included the parking part.  We were to park in the South lot, then take the shuttle to the terminal and make sure I got a ticket and remember where I'd left his car.  So, as I'm sitting down in the shuttle, UBER proud of myself for getting my brother and sister-in-law, getting to the airport on time, finding a spot and getting us on the bus, the driver says "Um miss, your car?"  to which I look over at and find that it's lights are on, still running.  Why?  Well because I'd left it on.  With the keys in it.  So the guy hops out, takes out the keys, locks the truck and hands them to me.  And that's when I looked at my brother and Silly and said "I offically have lost my brain to pregnancy."  Therefore, the reason I'm not offering up pearls of wisdom in the "words of wisdom" section of the Bumpdates.

And that's all from me today loverlies!!!  Make it a wonderful Wednesday, we're half way to the weekend!!!


  1. You are getting so close!!!

  2. I can't wait to see what your sweet boy looks like!

  3. Love the Bumpdates!

    Noah is one of my favorite names, too! LOVE!

    And hilarious car story :)

  4. Anonymous8/18/2010

    Love it! I like reading about people farther along than me to figure out what to expect. More brain loss than I'm already having???OH dear. Last week I made a list of things we need and looked back over it this week and realized I forgot a carseat. haha. And I have really weird dreams too, last night I dreamed about laffy taffy and zours candy (which you better bet I'm eating today!) and then I had a dream there was a shooting outside my house and the killer was hiding in the bushes so when I unlocked the door to look (why I would do this, I don't know) he tried to get into my house. Its out of control!

  5. You are too funny! I wish I could tell you your brain would come back once you deliver, but it doesn't! I have to write everything down because my memory is GONE! I can't imagine what it will be like after 2 or 3 little ones! HA!

  6. I'm still LOL-ing about the truck, but that picture of the baby with teeth is the scariest thing ever!

    Thanks for the bumpdate you are getting so close!

  7. People will still help and treat you like a princess when he gets here because they will be smitten over that little angel of yours! Hope you're feeling good this week.

  8. I love your bumpdates!!

    No preggers picture this time?

    Noah is such a cute name too!

    Oh boy, good thing someone noticed the car was on before you left!

  9. I am loving the bumpdates!

    It will be here before you know it!! And I crave blush sonic slushes and I'm not pregnant! I need to get prego so I can have a good excuse!


  10. I love the bumpdate....LOL about your funny I don't have an excuse I just have Summer brain LOL

    You are getting closer girlie eeeeeeeeek
    Summer :0)

  11. Yay for bumbdates. I like them. Ooo I love the name cute :)

    HAHAHAHAHA o=k I lvove the car story. Luvky that guy noticed eh? I have actually locked my keys in the car while it was still running. Pretty bad eh. Top top it off I didnt realize it for hours so needless to say I had a dead battery when I came back. And I didnt even have a pregnancy to blame it on

  12. Oh gosh! Well at least he was nice enough to let you know you forgot to turn it off hahaha!

  13. This is the cutest thing I've seen or read all day!! If I ever have one, this is definitely something I'll have to do.

  14. Im so exited for you. I love reading these. (: Hope everything is going oh so well.!

  15. Haha! And now I really want to get some tots at Sonic!

  16. Love the bumpdates!! :)

    Can you link me up this AM please? <3

  17. Tots with cheese! Baby Fulmer would appreciate that.

  18. 26 weeks!! It seems to be going to fast....only 14 more to go!! YAY.
