Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nada, Zilch, Nuttin'.

Well, it's one of those days.  Days where I have nothing and I mean NUTTIN' to talk about.  Which usually makes for a post that's about a novel's length, so you may want to refill your coffee, diet coke, stock up on necessities and maybe even visit the little girl's room before you start reading this post.  SINCE I have a fat load of nothing to talk about today I thought I'd tell y'all about a few things that have seemed funny or maybe even bothered me lately.  First off, my "What to Expect" updates that I get in email and iPhone app form decides to deliver this lovely tidbit a day or two ago ...

"Starting around now, nearly three-quarters of pregnant women begin to experience mild swelling of the feet and ankles. Called edema, such swelling occurs when fluids accumulate in your body tissues as a result of increased blood flow."

Now let me backtrack by saying that these "What to Expect" updates are super hit or miss with me.  They can send me symptom after symptom that I MAY be having and I won't have a single one, HOWEVER, sometimes they'll send me an update and I SWEAR I don't have this symptom until I read it and then BAM, heartburn and naseau.  Or BAM, pounding headaches.  I'm serious, it's like it happens the minute I'm reading it.  So back to the edema, this was a "BAM, cankles and swelling" kind of experience for me when I read this email a few days ago.  I literally looked down and my feet had suddenly grown two sizes giving me the ability to buy shoe sizes they only wear in the NBA.  So, I figure SURELY they'll tell me how to relieve it, and read on.  Only to get this advice ...

"To spell swell relief, avoid sitting or standing for a long time."

Avoid sitting.  And standing.  HUH?  Now pardon my ignorance but does this stump anyone else?  What is my alternative?  Standing on my head?  Limbo'ing?  Back stroking across the floor?  Doing the Pee Wee Herman Tequila dance across my kitchen countertops? 

Way to confuse me "What to Expect" ... thanks for that.  Also, I thought you spelled swell relief s-w-e-l-l-r-e-l-i-e-f.  But I could be wrong ...

This is about how I feel.  (Sidenote, I THINK that's a Garbage Pail Kid!  Does anyone remember them?  You could buy their cards (almost like baseball cards but so not) at 7-11 and my brother and I used to BEG our mom to let us get some everytime we passed a 7-11)

Which brings me to another point.  The heat.  It's a good thing I have all my family and most of my friends in the DFW Metroplex because if I didn't it's possible I'd want to move every summer.  Even now I frequently say "Why do we live here again?"  Holy sweating cankles.  I know.  Sorry.  That's gross.  TMI.  But I can't EXPLAIN to y'all (that aren't pregnant, the ones that are don't need to be explained to) how much I am SICK of sweating ALL THE DADGUM TIME!  I'm not kidding.  I sweat non-stop.  Inside, outside, in the shower.  It doesn't matter.  Oh and did I mention I found out that baby boys make their mommas about 10 degrees WARMER than baby girls?  Cause they do.  Go figure.  Half the time I don't even know why I shower anymore because about 5 minutes into the getting ready process I start to sweat more than the Biggest Loser contestants during their 5 hour workouts!  And sweating when you're all dressed and full makeup'ed just isn't cute. 

Not even he can make that look good ...

HOWEVER, we do have some relief on the horizon.  APPARENTLY (I'll believe this when I see it because I'm convinced that most weather forecasters just google "my daily weather horoscope" and report whatever they get the news) it's supposed to be 93 for the HIGH tomorrow!  WHAT?  No triple digits?  I'm not sure we'll know what to do with ourselves?!?!  That's about 10 degrees (roughly, probably closer to 12) lower than it's been for, oh I don't know, say the last month?  Possibly 2?  All I have to say is BRING ON THE FALL BABY!  I'm ready.  Me, my decorations, my boots and leggings (and giant tent-like tops that I have yet to buy) and my fall-scented candles.  All ready for your beautimous cool air to grace us with your prescence. 

That's pretty much all the whining blabbing I'm going to do today ladies.  Thanks for hanging in there and listening to my ramblings!  I hope your Tuesdays are terrific, I'll see you tomorrow for some 27 week Bumpdates!


