Friday, August 20, 2010

Pregnancy Brain ...

HI friends!  It'sssss FRIDAY, it's FRIDAY, I LOVE ya, it's FRIDAY, you're only no days aw-ay, itt'ssss FRIDAY ... well you get the idea.  It's the weekend, woot woot!  I know, I know you're thinking "psshhhhh whatev Katie, everyday's a weekend for you miss SAHW" which you'd be right, BUT it's not everyday that I get to spend it with the Mister.  THAT'S why I like weekends!

Moving right along to the neverending pregnancy brain, remember how I told you I had WONDERFUL surprise visitors last weekend?  Well, one of my bestest's was driving through Dallas on her way to Austin to visit her rents and I was LUCKY enough to get to have her crew stay with little ole ME!  We laughed, we cried, we SQUEEE'ED and girly danced.  We kissed new babies, rubbed baby bellies, introduced our pups and talked about all the horrors and WONDERS of labor and delivery.  But what did we NOT do?  Well take a dadgum picture that's what!  Um, SERIOUSLY?  We're both bloggers!  How did we NOT take a picture of the fact that I was meeting sweet baby Harper for the first time?  Or the fact that we see each other once a year (this year twice, yipee!)?  Or the fact that Koda tried to take advantage of sweet Hurley (their female boxer) even though he doesn't have to goods to?  Maybe because she was beating him up with her boxing skills and he needed to show her what a "man" he was.  Speaking of, have y'all ever seen a boxer box?  It might be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.  They rear up on the back legs and "box" with their front paws.  Again, wish I had taken a picture because the look of "What tha H are you doing?" on Koda's face was priceless.  Anyways, back to the fact that the two mommas have lost their minds, THANKFULLY Linds had a brilliant idea.  If we can't (i.e. FORGOT TO) take pictures together, we can do the next best thing ...

{Oh so very happy about my surprise guests!}

{Oh so very unhappy when I realize they're not here to be in my picture ...}

{Koda's sad too because he misses his girlfriend Hurley.  What's that?  He looks sweepy?  No, no he's sad, he said "mum, i's sadz cuz dat boksur lef an' she tuks mah hart wif her"}

And yes I took those pictures the same day I took yesterday's pictures.  I had someone DO my hair people!  It's not everyday your hair looks that good.  You've got to work with what you got.  Right?  Right.  So moving right along, head on over to Team Us and check out Linds's similiar post.  Come back to Texas SOON LBT, we miss you!  Plus, Caleb needs to meet his wife from his future arranged marriage future bride when he gets here!

That's all from me today loves.  Happy HAPPY weekend!  I hope y'all have a great one!


  1. Anonymous8/20/2010

    I LOVE your dog. ADORABLE. I also love how he talks. Precious. :)

  2. LOL! Okay, that picture of you with your "guest" is awesome -- tooo funny! :)

    I h-a-t-e when I don't whip out my camera for moments like those! I always sulk about it later. Bummer :(

    Have an awesome weekend with the mister!

  3. So glad you got to enjoy some time with your friend :)

  4. Enjoy your weekend with your honey!

  5. I just have to tell you that I think your hair is adorable and I HEART your blue nail polish. From one SAHW/pregnant lady to another, its motivating me to actually get ready today and possibly paint my nails again. Its been a while! I usually only somewhat get ready for my pregnancy update pictures! lol. Hopefully the hubby enjoys his wife looking cuter today!

  6. I love your pictures, too funny! And poor Koda he really looks depressed.

    Have a great weekend!! :)

  7. I was thinking your hair looked really good! I am also a SAHW, and look forward to the weekends with my man! Enjoy :)

  8. Love the cute! :)

  9. OMG KODA.. if that is not the SADDEST Dog face I have ever seen??!!! OMG!!!! That could be on the sara mcglaughlin save the animals commercials, except of course for the fact that your pup is privileged and special and not abused. Maybe just E-MO. :-) BTW so this boxer attacked my pup homie at crossfit a couple weeks ago and the owner said he was just "Boxing" - I'm all about letting my dogs roughhouse but this was not boxing this was snarling and hair up and please don't eat my puppy. So I guess I have yet to see "boxing" haha but Bondi does use his paws alot to get Homie off of him, and I love that!

  10. ummm... . HONEY your hair is SOOOOOO very cute! :-) I love it!

  11. Pretty pic lady! I have a boxer it is the funniest thing to watch him box with other dogs!

  12. Aw, at least you got to see her!

  13. Awe, well atleast you had a great time.!

  14. Anonymous8/23/2010

    aren't we so cute?? well you are pretty much the cutest thing ever. i love your post!
