Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Few Progress Pics ...

First off, thank you ALL for the sweet comments about my shower yesterday!  I will agree with y'all, my friends ARE super talented and incredible in every way!!!  I wanted to show you a few pictures of some of the things actually IN Caleb's room ...

Those letters my MOH made will hang from a blue ribbon over Caleb's crib (when it gets here) ...

That is the antique dresser that was in my Mamo and Papa's first house.  It's over 65 years old and a super cool green distressed color.  It looks great with the wall and the mural will hang over it.  I am going to make two murals that look similar to this ...

I love these two quotes and love the idea of incorporating Disney into little man's room.  I can't wait to put it all together, we just have to wait for the crib and glider to come in.

Also, I'm not sure if any of you noticed but my FABULOUS friend and blog designer, Kelly, made me a new Thoughtless Thursday button!  It looks amazing compared to the janky excuse for a button that I had before (which was one that I made).  I can't WAIT to use it this Thursday and for y'all to play along and post it in your posts!!!  Y'all have been such great participators in the past, I SO appreciate it!!!

That's all I have for today friends, I hope you have fanTABULOUS Tuesdays!!!


  1. Those quotes are cute! Love the new button

  2. I love the quotes. So cute! And the new button is too cute!

  3. Anonymous9/21/2010

    It's starting to come together!!! It's going to be so cute!!!

  4. It looks so good already! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. The nursery is going to be oh so cute!

    You really do have such crafty friends and family!

  6. Okay, so I'm loving your green walls!! What color did you use and where did you get if you don't mind me asking? I am doing my little man's room in green, and this color would be perfect!!

  7. Sweet Katie! I ADORE those two quotes!!!! :-) You are so talented and I can't wait to see the finished product!

  8. His room is going to look great! Can't wait to see pictures of the finished product :)

  9. You are such a designer genius---Caleb's room is going to look great! I can't wait to see it finished! I'm working on Emersyn's room now too...well her "big girl" room. I have been at a standstill for the past month. Oops!!
    Love the new button too! :)

  10. It is moving right along, so adorable!!!

  11. I Love those quotes!! I may have to steal them one day haha :)
    Also, I love the mural type thing with his initials; does your friend have an etsy site?

  12. It's coming together!!!! Woohoo!! Loved all the shower pics... too fun and so exciting!!!!