  1. I agree- I am SO ready for Fall! Scarf's, decaf HOT mochas, leggings, BRING IT!!

  2. Ok, triple digit heat?!? I am officially done complaining about the heat here...in fact we've been in the 80s for the last couple of days. And I promise you are still the cutest pregnant gal I know....27 weeks!!! 13 to go :)

  3. That doll's face looks like a butt. And I'm so excited about the weather tomorrow I might even wear a sweater. Okay, maybe not but still... bring on the Cold Front!

    P.S. can't wait for the shower! :)

  4. I'm still laughing thinking about you doing the PeeWee Herman dance

  5. I got a kick out of the "avoid sitting or standing for long amounts of time" when I was reading about how to alleviate my swelling, too. Um ... I guess I'll just float around.

  6. My friend was sooo swollen that people actually started called her a Cabbage Patch kid! You know how their feet and hands are just round pudgy things that look like they are swallowing the fingers and toes that are attached to them? Well, that is what she looked like (though people didn't have to SAY it, poor thing) and also her shoes were leaving marks on her feet, like they were really DIGGING in there, AND her stupid doc just told her to put her feet up! I'm convinced she had preeclampsia!

  7. My Doc told me to sit w/ my feet elevated to reduce swelling. It did make me feel better but nothing I did reduced the swelling until after Shamus was born. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if ur feet have already swelled, then ur boots won't fit:( It sux, but I think I mentioned this a couple months ago. Remember-water weight is super easy to lose. Keep repeating that to urself:)

  8. Anonymous8/24/2010

    I am sooo ready for the fall too! And about mommas carrying boys being hotter? I believe it! I am carrying a little boy and oh my lands am I hot ALLLL the time. And I'm only 19 weeks so I'm scared for the future. But at least when it gets cold outside I can just step outside to cool down. I hear you on the shower thing. Some days I wonder why in the world I even showered I'm just a hot mess getting ready. haha

  9. You're hilarious! I was pregnant last summer and thankfully went into labor 4 weeks early (mid-July instead of August) b/c I don't think I could have handled the heat. Little boys definitely heat you up!! Hang in there - it's bound to get cooler soon! I'm so tired of 100+ EVERYDAY!!! Hope the weatherman is right - 93 will be a WELCOME change! HA!

  10. Oh I am so ready for fall cuteness as well! Now I don't want you to get mad but here in Mass its only really every been humid and in the 90s but all fo the sudden the last 2 days have been in the 60s. I would like a happy medium but I am sure you would take the 60s in a heartbeat!

    Hope your swelling goes down, I know it is NOT a good feeling! Remember no sitting or standing...how about hover!

  11. I busted out laughing when you were talking about no sitting or standing, the girl in the office next to mine asked me what was so funny! haha Oh, I hope you get some cooler weather! :)

  12. I had an awesome collection of Garbage Pail Kids cards...those things were awesome (and totally gross....). Wonder where they are now...I'm sure my mom got rid of them! ha

  13. Oh Garbage pail kids....

    Hey we are gonna have to postpone our THurs thingy for another week or so. I started grad school this week and im super stressed with trying to figure out when to blog and when to study...its tough! Is that ok?

  14. I can't even imagine being pregnant in heat like that. I sweat when it's anything over 70 so I would be miserable!

  15. I feel you on the heat! I live in SC and this week we've been fortunate enough to not have triple degree weather...the humidity is still unbearable though! I went through the summer pregnant and with a boy and everything you are saying about sweating is true and then some! This is so gross but I remember being so fat and hot and going into the store and one of my step kids telling me that my butt was wet from sweating! GAROSSSSEEEE! I feel your pain! That's why my next pregnancy is going to conceived in the summer so I can go thru the winter! I hope you start to get some relief soon! xoxo

  16. Aw man I am wishing some cooler weather your way! Miss chatting with you - send me an email sometime!

  17. Anonymous8/25/2010

    oh honey! i remember exactly how you are feeling... it WILL pass. just keep thinking about the little guy who is doing it to you:)! i love you (and wish i had a nickel for every day i want/need to write a blog post and have NADA to write about...)
