I know I say this every month. But, I can't believe our boy is eight months old. Being eight months means you don't like to sit still for chair pics. I'll let the pictures show you for themselves ...
{"Dadgummit, here she comes with that camera again. Couldn't we have at least brushed the bed-head out of my hair?"}
{"Maybe if I sit in this unflattering position and act uniterested she'll stop with the incessant picture taking."}
{"I guess it needs to be even MORE unflattering ..."}
{"Well, I guess that didn't work I might as well sit ... oh lookie there she cleaned that spot up I was so interested in last time!"}
{"I've got Elmo on my diaper. I sure do love Elmo. I think I remember my mom talking about an attention span last time ..."}
{"You really got that spot out GOOD!"}
{"Did I ever tell you about the time there was an Elmo on my diaper?"}
{"Well, I'll tell you some other time cause seriously, I'm eight months old and too grown up to sit here any longer."}
{"Does this angle make my thighs look big?"}
{"Alright woman, I'm even less amused than I was when we started this tomfoolery. Let's wrap this up."}
{"Fine. I'll just go ahead and lie down while throwing a mini-fit at the same time."}
{"LOOK, it's a bird! It's a plane! It's ..."}
{"Ha ha, made ya look, made ya look."}
{"Well aren't you a soft chair ..."}
{"Attention span schmam ..."}
{"Okay. For real this time. I'm done. If we don't cut this out, the pillow dies."}
And about 3 seconds after the above picture he looked like he was about to dive over the side of one of the arms of the chair which = mommy deciding we're done. Here was the winner of the bunch.
Happy eight months my bed-headed angel baby boy. I love you more than you will ever know and it just gets stronger every day.