Wednesday, August 25, 2010

27 Weeks!

Okay, so I'm going to do the laziest. thing. ever. today.  And that's not post any bumpdates.  BUT BUT BUT (I can hear the snarls and knashing of teeth now) I AM going to post a bump PIC!  Sometimes that's even better, right?  I just figured I rambled enough for two days yesterday that today I would just make short and sweet and I'm being insanely lazy and should've gotten off the couch about an hour before I actually did this morning.

So here you go, 27 weeks in my pregnancy uniform (i.e. hat & pigtails) ...

{BTW, that shirt came from Forever 21.  It was on sale for $6.99.  And I'm pretty sure I've worn the HECK outta that $6.99 since I think I've worn it at least 7 times since I bought it.  Last week.  What?  It's SO comfortable!}

And that's it from me today loves!  Tomorrow is our 7 month (a bit early) appointment and I'm SO excited we get to see little bit's face tomorrow!  I also have to have the glucose testing so everyone please pray that I don't test positive for gestational diabetes.  I've heard it totally has to do with how you eat when you're preggers but I have friends of all shapes and sizes that SHOULD have it that didn't and that SHOULDN'T have it but did.  Also, last but not least, I am SO pumped because my mom surprised me yesterday with a pregnancy massage!!!  I go tomorrow morning with her and my Mamaw to have 45 minutes of HEAVEN!  They are each getting regualr treatments of course, but we're making a girl day of it!  I will let y'all know how it was, and shoot maybe even take some pictures of our lovely spa day!  Happy Wednesday loverlies!!! 


  1. OOOo have fun tomorrow! I am asking the hubbs for a pregnancy massage for my birthday :)

  2. I officially declare YOU~my Dear...the CUTEST pregger out~there!
    Seriously CUTE!
    That little bundle is going to LOVE your cute self as it's mommy!

  3. How exciting a pregnancy massage! I like the non bump date update! That's alot of stuff to fill out!

  4. Anonymous8/25/2010

    Have fun tomrrow!! That sounds like a wonderful day. Love your bump. So cute! :)

  5. I love your shirt and bump!!!

  6. Have fun! Love the top, and the hat!

  7. You're such a cutie! Enjoy the massage...sounds fabulous!

    Prayers for good test results from the glucose test!

  8. What an awesome surprise! :)

    And you are looking lovely!

  9. You're such a hoot! I love reading your blog! Your belly is so adorable...I prefer bump pics over bumpdates anyday :)
    Hope everything goes ok at the doctors appointment!

  10. I did my glucose yesterday, still waiting for results.

    Looking good momma!

  11. You look so cute! i am loving that top!

  12. You look adorable, Katie! Love the outfit!!

    Have fun tomorrow!!

  13. You are such a cutie patootie! Enjoy your massage!

  14. You're precious!

    Enjoy the massage tomorrow.

  15. Ahh you are so cute! :)

    Enjoy your massage and good luck with the glucose test!

  16. Ah you look great! Good luck on your test and enjoy your massage! :)

  17. I see your pretty, smiling, glowing face behind that camera!!
    Wait til you get to week 36...I throw on whatever is comfortable...bra straps hanging out, panty lines showing...I really don't care.

    Good luck with your glucose test! Yay!!! Massage!!

  18. Massage, fun!! Make sure you do NOT eat or drink anything before test!!!!! If so, you'll likely test positive and then have to do the 3 hour retest...ugh!!!!!! Good Luck!!

  19. Anonymous8/25/2010

    too cute! I totally have a uniform too! lol
    yoga capir pants and a tank top from gap!
    LOVE THEM :)

  20. Good luck tomorrow love! Prayers your way!!

  21. oh my goodness!!! Look at you cute mommy to be! :)

  22. That is a cute shirt and I cannot believe the price! I love Forever 21!!

  23. I do not blame you for not filling out all the info!! The pic is just enough!!

    Have fun at the apt and so jealous of your massage!

  24. You look so great!! Ahh, I just love the bump updates :)

    Good luck tomorrow, I will be praying for y'all!

    xoxo to you and Koda!

  25. You're so cute! Love the shirt and bump updates via photos! I definitely think if you had a reality show, I'd be a fan!

  26. Good luck today cutie patootie! I hope you figured out that glucose yuckiness...

  27. Anonymous8/26/2010

    I bet a pregnancy massage will be amazing-have fun!

  28. You're super adorable preggers! Hope the glucose test went well!!
